I Found Out the Woman I Fell for Has a Husband – She Cursed Me after What I Did

An older man thought he found love when he started a fiery relationship with a woman he met through work. However, little did he know that it would end with him receiving messages from her threatening


An older man thought he found love when he started a fiery relationship with a woman he met through work. However, little did he know that it would end with him receiving messages from her threatening to ruin his life!

A couple flirting while looking at something on a tablet | Source: Pexels

A couple flirting while looking at something on a tablet | Source: Pexels

So, I'm George, a 52-year-old construction company owner, who, up until recently, thought I had found something special with Jane, a 56-year-old business manager. Jane worked as the project manager at the company that contracted my business to do work.

She and I connected over work, and our fling started with us just flirting lightly but keeping it respectful because of work. However, it wasn't until a casual coffee turned into an evening event, a party where she asked me to be her plus one, that I felt the spark turn into a flame.

A couple flirting and smiling while enjoying beverages with a laptop visible | Source: Pexels

A couple flirting and smiling while enjoying beverages with a laptop visible | Source: Pexels


Of course, I agreed to go out because I was extremely attracted to her! The event was a whirlwind of laughter, dancing, and flirtatious glances. "You're quite the dancer, George," Jane whispered into my ear during a slow song, her breath warm against my neck. I was smitten!

We had a great time at the event and then surprised me further when she invited me to her place! I knew what would happen if we were all alone, and I eagerly agreed to accompany her. It only took a few seconds before we were in her bedroom, kissing passionately like teenagers, before consummating our bond.

A couple being romantic while the woman receives a bouquet of flowers | Source: Pexels

A couple being romantic while the woman receives a bouquet of flowers | Source: Pexels

I realized the morning after that I had fallen deeply and quickly in love with Jane, and I felt amazing! I couldn't wait for us to see each other again and for this thing between us to go further. We kept flirting secretly at her workplace when I was there, and we really seemed to have something building up.


Jane then invited me to spend a week at her place, and that was fantastic! When that week came to an end, I asked her, "So why don't you spend the next weekend at my place?" but her response left me reeling. She casually said this as if it wasn't a big deal and something I was supposed to know:

"My HUSBAND will be back home tomorrow for this weekend from his business trip, so that won't work."

A man coughing after receiving some troubling news from the woman seated next to him | Source: Pexels

A man coughing after receiving some troubling news from the woman seated next to him | Source: Pexels

"W-what?!" was all I managed to get out, but honestly, I was furious and felt like a fool as I don't date married women. "Your husband? You're married?" I remember asking, the words tasting bitter. "George, I... It's complicated," she tried to explain, but I cut her off, "No, Jane. There's nothing complicated about honesty."


Fueled by a mix of anger and betrayal, I decided to confront her husband, Dan. So, the next day, I waited outside their house feeling like I'd reached the lowest point of my life, but I had to know the truth. When Dan appeared, his confusion was palpable. "Can I help you?" he asked, eyeing me warily.

A man stepping out of his car | Source: Pexels

A man stepping out of his car | Source: Pexels

"I think we need to talk. It's about Jane," I said, my voice steadier than I felt. His brow furrowed, but he nodded, and we ended up at a dimly lit bar, the kind where secrets are both kept and spilled. I laid everything out for Dan, not sparing the details of the connection Jane and I had, how it all started, and how I was led to believe there was something real between us.

Dan listened, his face an unreadable mask, his fingers tapping a silent rhythm on the bar. When I finished, there was a heavy silence, the kind that feels like it's pressing down on you. Finally, Dan spoke, "I can't say I'm not hurt, heartbroken, or furious. But I appreciate your honesty, George. Not many would have the guts to do what you did."

Two men talking while having beverages | Source: Pexels

Two men talking while having beverages | Source: Pexels

As he stood up abruptly, leaving money for the drinks, he added, "This... This is going to change everything." And just like that, he was gone, leaving me with my thoughts and a growing sense of dread. Jane's reaction came like a storm. Messages filled with venom and promises of retribution arrived a few days later.

