Daughter Vanishes, Father Tracks Her Phone and Loses the Gift of Speech – Story the Day

Widowed Peter is in turmoil as his daughter, missing for three days, is discovered to have never been enrolled at the university she claimed to attend. Desperate for answers, he hires a hacker, only t

Widowed Peter is in turmoil as his daughter, missing for three days, is discovered to have never been enrolled at the university she claimed to attend. Desperate for answers, he hires a hacker, only to be shocked by the unsettling truth he uncovers.


Peter sat at his grand dining table, eating mechanically while glancing at his phone frequently. He was waiting for a response from his daughter, Catherine, who hadn't answered his calls for three days. Sighing, he redialed her number, only to be met with silence.

Gazing at a photo of his late wife, Caroline, Peter mused, "My dear Caroline. If only you were around, you could help Catherine and I find a common language."

The loss of Caroline had deepened the rift between him and Catherine, especially since he had immersed himself in work to cope with the grief.

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Peter remembered his recent call with Catherine. He had excitedly offered her a job opportunity through a businessman friend after she finished university. Catherine, however, wasn't happy.


"You're deciding my fate for me again!" she'd exclaimed. "I never wanted to go to that university. You know I always wanted to dance, to follow my passion. But you made me give it up, forced me into a life I never chose!"

With that, she hung up, leaving Peter to grapple with the reality of their strained relationship.

Feeling a deep sense of loss and realizing how little he knew about Catherine's life and dreams, Peter now called his business partner, Alan, for any information.

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"I'm a bit worried about Catherine," he said on the phone. "She hasn't been answering my calls. Have you seen her? You're overseeing operations in the same town where she's studying, so I'm assuming you might have crossed paths."


"I haven't seen Catherine for a while, Peter," Alan responded. "She's pretty independent, you know. If I hear anything, I'll let you know."

"Thanks, Alan. I appreciate it."

Peter ended the call, feeling more helpless than before.

Eventually, he called the university where he believed Catherine was studying. "I'm calling about my daughter, Catherine G—" he said, concern evident in his voice.

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"I'm sorry, Mr. Greenwood, but there's no student by that name enrolled at our university," the university official replied, leaving Peter in shock. He somehow thanked her and ended the call. Peter didn't understand what was happening. How could Catherine not be enrolled at the university? He was sending her tuition money every semester.


Confused and worried, Peter decided to visit the police station. He met Officer Mount and explained everything. "My daughter, Catherine, is missing. She hasn't responded to my calls, and she's not registered at the university..." He also told him he'd been sending her funds, thinking she was busy building her career.

"Do you know her friends or anyone she might spend time with?" Officer Mount asked.

"I... I don't know," Peter admitted, realizing his estrangement from Catherine's life.

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"Mr. Greenwood, it sounds like your daughter might just need some space. You know how kids are these days," the officer suggested. And Peter believed him for a moment. After all, he knew Catherine was upset with him.


But if she was ignoring him simply due to a heated conversation and not caring about how stressed he was because he could not get in touch with her, he would make her realize how wrong she was!

Determined, Peter returned home and called Simon, a programmer in Peter's company known for his hacking abilities. "Simon, it's Peter. I need your help to track my daughter's phone," he urgently requested.

"Mr. Greenwood, you know that's not exactly... legal, right?"

"I'm aware, Simon. But I'm desperate," Peter insisted. "There's a good reward if you just help me!"

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Agreeing to help, Simon soon arrived at Peter's house and started tracking Catherine's phone. After intense focus and rapid keystrokes, Simon finally located her. "I managed to trace her phone. She's at a nightclub called the Red Moon," he informed Peter.


Peter gazed at the computer screen. "This nightclub is in the same town where she's studying," he murmured, scanning the address.

"Can you track her night activities?" he asked urgently.

"It's complex; I'd need to track her movement patterns. But I can access her phone camera for real-time insights," Simon replied hesitantly.

"Do it," Peter urged.

Minutes later, a live feed showed Catherine dancing provocatively on stage in a nightclub surrounded by strip poles. "It can't be," Peter whispered, shocked.

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The sound of a woman's voice filled the room, encouraging Catherine. Peter's heart sank with a mix of emotions.


As Simon left, Peter decided to go to the town where Catherine was.


Driving through the night to the town where he'd sent his daughter to study, Peter was haunted by the thoughts of the video and his daughter's secret life. He couldn't help but think about the money, about $200,000 in total, that he had sent over four years, believing it was for her education.

As dawn broke, Peter arrived in the city, tired but determined. When he reached the club, he found it closed, but the club's administrator was just arriving to start the day. Peter approached the woman.

"Hi, I'm Peter. I'm looking for my daughter, Catherine, a dancer here," he explained.

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The woman shook her head. "We don't employ dancers like that. This is a regular nightclub."

Peter insisted, "I saw her in a video. She was dancing here, on stage."

The woman thought for a moment. "You must mean 'Dancing Queen.' They were here for a private event. They're not part of our regular staff."

Peter's eyes widened. "Dancing Queen? Can you give me their contact?"

The woman smiled slightly. "They're well-known around here. Just search 'Dancing Queen' online. You'll find all you need."

Peter did that. Online, he discovered numerous images of Catherine with 'Dancing Queen.' He saw her in a different light, his pride overshadowed by shame. Then his gaze landed on a contact number for bookings.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels


He called the group's manager, Amanda. "I'm Chuck. I'd like to book your group for my birthday," Peter said, masking his true purpose.

