My Son's Betrayal Was Just a Rusty Knife in My Back

How far would you go to discipline your kids? At what age should you stop correcting their behavior? And how would you react when your adult child steals from his sibling? These are all questions I ha


Although heirlooms aren't as common as they once seemed to be, everyone can understand the importance of a sentimental object left for us by a loved one long passed. When one dad found out his son couldn't respect his late mother's wish for her daughter to inherit her jewelry, the father-of-two took drastic measures to ensure his boy learned what it meant to take from others without their consent.


Many parents try their best to teach their children right from wrong, but sadly, these lessons don't always stick. For one father, going by the Reddit account name Sad_Dad_Throwaway00, the realization that his son's moral compass wasn't as keen as he had hoped it would be came as quite a drastic shock.

A dad with his son | Source: Getty Images

A dad with his son | Source: Getty Images

The father took to the social media platform to ask for advice on how to move forward after his son stopped talking to him. The dad started his story with some context, explaining that his wife, the mother of his two kids, had passed away in 2021, and he spent a while grieving. While coming to terms with his loss, the children banded together and supported their dad while he tried his best to look after them without letting his grief get the better of him.


Banding together, the family overcame the loss of their mother, and they moved on with their lives. In her will, Sad_Dad's wife had left each of her children a few of her things. The brother, the oldest of the two by seven years, used his part of the inheritance to fund a down payment for a condo. Besides getting enough to put him on the road to owning his own place, the son, Jake, also got his mother's car.

A funeral | Source: Getty Images

A funeral | Source: Getty Images

Before getting into the gritty details of his story, the Redditor made it clear that his son has always been a good person. He and his wife did their best to raise him well, and Jake was a regular kid, and the dad commented, "Jake was a good kid growing up. So him doing this was a complete shock to me."

With his shock at his son's behavior clearly stated, the dad began, "For the past eight months Jake has been dating Sara (Fake name). She has my son wrapped around her finger." Jake seemed extremely serious about Sara, though, and he soon came to his dad with the intention of marrying the girl.


While telling his father how he wanted to propose, Jake let slip another detail of his plan. He wanted to ask for Sara's hand in marriage using his late mom's heirloom ring, which Sad_Dad described as "a vintage gold ring with a diamond that had a light blue sapphire on each side of it."

An emerald ring | Source: Getty Images

An emerald ring | Source: Getty Images

Jake explained that Sara adored jewelry and she was rarely seen not wearing something that dazzled. Sara saw the ring when Jake snuck into his dad's room to show her his mom's collection of jewelry, much to his dad's disappointment. See, while Jake got a good start to his adult life, his sister, Amber, got her late mother's entire jewelry collection, which consisted of a number of valuable pieces.

Amber had a special attachment to the jewelry, and especially to the heirloom ring, which has been passed down through the family for three generations. Now, Sara had her sights set on it, and Jake was going to try to do his best to get his father to give it to him.


So, Jake approached his dad, but instead of the joyful congratulations that Jake had expected, his plan to propose was met with his dad's staunch reply that the ring was not his to take. Instead, Sad_Dad recommended Jake ask his 16-year-old sister whether she would give him the ring. Although Jake wasn't thrilled about this response, he agreed that he would approach his sister about it before making any more plans.

Man proposing to a woman | Source: Getty Images

Man proposing to a woman | Source: Getty Images

Knowing his son was dead set on getting the ring, he prohibited Jake from coercing his sister into giving him something so special to her. He made it clear that the young man only had one chance to ask Amber whether she'd be willing to give him the ring. If she said no, that would be the final word on the matter.

As the dad thought, Amber loved the ring too much to just give it to her brother. She wanted the ring to stay in the family, keeping it as a reminder of her mother. Unfortunately, this didn't sit well with Jake, who left his dad's house in a huff after his sister's rejection. Despite his son's chagrin, Sad_Dad thought his son would move on, maybe finding a jeweler who could replicate the ring. But Jake had no intention of letting things go.

Guy having an argument with his sister | Source: Getty Images

Guy having an argument with his sister | Source: Getty Images

Jake decided to go behind his dad's back in an attempt to push his sister into giving him the ring, but to her credit, Amber stood her ground. Jake kept harassing her about the topic, which eventually led to a huge fight between the siblings, and Amber decided to call her dad at work to tell him what Jake was trying to do. Hearing his daughter crying over the phone, Sad_Dad immediately called his son and told him to get out of the house and leave his sister and the ring alone. Jake had no option but to comply.

Before the Redditor could leave work for the day, he got another call from Amber. Apparently, Jake had returned to his dad's house, this time dressed in a smart suit, but still wearing the scowl he had left with. He didn't bother to talk to his sister again and headed straight for his dad's room after bursting through the front door. Amber only saw him leaving with something in his hand.

Angry man on a phone call | Source: Getty Images

Angry man on a phone call | Source: Getty Images

Of course, Jake had taken the ring without his sister's consent, and Sad_Dad was furious to hear this. Upon discovering the theft, the Redditor was faced with a dilemma that pitted his love for his son against his duty to uphold his late wife's wishes.

The confrontation that followed was gut-wrenching. Jake pleaded for understanding, but his dad stood firm, insisting that his son return the ring. Breaking out in tears, Jake told his dad he had already given the ring to Sara. Not even this could sway the Redditor, but the ending was a hollow victory for Sad_Dad, tarnished by the realization that his son's obstinance had driven a wedge between him, his dad, and his sister.

Hand removiing a ring from a finger | Source: Getty Images

Hand removiing a ring from a finger | Source: Getty Images


In the aftermath, Jake sought support from friends and family, only for them to scold him for his actions. Sad_Dad, while vindicated in reclaiming the ring, struggled with the fallout, seeking a path to reconciliation without compromising the values he held dear. The family's ordeal became a cautionary tale of love, loss, and the complex dynamics of inheritance, leaving an indelible mark on their hearts.

As Sad_Dad pondered the future, he safeguarded the remaining jewels in a safety deposit box, a temporary solution to a problem that ran deeper than material possessions. The question of how to mend the rifts within his family, to bridge the gap between duty and affection, loomed large. He remained hopeful, yet uncertain, about what the future held for the family, forever changed by a ring's journey through generations.