A neutral-looking man reading something on his phone | Source: Pexels

A neutral-looking man reading something on his phone | Source: Pexels


"You've ruined everything, George! Thirty years, and you've blown it up in a heartbeat. I'll make sure you regret this," she wrote. Sitting alone, staring at my phone as it lit up with her fury, I couldn't help but wonder if I had made a monumental mistake.

An unhappy man listening to something on his phone | Source: Pexels

An unhappy man listening to something on his phone | Source: Pexels

I questioned if my need for closure and honesty only caused more pain. Was it worth it? So here I am, turning to you, dear readers, for your thoughts. Was I right to lay bare the truth to Dan, or should I have kept it to myself, silently disappearing from their lives? Your insights, as always, are invaluable.

A man covering his mouth and nose with his hands while looking sad | Source: Pexels

A man covering his mouth and nose with his hands while looking sad | Source: Pexels


In another story about cheating, on an ordinary day, Elizabeth finds herself on a car ride home with her husband, Daniel, grappling with a torrent of emotions. She had taken the drastic step of hiring a private investigator to confirm her suspicions about Daniel's fidelity, only to learn that he had managed to silence the investigator.

This revelation only deepens her concerns and fuels her speculation. Why would Daniel do such a thing if he had nothing to hide? Elizabeth hoped that her actions would serve as a wake-up call for her husband to refocus on their marriage, but the outcome is far from what she expected.

A private investigator spotted by a couple he's investigating | Source: Pexels

A private investigator spotted by a couple he's investigating | Source: Pexels

Throughout the drive home, Elizabeth attempts to engage in casual conversation, hoping to glean some honesty from him. However, his responses do little to ease her troubled mind. Upon returning home, they discover signs of neglect, from the unexplained warmth of their house to the mysterious sound of running water upstairs.


Daniel's request for Elizabeth to retrieve his laptop from the car sends her on a futile search, only to return and be met with his confession of a flooded bathroom and bedroom, which he pleads for her not to investigate. Despite his attempts to deter her, Elizabeth's suspicions compel her to uncover the truth upstairs.

A determined-looking woman walking up a flight of stairs | Source: Pexels

A determined-looking woman walking up a flight of stairs | Source: Pexels

What she finds is a startling absence of the chaos Daniel described, further intensifying her doubts about his behavior. Instead, she makes a different discovery in their bathroom that serves as the damning evidence she dreaded, confirming Daniel's infidelity.

This betrayal shatters her heart, but it also ignites a determination to confront the reality of their marriage. The narrative takes an unexpected turn when Daniel's mistress, reveals herself, equally victimized by his deceit. Together, she and Elizabeth hatch a plan to expose Daniel's treachery.

Two happy woman talking while seated at a table | Source: Pexels

Two happy woman talking while seated at a table | Source: Pexels

The women execute their plan with precision, catching Daniel off guard and recording his derogatory comments about his wife. In the end, Elizabeth's initial desire to salvage her marriage transforms into a resolve to liberate herself from a relationship marred by deception.

A distressed man sitting on a bed with his hands covering his face | Source: Pexels

A distressed man sitting on a bed with his hands covering his face | Source: Pexels


Armed with evidence of his betrayal, she confidently asserts her brave intentions. Daniel's pleas for reconciliation fall on deaf ears, as Elizabeth and his former mistress stand united in their decision to leave him behind, embarking on a journey to rebuild their lives independently.

Two woman discussing something while one laughs | Source: Pexels

Two woman discussing something while one laughs | Source: Pexels

This tale is a poignant reminder of the complexities of trust and betrayal in relationships. It highlights the strength that comes from facing difficult truths and the unexpected alliances that can emerge in the wake of deception. Elizabeth's journey from suspicion to empowerment reflects a universal struggle to find clarity and resolution amidst emotional turmoil. Click here to read the full story and two more others like it.