Millionaire Fools a Gold Digger — Story of the Day

Seasoned shyster Morgan targets wealthy businessman Griffin, hoping for an easy ride and a life of luxury. But she soon learns the error of her ways when he turns the tables on her and exposes her gol


Seasoned shyster Morgan targets wealthy businessman Griffin, hoping for an easy ride and a life of luxury. But she soon learns the error of her ways when he turns the tables on her and exposes her gold-digging intentions.


Inside the Grandeur Hotel's lobby, Morgan, in an emerald dress, noticed Griffin standing by a grand piano. He stood out with his sleek briefcase and tailored suit. She knew how to recognize extreme wealth from a mile away, and it was time to use some of her tricks to get that man in her bag.

"Good afternoon, Morgan," said the bellhop, Tommy, as she walked by.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Youtube/DramatizeMe

"Afternoon, Tommy," Morgan responded without much attention, focused on Griffin.

Making her move, she deliberately bumped into the wealthy man, causing his briefcase to spill hundreds of dollars. "Oh my!" she exclaimed as the bills scattered. Kneeling to help him, their hands touched briefly, and their eyes made contact.


"Thank you," Griffin's deep voice broke the silence. "I can't believe this happened."

"It's no problem at all," Morgan assured him, slipping some bills into her dress discreetly. "That's quite a stash you have there. How much is in that case?" She couldn't resist asking.

"Close to one million dollars," he replied nonchalantly.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Youtube/DramatizeMe

Griffin then suggested dinner at Twilight, a posh restaurant near the hotel, as a thank you, but Morgan hesitated, wanting to play hard to get. Yet, not wanting to lose the opportunity, she quickly nodded.

"I'll meet you there," she decided, smiling widely.


As she walked away, the bellhop, Tommy, approached Griffin with a look of concern. "Sir, I hope everything is alright. That was quite a spill."

Griffin gave him a reassuring nod. "All is well, thanks to Morgan. She's quite the lady."

Morgan overheard and felt a pang of guilt, but not enough to change her plans. She was determined to leverage the dinner into more.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Youtube/DramatizeMe


On her way to the restaurant a few hours later, Morgan saw herself in the reflection of a boutique window. She gulped at her appearance, which was confident but desperate. Shaking her head, she walked forward, planning to have a successful dinner with Griffin.


When she reached Twilight, Griffin greeted her warmly. "You look stunning," he said.

They shared a dinner filled with engaging conversation, though Morgan was focused on her strategy.

The evening shifted when a waiter with the name tag Gary, confronted her about an unpaid bill. "You owe us $400 from last time," he stated directly.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Youtube/DramatizeMe

She wanted to punch him for embarrassing her in front of Griffin, who was frowning. "What's the issue here?" Griffin inquired.

Gary explained Morgan's past offense. She tried to dismiss it. "There's been a mistake," she said but couldn't come up with anything on the fly. Ultimately, she confessed to Griffin about her "hardships" after he offered to pay her debt. Then came the revelation that made Morgan almost jump in her seat: Griffin mentioned he was interested in buying the restaurant.


Morgan knew then how to continue. She spun a tale of past difficulties, claiming financial ruin after her husband's affair. "He left me for someone else and took everything," she said, breathing roughly.

Griffin nodded, his eyes kind and thoughtful.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Youtube/DramatizeMe

"I had nothing. No money, no support. My family—they helped as much as they could, but it wasn't enough. I was desperate," she continued.

He leaned forward, gently taking her hand. "It takes courage to strive for a better path. I admire your resilience," he said, warming Morgan's heart.

"Thank you. It means a lot coming from you," she responded, touching her chest to finish her act.

"No one's life is perfect. We all have challenges," Griffin said, leaning back on his chair and sighing before turning quiet for a few moments. Finally, he raised his glass, "To new beginnings."

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Youtube/DramatizeMe

As the evening progressed, Griffin discussed buying the restaurant with Neville, the manager, something that attracted more interest from Morgan. She knew this was the man that could change her life.

