I Kicked My Boyfriend Out of My House after He Demanded I Ruin My Brother's Life

A young woman faced a heart-wrenching decision following her father's recent passing. She has since made a choice that she believes is best even though she feels guilty about how everything panned


A young woman faced a heart-wrenching decision following her father's recent passing. She has since made a choice that she believes is best even though she feels guilty about how everything panned out.

A young woman covering her face | Source: Pexels

A young woman covering her face | Source: Pexels

Recently, a 26-year-old female Reddit user shared her emotional turmoil after making a life-altering decision between her sibling and her partner. The Original Poster (OP) found herself in a predicament following the loss of her father.

A family mourning at the cemetery | Source: Pexels

A family mourning at the cemetery | Source: Pexels


OP's dad left behind her 15-year-old half-brother, Parker, born from an affair during her mother's cancer treatment. According to OP, no one in the family wanted to take in the teenager, considering how he was conceived.

A family conversing during a get-together | Source: Pexels

A family conversing during a get-together | Source: Pexels

Despite the circumstances of Parker's birth, OP's affection for her brother remains steadfast. She stated that regardless of her late father's actions, he is still her younger brother.

A young boy wearing glasses | Source: Pexels

A young boy wearing glasses | Source: Pexels


OP further explained that she currently works in a lucrative field, and owns a condo, which she used to share with her now ex-boyfriend, Colin. Colin lived there rent-free, though he contributed to utilities and other expenses.

A young couple laying on the bed in front of a laptop | Source: Pexels

A young couple laying on the bed in front of a laptop | Source: Pexels

OP said she and Colin had the opportunity to offer Parker a "perfect home" and could not see the reason why they could not care for him. However, she was disappointed by her partner's response when she brought up the fact that she was considering taking Parker under her care.

A woman looking at a man | Source: Pexels

A woman looking at a man | Source: Pexels


He refused and she was taken aback by his reluctance. OP asked her lover why he was turning down the idea of having Parker living with them, and he said he was not up for the challenge of looking after a child.

A man and a woman staring at each other | Source: Pexels

A man and a woman staring at each other | Source: Pexels

She tried to convince him otherwise, saying that because Parker is a bit older, he would not need the constant attention or babysitting. But he did not budge. Colin's refusal was rooted in his unwillingness to address the "emotional attention" Parker would need after the loss of his father.

A man talking to a young boy | Source: Pexels

A man talking to a young boy | Source: Pexels


OP recounted their conversation, revealing Colin's preference to see Parker enter the foster system over dealing with his emotional needs. "I asked if he would really rather throw a fifteen year old kid into the foster system than deal with the emotional needs of said fifteen year old, and Colin said 'yes' while looking a bit shameful," she remembered.

A woman talking to a man | Source: Pexels

A woman talking to a man | Source: Pexels

The confrontation led OP to present Colin with an ultimatum, emphasizing that Parker and she were a "package deal," and that she would be taking guardianship. The choice for Colin was clear: either accept Parker moving in or end their five-year relationship.

In response, Colin called OP "heartless," for choosing her brother over him and branded Parker as the "cheating dad’s" illegitimate son. "I called him heartless for talking that way about a literal child, and he looked at me astonished and went to start packing, OP recalled.

A couple arguing in the kitchen | Source: Pexels

A couple arguing in the kitchen | Source: Pexels

Despite her love for Colin, OP stood firm in her decision, prioritizing Parker's well-being over her romantic relationship. "I love my ex, I really do, but Parker comes first," she affirmed, expressing her unwavering commitment to her brother, the only one she has.

Brother and sister walking in the street | Source: Pexels

Brother and sister walking in the street | Source: Pexels


She consoled herself, saying that there are many men out there but still mentioned the fact that she is heartbroken that Colin moved out. Although OP misses her former flame, she does not regret her decision. Every time she thinks about what could have happened to Parker in foster care, her love for him grows, which is more than she could say for her ex Colin.

A family preparing food in the kitchen | Source: Pexels

A family preparing food in the kitchen | Source: Pexels

OP's fallout from her decision extended beyond her relationship with Colin, affecting her friendships as well. The majority of her friends sided with Colin, leaving OP to question her actions amidst their abandonment.

A woman sitting on the windowsill | Source: Pexels

A woman sitting on the windowsill | Source: Pexels


"My entire friend group has sided with Colin and pretty much ghosted me," she stated. Seeking validation from the Reddit community, OP asked whether she was wrong for what she did.

Redditors shared words of comfort for OP, saying that she made the right decision. One user wrote"I really do wonder what story the ex told all OP’s friends. there’s absolutely no way it’s the same story."

"Nope. NTA. This guy is your EX. There's no reason he had to stay there if he doesn't like it. It's YOUR condo and your family," another Reddit user commented.


Did OP make the right decision in choosing her half-sibling? Was the boyfriend wrong for making her choose between him and the brother? What would you have done if you were in OP's position?

In a similar story, a grandparent was left with no choice but to kick out their daughter-in-law and their grandson after what they witnessed more than once.