I Was on Cloud Nine Waiting to Become a Father but My Fiancée Turned It into a Nightmare

When a man's partner became pregnant, he did the honorable thing by proposing, even though the child wasn't planned. He came to regret his proposal when his fiancée and friend "tested"


When a man's partner became pregnant, he did the honorable thing by proposing, even though the child wasn't planned. He came to regret his proposal when his fiancée and friend "tested" his loyalty and commitment in the most painful way.


Taking to Reddit's "AITA" sub, a 26-year-old man asked for advice about his situation. The Redditor revealed that he and his fiancée, Vivian, 28, had been dating for five years and discovered she was pregnant not long after he proposed.

The couple was ecstatic, although the pregnancy wasn't planned. His fiancée's parents were upset that he'd gotten her pregnant before they married, but the idea of having the wedding while she was pregnant seemed to placate them.

A woman cradling her baby bump | Source: Pexels

A woman cradling her baby bump | Source: Pexels

The original poster (OP) described his future in-laws as Christians but revealed they don't shove their beliefs down people's throats. Vivian was 13 weeks pregnant, and four days before her fiancé posted his story, he got off work and headed straight to their shared apartment.


There he found Vivian's best friend, Carly, 29, looking upset while seated on the couch. It was unlike her to be down, so he asked if everything was fine and about his fiancée's whereabouts. The friend said Vivian was in the couple's main bathroom, and that's where he went.

A woman curled up while crying on the couch | Source: Pexels

A woman curled up while crying on the couch | Source: Pexels

However, he noticed that Carly was following him, which he found strange but brushed off. OP knocked and asked if he could enter, and his fiancée agreed, but when he opened the door, he saw her standing over the toilet with tears in her eyes when she looked over at him, with the Redditor stating:

"I immediately asked her what was wrong, and Vivian sniffled and told me that she miscarried, gesturing for me to look inside the toilet."

A view of a bathroom with a toilet and basin | Source: Pexels

A view of a bathroom with a toilet and basin | Source: Pexels

The toilet bowl's water looked reddish with something that looked like a fetus. He averted his eyes and started crying and sobbing before grabbing his partner, hugging her tight, and wailing into her shoulder.

When he looked up, he saw Carly standing in the doorway through the bathroom mirror. She looked like she was taking pictures or recording something on her phone. OP let go of Vivian and roughly asked her friend what she was doing.

A woman recording with a phone | Source: Pexels

A woman recording with a phone | Source: Pexels


Carly stammered while she tried to find a response before Vivian intervened. The Reddit user's fiancée confessed not to having a miscarriage but that it was a test to see how he'd react if she really lost their baby. OP took some time struggling to comprehend how the two friends could do something so cruel to him.

He eventually snapped out of it when his partner tried touching his cheek, by pushing her hands away. The heartbroken man didn't want her to touch or be anywhere near him at that moment. His fiancée and Carly tried to stop him when he tried to leave the bathroom, but he pushed past to get to his bedroom.

A man packing his clothes | Source: Pexels

A man packing his clothes | Source: Pexels

OP roughly packed his clothes in a bag, grabbed his keys, and headed to the door of the apartment. Vivian caught up with him at the door and pleaded with him to stay and talk about what happened, but he insisted he needed to process things away from her.


His fiancée didn't push him to stay but seemed disappointed that he was leaving. He ended up staying with his friend, Josh, 26. Once he told Josh what happened, the pal told him he could stay as long as he wished, and that what Vivian did was messed up.

Two men standing and talking while one holds a phone | Source: Pexels

Two men standing and talking while one holds a phone | Source: Pexels

OP admitted to being childish as he avoided his fiancée's calls and texts except when he let her know he was safe over the next two days. When he found stability, he invited Vivian for a conversation. She said she decided to test him because of fear that he didn't want the baby.

His partner shared that she feared he was caring for her and the baby to avoid being seen as a deadbeat father. OP understood her fears and he genuinely wished to be a father to their child before noting:


"I ultimately decided to stay with Vivian, but on the condition that we postphone (sic) the wedding until after the baby was born and we did couples counseling."

An upset man sitting with his hand over his face | Source: Pexels

An upset man sitting with his hand over his face | Source: Pexels

Vivian agreed to his terms before leaving Josh's apartment. OP assumed things were settled and planned to return home soon, but an hour after his fiancée departed, he received messages from Carly who accused him of forcing Vivian to have a baby out of wedlock.

"This incident should be a blessing in disguise for you to see who she really is."

Carly said he knew it wasn't his future in-laws' wish and insulted him in her texts. The harassment was so bad that OP had to block Vivian's friend. He explained that he was reaching out to Reddit users to find out if they thought he was in the wrong for the condition he gave his fiancée.

Two people sitting on opposite sides of a table while having a heated conversation | Source: Pexels

Two people sitting on opposite sides of a table while having a heated conversation | Source: Pexels

Quoting the part where OP mentioned that Vivian tested him because she was afraid he didn't want the child, someone said"Huge NTA. And what was the reason Carly needed to record it?"

"I think that she is calling it a 'test' to try to minimize the damage done.. i bet money that they thought that this prank was funny to be make.. she is only trying to justify herself of her cruelty.. (sic)," wrote another reader.

A woman holding a beverage while texting on her phone | Source: Pexels

A woman holding a beverage while texting on her phone | Source: Pexels


Another person was adamant when they advised"NTA Do not marry this woman. She and her friend are deranged."

"NTA. But I think you're making a huge mistake in staying with her. And I'll tell you why. When someone does something this [expletive] up, you can't dismiss it as a one off (sic) incident. This is a reflection of who she is as a person whether you like it or not. Being this cruel to a man she claims to love without even attempting to communicate says a lot about the type of person she is," the Reddit user noted.

A man texting on his phone with a laptop in front of him | Source: Pexels

A man texting on his phone with a laptop in front of him | Source: Pexels

The person continued"This incident should be a blessing in disguise for you to see who she really is. If you continue to stay with her, you'll have no one to blame but yourself. Because she's already told you who she is. You're just choosing not to see it. You also said her friend was recording. I wonder what her excuse for that is. When the baby comes, get a custody agreement and peacefully coparent. This is not someone you want as a partner to go through life with."

An upset man sitting on a bench facing down with his hands over his head | Source: Pexels

An upset man sitting on a bench facing down with his hands over his head | Source: Pexels

Most people seemed to feel that OP wasn't in the wrong and within his rights to push the wedding day further away. Despite his suggestion for couples counseling, many readers felt OP's fiancée wasn't someone he should try building a life with.