Amanda's voice was cheerful. "Sure, Chuck. When do you need us?"

"January 13. But first, can I see a rehearsal?" Peter inquired.

"Absolutely! We start in two hours. I'll text the address," Amanda replied.

Later, at the dance hall, Peter watched Catherine perform with grace and energy. Their eyes met; she stopped dancing and approached him.

"So, you're Chuck, huh?" Catherine asked, surprised yet defiant.

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Peter confronted her. "You've lied about university! What did you do with the money?"

"I used it for living and starting 'Dancing Queen.' I'll pay you back," Catherine retorted.

"You're running Dancing Queen?" Peter was shocked.

"Yes, we're successful," she affirmed.

"You're a stripper! Is this the life you wanted?"

"I'm not a stripper, Dad! It's about talent, not selling my body," Catherine countered.

"What would your mother say—"

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"Don't bring Mom into this," she spat. "She would've understood me!"


The ringing of Catherine's phone cut through the tense air. Peter saw Alan's face on the screen, labeled "My Love."

"Is that Alan? And he's 'My Love' on your phone? Are you two together?" Peter asked in shock and disbelief.

"Yes, for three years now. He even proposed to me recently!"

Peter clutched his head, reeling from the revelation. "I can't believe this. What happened to you, Catherine?"

Before Catherine could respond, her phone rang again. It was Alan. She answered, forgetting her phone was still connected to the speakers. Everyone in the hall heard Alan's voice. "Hello, dear, I'm outside. I got off work early. Let's have lunch."

Peter, fueled by a mix of emotions, dashed downstairs.

"Dad, stop! What are you doing?"

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Outside, Peter spotted Alan's car. He rushed over, flung open the door, and confronted Alan. "How could you? With my daughter?"

Alan and Peter argued. The two men even hurled accusations and insults at each other until Catherine arrived.

"I don't want to see you, Dad! You try to control everything," she declared before leaving with Alan.

Peter, feeling defeated yet determined, followed Alan the next day. He drove to Alan's office building and waited until the man got in his car and drove away. Tailing him, Peter found himself near a modest home from which another woman, a dancer from "Dancing Queen," emerged.

Peter saw the woman and Alan sharing a kiss in the car. Peter's heart sank at the sight. In a rage, he marched towards Alan's car and pounded on the window.

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"Relax, Peter," Alan calmly said as he stepped out.

"You're cheating on my daughter! She deserves the truth!" Peter said firmly.

Alan smirked. "She won't find out. If you tell Catherine, I'll expose your siphoning of company funds. I have all the proof."

Stunned, Peter realized his illegal activities could ruin him.

Alan's smirk grew wider. "And one more thing, Peter. Maybe this will help you see things more clearly. Catherine is so good in bed. Far better than this girl," he whispered maliciously before he got into his car and drove away.

But Peter wouldn't let someone like Alan ruin his life. Later, Peter approached Alan's house, determined to confront him. He watched Catherine leave for dance practice and approached the door. Alan greeted him with sarcasm.

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"Here to fight again?" Alan asked.

"No, I want to talk about our future dealings," Peter replied.

Alan welcomed him inside.

They settled in the living room.

Peter looked around, curious. "This is a nice place. Mind showing me around?"

Alan stood up. "Sure, let's go."

Peter composed himself as they toured the house. While looking around the wine cellar in the basement, Peter locked Alan inside. He then set the kitchen on fire. Unexpectedly, Catherine returned. She'd forgotten her phone. Seeing the fire, she immediately grabbed the extinguisher. As the fire stopped, she heard Alan's screams and dashed to save him.

"He tried to kill me!" Alan exclaimed as he emerged from the basement.

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"He's cheating on you with one of your teammates! I saw him kissing another girl!" Peter yelled at Alan.

Shocked, Catherine rebuked them both and left, overwhelmed by betrayal and chaos.

After Catherine's departure, tension filled the house. Alan, glaring at Peter, announced coldly, "My house has CCTV everywhere. It's all recorded - your illegal activities. I'll show the investors and the police. You're looking at prison time."

Peter shivered, realizing he was recorded. His plan had disastrously backfired.

Alan added, "You have one way out. I'll be out of your daughter's life forever. Bring me a million dollars in two days, or else..."

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"What? But... I don't have that kind of money! I can get 600 thousand, but that's all."

"Bring what you have and get out!" Alan sneered.

Defeated, Peter left and drove to a hotel. He repeatedly called Catherine, but she didn't answer. Sitting alone, he realized the gravity of his situation: trapped and desperate.

In his hotel room, he called Catherine again, sending a text about Alan's blackmail and his need for money. Still, no response.

Feeling helpless, Peter turned to liquor, numbing his fear of prison. His thoughts swirled with regret and fear.

Late at night, he heard a knock.

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Peter thought it was the police, but he answered the door to find Catherine holding a black bag, her eyes welling up.

"Daughter, I'm so glad you're back," he said, stepping forward to hug her.

But Catherine stepped back, offering the bag. "Here's 400,000 dollars. I earned this by doing something you never believed in. Take this money, but I don't want you in my life anymore," she said, her voice breaking.

Speechless, Peter took the bag, his hands shaking.

And then, Catherine walked away from his life forever. He slumped to the floor, tears streaming down his cheeks. The room felt colder, emptier, as he sat there, holding the symbol of their broken relationship.

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