My Parents Sold Me to a Millionaire in a Restaurant, Then the Kind Chef Stepped In – Story of the Day

Beautiful Luisa's life takes an unexpected turn when she meets Antonio, a kind stranger, as she grapples with her family's demand to marry a millionaire to save them from ruin. Together, they em


Beautiful Luisa's life takes an unexpected turn when she meets Antonio, a kind stranger, as she grapples with her family's demand to marry a millionaire to save them from ruin. Together, they embark on a journey of defiance, love, and the pursuit of true freedom.


In the dim dining room at the restaurant, my family looked excited and nervous. "Happy 21st, Luisa!" they said, but something felt off.

Before I could ponder further, my Aunt Maribel, always the more theatrical one in the family, draped a white veil over my head and insisted that I close my eyes. Then, she led me to a seat. "We have a surprise for you," she said.

I sat down, feeling uneasy. "What's going on?" I asked.

"Open your eyes," my mom whispered. "We've made the best decision for you and our family's future!"

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/LoveBuster

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/LoveBuster

I took off the veil and saw a man I didn't know. "Happy birthday. I'm Edward, your future husband," he said.


I was shocked. "My what? This is crazy!"

My dad explained, "Edward is handsome and wealthy and can help us with our money problems if you marry him."

"Think of the luxurious life you'll have," Aunt Maribel said.

"I can't be happy in a forced marriage!" I said. "You guys are insane!"

Edward tried to reassure me, "I'll keep you happy," he told me.

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/LoveBuster

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/LoveBuster

Is he crazy? Does he really think I'll marry him? A stranger?

"Happiness can't be bought with my freedom," I snapped at him. The room went quiet. My mom squeezed my shoulder. "We had no choice. We're in so much debt."


Angry and upset, I left the room. I couldn't stand my family anymore. But that didn't stop them from deciding for me. My dad made a secret deal with Edward to marry me off for money.


Outside, I met Antonio, the chef at the same restaurant, who saw I was upset. "Everything okay?" he asked.

"It's a long story," I said.

"I've got time," Antonio replied, offering to listen. "I saw what happened at your table. I didn't mean to eavesdrop."

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe

I don't know why I opened up to him. Maybe it was because I felt really alone. I told him about the surprise marriage plan and feeling trapped. I felt a bit better talking to him, even though my birthday was ruined by my family's surprise.


"You shouldn't have to marry someone you don't love," he told me.

Okay, genius. Even I knew that. But did I have a choice?

"I don't know what to do," I confessed, softening a little.

Antonio thought for a moment, then said, "Well, if you need a place to stay or just some time to think, I've got a couch in my apartment. It's not much, but it's safe and away from here."

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe

The offer caught me off guard. "Why would you help me? You don't know me," I said. He seemed kind and trustworthy, but why would he do something like that for a stranger?

At that point, he looked into my eyes and smiled. "Because it's the right thing to do. No one should be forced like that," he replied. I smiled a little. I have to admit, he was handsome.


Could I just take off with a stranger like that? It's so not me! What am I thinking? I should go back inside and deal with the mess. But...what if...

Finally, I accepted his offer. "Thank you, Antonio," I said.

"We can leave now on my motorcycle," he suggested, pointing to his bike.

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe

"I've never been on one," I admitted, curious but nervous.

"I'll ride slow. You'll be safe with me," Antonio assured me. "Trust me, Luisa. There's nothing quite like the feeling of freedom it gives you. It's liberating."

"Okay, but really slow," I agreed, excited, and he gave me a helmet. "Safety first," he said in his attractive voice. He even showed me how to mount the bike securely and where to hold on.

"Just lean with me on the turns," he instructed. "And you'll do great."

For illustration purposes only | Source: Facebook/LoveBuster

For illustration purposes only | Source: Facebook/LoveBuster

As we rode, the city lights blurred by, and I felt the freedom Antonio talked about. "This is amazing!" I said, feeling exhilarated.

"Told you," Antonio laughed. "Wait until we hit the coast road."

Riding by the ocean, I felt liberated from my troubles. This ride was a new beginning for me. I decided to stay with him. I didn't want to return home, and friends… Well, I never had any genuine friends, so going to any of their homes was not an option. And back to my parents? Out of the question.

Antonio, however, felt like a real friend.


At Antonio's place, he cooked simple but delicious meals. He made spaghetti aglio e olio the first night, explaining how to cook the garlic perfectly.

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe

We talked over dinner, sharing stories and dreams. Antonio told me about his family and his passion for cooking.

In turn, I found myself opening up about my own life, my fears, and the sense of being lost in the expectations of others. It was easy to talk to Antonio; he listened with a kind of intensity that made me feel heard, truly heard, for the first time in a long while.

One day, while Antonio cooked, I realized I was falling for him. "Antonio, thank you for everything," I said.


He smiled. "I'm happy to help, Luisa. It's nice having you here."

We enjoyed dinner and then went for a walk. Antonio held my hand, making me feel special. We talked and laughed, feeling closer.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Facebook/LoveBuster

But then, a call from my mom changed everything. I hadn't been answering my parents' calls, but I couldn't resist that day.

