I Cut My MIL off Because of What She Told My Daughter about Me after I Got to the Hospital

A woman's accident led to her mother-in-law confessing a truth she struggled to process but couldn't ignore as it was exposed by one of her children. The aftermath saw the older woman being cut

A woman's accident led to her mother-in-law confessing a truth she struggled to process but couldn't ignore as it was exposed by one of her children. The aftermath saw the older woman being cut out from her son's family.


Lying in the sterile hospital bed, I, a woman in her early 40s, had been involved in a bizarre car accident where a vehicle lost control of its brakes and came crashing into me while I was walking on the pavement. The accident had left me shaken but largely unharmed.

My husband, James, upon receiving my frantic call explaining what happened and where I was, rushed to be by my side, quickly leaving our daughters, aged 11 and 6, in the care of my mother-in-law (MIL). That decision, made in a moment of crisis, would unravel threads of trust that had taken years to weave.

A woman looking outside while laying in a hospital bed | Source: Pexels

A woman looking outside while laying in a hospital bed | Source: Pexels

The morning after my overnight stay, as my husband and daughters arrived to take me home, the innocent tears of my youngest daughter pierced through the fog of medication and pain. "I don't want you to die!" my youngest sobbed as she threw herself on my bruised body, still lying in the hospital bed.


“I'm not dying, and I was very lucky,” I tried comforting her, but her next phrase made my husband and I’s heads drop as we processed what we were hearing. “But Granny said she hoped you would die so that she could live with us and dad.”

A woman smiling while comforting a little girl while they lay in a bed together | Source: Pexels

A woman smiling while comforting a little girl while they lay in a bed together | Source: Pexels

Shock rendered us speechless. My husband's face mirrored my disbelief as our eldest daughter confirmed the words that felt too cruel to be true. "Granny did mention that she preferred if dad wasn't with you so she could have the three of us all to herself," my oldest explained emotionlessly.

The confrontation that followed with my MIL was a tempest of denial, admission, and shallow excuses as my husband spoke to her while I listened in. "So you're saying your granddaughters are liars and fabricated this story just to cause trouble after almost losing their mother," James asked, getting angrier as he spoke.

A man holding a phone | Source: Pexels

A man holding a phone | Source: Pexels

Fortunately, this heated conversation was happening in the privacy of our home with our daughters out on a visit to the neighbor's house. My husband and I had anticipated that the confrontation wouldn't go smoothly and made arrangements to have them out of the house.

My MIL claimed it was a slip of the tongue, a misguided expression of her longing for a closer bond with the girls. However, the wound she inflicted with her words was deep, festering with betrayal and confusion. Feeling hurt and angry, I told my husband that I would be going "no contact" with his mother.

A man comforting his partner | Source: Pexels

A man comforting his partner | Source: Pexels


But, since I didn't want my children robbed of having a relationship with their last living grandparent - James's father died a few years ago and my parents passed when I was still a little child - I offered that my MIL could have supervised visits with the girls as long as my husband was present.

My decision to sever ties with her came not from a place of anger but from the desperate need to protect myself and limiting how she saw my children was an effort to shield their fragile hearts. My husband, though torn, stood by me, a testament to his unwavering loyalty to our family.

A sad couple embracing | Source: Pexels

A sad couple embracing | Source: Pexels

James called his mother and relayed the new boundaries, but they weren't well received. My MIL came over to our place suddenly and without asking first and cornered my family in our house, crying and pleading her case.


She claimed her words to my youngest were a mistake she regretted terribly. James's mother tearfully and hysterically revealed that she wanted him and the girls to herself because she'd lost her only daughter to a miscarriage a few years after her son was born.

An upset older woman | Source: Pexels

An upset older woman | Source: Pexels

Surprised by the revelation, James quietly asked, "Why have you never mentioned this before?" Seeing an opening in my husband's demeanor, my MIL grabbed him by the shoulders and yelled about how she couldn't bear to face the loss again by speaking about it, but had to now because of the circumstances.

While mother and son had their moment, I limped off with the girls to take them over to the neighbors again, working on calming them down as we went. When I returned, I found no one in the house and called my husband.

A concerned woman talking on the phone | Source: Pexels

A concerned woman talking on the phone | Source: Pexels

"I'm driving my mother back home in her car and will return in a taxi," he said hastily. "I can't talk right now," I heard him say while his mother sobbed in the passenger seat saying things like:

"Please forgive me, Jim, I made a big mistake... please don't turn on me and shut me out you're all I've got left."

Without saying "goodbye," I heard my husband drop the phone. I was confused about what was happening as it seemed the pair were now disagreeing, whereas I'd left them in a tender moment that I thought would lead to reconciliation.

Man using a phone while driving | Source: Pexels

Man using a phone while driving | Source: Pexels


A few hours passed as I anxiously awaited my husband's return. When he finally came back, he told me how his mother had lied about being pregnant with another child after having him. It turned out she had made the whole story up to gain sympathy from him.

However, when he pressed the issue further, wanting more details, my MIL's story fell apart leading the truth to come out. All along I thought we had a healthy and loving relationship only to find out that she never wished me well because she was jealous of what I had with James.

An upset older woman looking down and to the side | Source: Pexels

An upset older woman looking down and to the side | Source: Pexels

She actually couldn't have more children after James and when my husband and I welcomed two daughters, one of my MIL's unfulfilled wishes, she started harboring resentment toward me. So when my accident happened, she slipped up and told my children the truth about wishing me dead.


"I guess this means 'no contact' from us and the children going forward?" I asked James quietly. My husband, usually a pillar of strength, became eerily silent as he appeared to contemplate my words. "Yes, I don't want anything to do with that woman," he replied softly.

An upset older woman | Source: Pexels

An upset older woman | Source: Pexels

I took him into my arms as we sat on the couch and comforted him as best as I could as he cried his eyes out. My poor, loving husband had instantly discovered the real truth about his mother, and it wasn't something he could ignore.

Now we were stuck with trying to figure out how to explain to the children why their Granny was no longer around. But that's a problem for another day. Right now, all that matters is my family of four who all need healing in different ways. That accident turned out to be a blessing in disguise.

A woman comforts her distraught partner | Source: Pexels