Сrying Woman in Shabby Clothes Bursts into Wedding and Goes into Labor Right at Groom's Feet – Story of the Day

"The groom is my baby's father!" a heavily pregnant woman in shabby clothes crashes a wedding just moments before the vows are exchanged. Chaos erupts when the lady holds her bulging bell

A pregnant woman crashes a wedding, claiming the groom is her baby's father. Chaos ensues as she collapses in labor at the groom's feet.

At the outdoor wedding on the beautiful fall day, guests watched eagerly as Mary walked down the aisle, her eyes meeting her son Ryan's. But before she even made it to her groom, Mason, a loud voice interrupted the ceremony.

"I object to this wedding!" a woman in shabby clothes yelled as she stormed inside and claimed Mason was her child's father...

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Mary's eyes bulged in horror, and her world started to spin. "What? Mason, what's going on?"

"I... I don't know her, Mary. I don't know what she's talking about!" Mason exclaimed.

But the woman, Cindy, showed text messages from Mason, and confusion and whispers spread among the guests as Mary read the messages, her heart sinking.

'Babe, I don't know how to call off the wedding. Not only is she 7 years older, but I don't think she and I would make a good couple...I want you back, darling. I love you and miss you so much.'

Cindy was crying as she revealed she and Mason had dated for two years, and when she fell pregnant, Mason left her.

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Mary burst into tears, and Ryan rushed over to her side. "Mom, I knew it. I knew Mason wasn't the right man for you. I even warned you… but you never listened."

"Ryan, no! Mary, there's been a misunderstanding. I'm calling the cops to deal with her—"

As Mason was about to call the cops, Cindy, who was standing near him, went into labor right at his feet. A man from among the guests rushed her to the hospital, and the wedding was called off.

Mason ran after Mary to explain himself as she was leaving with her son and mother, but Mary wouldn't listen.

In the next few days, Mary felt heartbroken and strangely obliged to care for Cindy, seeing that she didn't seem to have anyone else. Soon after Cindy was discharged with her little baby boy, Mary took it upon herself to make sure she had a roof over her head.

Surprisingly, the best idea came from Ryan. "I know just who should be responsible for taking care of them!"

With a sense of resolve, Mary and Ryan drove to Mason's house.

Mason watched in disbelief as Ryan shifted Cindy's luggage into the living room and grimly stared at Mason. "Take care of what's yours. And stay out of my Mom's life, okay?" he barked angrily.

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Mason tried to explain himself yet again. He tried to tell Mary he didn't know who this 'Cindy' woman was. But his pleas fell on deaf ears.

"It's over, Mason!" Mary cried. "I regret meeting you. I hate you, and don't contact me again!"

Mason didn't understand why this was happening. Feeling lonely and misunderstood, he called his friend Simon, and they met at a bar while Cindy awkwardly looked for a room to settle herself and her child in.

"I seriously have no idea where she came from or what she wants. She won't open her mouth. She just ruined my wedding, my life, God knows why!"

"Yeah. Seems like someone really hates you. Someone who knows you won't go to the cops because of your...other dealings. Maybe you should check her phone or somethin'," Simon turned to Mason, gulping a drink. "There's got to be clues in there."

Mason thought deeply and nodded. So that night, after Cindy fell asleep, he crept to her bedroom to check her phone.

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But Cindy was suddenly up and caught him red-handed. "You could've asked me if you wanted to check my phone, Mason." She even gave him the passcode, which perplexed him even more.

Mason angrily left her room and decided to talk to Mary again.

"Mary, please, just give me a chance to explain," he begged as he met her in her office parking lot.

But Mary was fuming. She showed him photos of him holding his and Cindy's baby. "Your post's caption says you're loving the new changes in your life! Get lost!"

Mason was shocked. He didn't post those pictures. As soon as he took out his phone and logged into his social media account, Mary stormed away in her car.

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Mason lost his cool when he saw the photos. He stormed home to confront Cindy. "You asked me to hold your baby yesterday, and you took pictures of that secretly? How did you even get access to my social media account? Did you hack it?"

"I...I don't know what you're talking about, Mason. Stop yelling at me. I didn't do it."

Mason was fuming and grabbed her arm.

"Mason, stop! You're hurting me! Let me go!"

"You sabotaged my wedding, and now this? Who sent you?"

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Right then, the baby started bawling. Cindy pushed Mason aside and rushed to her room without answering him.

Later that evening, Mason met Simon again. "Man, she and that endlessly crying baby of hers are getting on my nerves. I wish I could just kick them out of my house. You know what? I'm gonna call the cops."

"Pal, you're not thinking with a clear head," Simon said. "Instead of kicking her out of your house or reporting her to the cops, why don't you play along... and find out what she really wants from you?"

Mason did that. He pretended to be nice to Cindy right from the moment he returned home. "Cindy, darling, I'm home! Look what I got for you."

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Mason handed her a bouquet of red roses, startling her.

"You like them? Listen, I'm starving... shall we eat? I bought us pizza!"

Mason's sudden change in demeanor shook Cindy. But she didn't dare to question him and dined silently.

After dinner, Mason started flirting with Cindy.

"You smell lovely, babe," Mason kissed her shoulder. "How about we let the baby sleep, and in our bed, we—"

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"No... I can't. I mean, I'm tired. Back off," Cindy pushed him away and dashed to her room.

The next day, Mason didn't leave her alone, not even for a second. He even accompanied her to the supermarket to ensure she wouldn't escape. He knew she was getting uncomfortable due to their intimacy and might flee.

The day after that, Mason pretended to be sick to spend the day with her. He surprised her by taking her to a bridal boutique.

"Let's get married!" Mason proposed. "I want to start fresh with you and our baby!"

Cindy was shocked. "No…" she replied immediately, then composed herself. "I mean... I need time to think. This is so rushed!"