"Luisa, you need to come home. Your dad's in big trouble," Mom said, sounding scared. I had never heard her breath shake like that.

It turned out, my dad had lost a lot of money gambling, and his life was being threatened. There was one way to fix it, I had to marry Edward. Mom said it was the only way to clear the debts.


I told Antonio everything, and he was upset. "This is wrong. You can't marry someone you don't love for this," he said.

"I don't see any other way," I replied, feeling trapped.

Antonio tried to find a solution, but it was impossible. The debt was too huge.

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe

As the day to return home got closer, I felt torn between my family and my feelings for Antonio.

I was sad, knowing I might have to leave him and marry Edward to save my dad.

The night before I was to return home, Antonio and I sat in silence for a long time.


"I can't let you do this, Luisa," he said, breaking the silence. "There must be another way."

But I knew I had to make a hard choice. "I have to go, Antonio," I replied. "I need to save my dad, even if it hurts me."

The next morning, I left Antonio's place and went back to my family. My mom hugged me tightly. My dad just looked really sad. We sat together, not saying much.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Facebook/LoveBuster

For illustration purposes only | Source: Facebook/LoveBuster

Finally, Dad spoke up, pleading with me to help him. "I'm sorry, Luisa. I messed up with gambling. Now, you have to marry Edward to fix it," he requested. "And to help us with our other debts."

"Isn't there any other way?" I asked, hoping for a different solution. I know my father was wrong, but I felt compelled to help him. As a daughter, I couldn't just abandon him.


"Edward will pay our debts if you marry him. It's the only way," my mother replied to my question.

I felt stuck. I had to choose between my family and my own happiness. In the end, I made the hard choice. "I'll marry Edward," I said.

My parents were relieved, but I felt really sad. That night, I cried a lot, thinking about Antonio and what I had to do.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Facebook/LoveBuster

For illustration purposes only | Source: Facebook/LoveBuster

But in the morning, I was ready to face what was coming, even though it meant giving up on my own dreams. I would do it for my dad and my family, even if it meant losing a bit of myself.

One night, I was in the garden, heartbroken over my plight, when Antonio showed up. "Luisa, I found a way to fix this without you marrying him!" he said.


"What? How?" I asked, surprised. I didn't bother asking how he found my home. Not like it mattered. I was just so happy to see him again!

"We can challenge the debts legally. My lawyer friend thinks some of them might not be fair. We could get them reduced or canceled," Antonio explained.

"But isn't that risky?" I worried.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Facebook/LoveBuster

"It is, but we have to try. I can't let you lose your freedom over this," he reassured me.

I felt hopeful for the first time in a while. "Okay, let's do it. Let's fight," I agreed.

We worked hard with the lawyer, trying to find a way out. It was a scary time because the people we were up against were very powerful.


Finally, the day came to meet with Edward and my parents to talk about everything. Edward thought he was going to win, but Antonio and I were ready to fight.

Edward said, "I've been generous, Luisa. All I want is to marry you to clear the debts."

For illustration purposes only | Source: Facebook/LoveBuster

For illustration purposes only | Source: Facebook/LoveBuster

"I won't be forced into marriage. This is my life," I stood firm.


Antonio then spoke, "Some of these debts aren't legal. We're ready to take this to court if we have to."

Edward was taken aback. "You're bluffing," he countered, but the uncertainty had crept into his voice.

"We have all the proof we need. Luisa's freedom isn't for sale," Antonio declared confidently.


The room fell into silence. My parents looked between us, the reality of the situation slowly dawning on them. It was clear they had been unaware of the full extent of the legal implications of the debts.

"What about the debts we all agree are real? How will those be paid?" Edward asked.

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube/DramatizeMe

"We've got a loan with better terms to cover those debts, so Luisa's family has time to get back on their feet without having to marry her off," Antonio explained.

After a tough discussion, we showed enough proof and argued strongly enough that Edward had to agree. He didn't want a big legal fight that could make him look bad.


When it was over, I felt a huge relief. I could finally see a future for myself that I chose, not one forced on me because of debts.

Antonio and I left the meeting together feeling hopeful. We had faced a big challenge and won, and it felt like we were starting a new journey together.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Facebook/LoveBuster

For illustration purposes only | Source: Facebook/LoveBuster

The next few days were emotional. My family was safer now, and we didn't have to worry about losing everything. My parents said sorry a lot, but I was just happy we were all okay.

Soon, Edward left us alone. The deal we made got rid of his hold over us, and that felt like freedom.

Antonio and I got closer during this time. We had been through a lot, but it made our love stronger. I also learned a lot about myself through all this. I found out I was stronger than I thought and that fighting for what you want is important.


Today, Antonio and I are happy together. We enjoy simple moments of life and feel hopeful about a great future. I will forever be thankful to him for his support and love, and we are ready to face whatever comes next. You must've noticed I never mentioned him saying 'I love you' to me.

Well, my Antonio is like that. He doesn't say much but shows his love through actions. I love him. More than he knows.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Facebook/LoveBuster

For illustration purposes only | Source: Facebook/LoveBuster

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