"Buying a restaurant just like that? You're full of surprises," she remarked, admiration evident in her tone.

Griffin then told Morgan to order anything she desired, leading her to choose caviar and lobster. As they waited for the food, his gaze drifted to the suitcase beside him. She noticed it was the same briefcase he dropped before, the one full of cash.


On cue, Griffin opened it for her, showing her the bills to tell her he was serious about buying the restaurant. Intrigued, Morgan finally asked about his background and how he became so wealthy.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Youtube/DramatizeMe

He didn't give a complete answer; he just said he had "a unique set of skills" involving travels and businesses on the edge of legality.

"That sounds adventurous and a little dangerous," she remarked, leaning forward.

"Life is an adventure, Morgan," Griffin shrugged, putting some cash down to settle the restaurant bill. "And yes, sometimes it's dangerous. But that's what makes it exciting, doesn't it?"

Unexpectedly, Griffin excused himself for a call, leaving Morgan to contemplate the allure and perils of his lifestyle. The luxury of the meal they'd just enjoyed reflected the life she dreamed of with Griffin. She almost wanted to rub her hands together at the literal treasure she had found.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Youtube/DramatizeMe

But the manager came to her with a grave expression a few minutes after Griffin had walked away. "Miss," Neville began, agitated. "We have a serious problem. The's counterfeit."

She frowned. "But—but how can that be?" Her mind raced as she realized the implications.

The waiter joined them, chiming in with an unhelpful comment. "Considering your past here, we need to know if you can settle your bill tonight."

As her forehead started to sweat, Morgan took out the bills she had stolen from Griffin before. But Neville took one look at them and shook his head. "These are counterfeit as well. I'm sorry, ma'am, but I have no choice but to call the police."

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Youtube/DramatizeMe

"No, please, there must be some mistake. Griffin—he'll be back. He can explain everything!" she begged, rising from the table.

"I'm truly sorry, but we must follow procedure," the manager insisted. "Unless you're willing to work off the bill."

"Work off the bill? You mean, here?" she gasped, stepping back as if he'd slapped her.

"Yes," Neville confirmed. "You could help clean up after closing. It's not ideal, but it's better than involving the police."

After a few minutes of silence, it was clear that Griffin had skipped out on her. Morgan didn't have a choice as she faced the prospect of being arrested. "I'll do it. I'll work off the bill," she said, feeling defeated.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Youtube/DramatizeMe

The once glamorous evening had turned into a sobering reality. She was given a broom and mop and the task of helping with the cleanup. After a long while, the closed front doors of the restaurant opened, and Griffin walked in.

"You're back!" she exclaimed, fixing herself.

Griffin stepped to her slowly and said, "Ah, Morgan, hard at work, I see."

"Where have you been? Do you have any idea what I've been through?" Morgan demanded.

"I do, actually," he nodded. "It was all a setup. A lesson, if you will."

"A lesson? For what?" she asked, her mouth wide open.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Youtube/DramatizeMe


"See, I've always owned this restaurant. You left without paying last time," he explained. "I wanted to teach you a lesson. Our meeting was no coincidence."

"You did all this to expose me?" she gasped.

Griffin's expression softened. "You could say that. But I see more in you than just a gold I mistaken?"

"I'm sorry," Morgan gulped, looking down.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Youtube/DramatizeMe


"Life is about choices, Morgan. You're capable of more," he encouraged, but she was looking away in shame, so he walked away.

After Griffin left, Morgan reflected on her actions, recognizing the need for change. Her work cleaning the restaurant symbolized her first steps toward accountability.

The waiter approached her later. "I hope tonight was enlightening for you," he said, noting her different demeanor.

Morgan felt a pang of rage, but it quickly vanished. "I'm sorry," she admitted. "I'll work until I pay everything off."

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Youtube/DramatizeMe

Dawn broke as Morgan completed her tasks. Her back was sore, and her pride was wounded, but somehow, she felt lighter, unburdened, and ready to pursue a life of honesty and integrity.


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