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pixabay

"Of course!" said Mason cheerfully. "You have a day to think...don't think of backing out, babe, coz surprise! The wedding's in two days. I went ahead and planned the whole thing, honey. But before that, I want my bride to pick her perfect wedding dress!"


Once they returned home from the so-called wedding shopping, Mason sat in the living room, listening to Cindy's phone call while Cindy was in her room.

Simon had bugged Cindy's room when Mason was out shopping with her. It was all a part of Mason's and Simon's plan.

Mason overheard Cindy's plan to run away and confronted her.

"Cindy, open the door. I heard everything," Mason demanded.

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Cindy knew she couldn't lie any longer. She opened the door and confessed everything. She explained how her husband, Josh, lost his job, and they were struggling financially.

"It happened a few weeks ago… My husband and I were at the daycare center...with our oldest daughter, Phoebe," Cindy began.

Josh and Cindy were worried about their financial situation and how to support their children after Josh was laid off. Their bills were piling up. They hadn't paid rent in months and were on the verge of being kicked out. That's when Josh had an idea.

He decided to solve their financial problems by starting a fake fundraiser, pretending their daughter Phoebe needed surgery.

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"Babe, remember that couple who raised funds for their son's surgery?" Josh asked.

"Yeah, what about them?"

"Why don't we do the same for Phoebe's 'surgery'?" Josh suggested with a cunning look.

Cindy was hesitant. "We can't lie about Phoebe needing surgery. It's risky. And wrong!"

"Trust me, it's our chance to make money. We'll use gloomy pictures of Phoebe and fake medical records," Josh convinced her.

"Let's do it for Phoebe...and for her soon-to-be-born sibling," Josh pleaded, gently cupping Phoebe's belly.

Reluctantly, Cindy agreed, "Let's give it a shot."

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

They launched the fake campaign, and money started flowing in. They lived luxuriously and even cleared all their bills, but Cindy was worried about keeping up the lie.

"How long will we pretend Phoebe is sick?" Cindy asked Josh one day.

"Just a few more weeks, then we'll post a 'thank you' video and move on," Josh reassured her.

But it all went wrong when, during a shopping spree, a woman in a luxury shoe store spotted and recognized Cindy and Phoebe from the campaign.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

"Are you Cindy? How's your daughter?" the woman asked, looking at Phoebe.

"She's still undergoing treatment," Cindy lied.

Seeing Cindy's extravagant shopping, the woman grew suspicious.

"This is for a friend," Cindy quickly said, putting the shoes back.

"I hope your daughter gets well soon," the woman replied, still suspicious.

"Thank you. Please consider donating," Cindy added as the woman walked away.

But Cindy panicked after being recognized at the mall and rushed to tell Josh in the men's bathroom about the risk of their scheme being exposed.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

"People are recognizing me. We could be in huge trouble," Cindy said to Josh.

"Just keep quiet, and no one will find out," Josh reassured her. "And what are you doing here?" he yelled from behind the stall. "It's the men's washroom! Go away!"

What they didn't know was that the person in the next stall had been listening and recording the whole thing. It was Ryan. And he had a plan.

"I heard everything! Do as I say, or I'll call the cops," he threatened as he emerged from the stall.

And that's why Cindy did what she did. She explained to Mason how Ryan blackmailed them into sabotaging the wedding... just to get Mason out of Mary's life. "He didn't want you around," Cindy revealed.

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Mason was shocked and decided to play along with Ryan's plan. He had a brilliant idea to fix everything.

A week later, Mary was upset about Mason's upcoming wedding. Ryan had posted on social media that he was marrying Cindy. Ryan pretended to comfort Mary, secretly pleased with his success.


On the wedding day, Ryan was surprised his family — his mom and grandma — decided to attend Mason's wedding.

"Mom, why are we going to that jerk's wedding?" Ryan protested.

"We're doing this for Cindy. Just showing our faces, giving a present. And you're walking the bride down the aisle," Mary explained.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Unsplash

Ryan was reluctant but went along with his family. On their way, he tried to contact Cindy but got no response. He wondered why she was marrying Mason when all he'd asked her to do was break up Mary and Mason.

The family arrived at the church gates when Mary got an unsuspecting call. "Okay, I'll be there in ten minutes..."

Mary had to leave for a meeting, leaving Ryan to attend the wedding with his grandmother. "Be good, Ryan. No mocking Mason or making a scene," Mary instructed before leaving.

Finally, Ryan led the bride down the aisle. "Why didn't you run away with your baby? What about your husband?" Ryan whispered to Cindy.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

But his questions went unanswered, and he annoyingly led the bride to the altar.

"Thanks, Ryan!" Mason smiled, taking his bride's hand.

Ryan smirked, and just as he approached his Grandma in the front row, his phone buzzed. "I gotta take this, Grandma. I'll be right back," he said and hurried outside the door.

When Ryan returned a few minutes later, the bride and groom had already exchanged their wedding vows and rings. And it was time for the wedding kiss. Mason leaned and lifted the veil, and Ryan was electrified.

"MOM??" Ryan exclaimed, realizing he was tricked. Furious, he thought of leaving, but Mason's voice on the mic dismissed his thoughts.

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"Ryan, you're not just my stepson. You are my son in every sense of the word. I'm so sorry if I didn't meet your expectations of being your father. But I promise I'll try… Mary and I planned this because we had no other choice."

Ryan couldn't hold his tears as Mason approached him, forgave him, and handed him an envelope — a cash deposit of $400,000.

"This is for your college... so that you have every opportunity to chase your dreams and succeed in life. I believe in you, champ, and I'm here to support you every step of the way."

Ryan spoke no more. He gently grabbed Mason's hand and pulled him into a tight embrace.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Getty Images

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