Gordon Ramsay says there’s one thing you should never order at a restaurant

Among his criticisms and outbursts when it comes to fellow chefs, Gordon Ramsay also has top tips for the general diner.


Gordon Ramsay is a name in the culinary industry that most people are aware of, with his passionate outbursts perhaps being his most iconic trait. However, one can hardly deny Ramsay’s talent and experience as a chef. Furthermore, one of his career highlights involves checking out failing restaurants and figuring out what is going wrong for them.

Of course, this also means that Gordon Ramsay has encountered almost every kind of dish that exists. The variety includes bouillabaisse, blancmange, quiche, and quinoa. At times, he has also been quite critical of the appearance of dishes cooked by amateurs. Now, Ramsay has accumulated all of these experiences into warning his viewers about one trait that they will show them to be extra wary. Bear in mind that it is not an extraordinary or exotic trait at all. At the same time, it is also not something too usual, like a rat-infested kitchen or a mold-infested pantry.

In an interview with the Daily Mail, Gordon Ramsay mentioned the three golden rules that let him know if a restaurant is decent. Of them, Ramsay told readers to be extra cautious of going to restaurants that throw around inflated “boasts” regarding their food. These include boasts like “best in the world” or “famous.”

Unproven Boasts Are Not The Only Thing Gordon Ramsay Is Worried About

To Ramsay, such buzzwords always ring alarm bells since they usually do not have any proof backing them. It makes him think about where the restaurant got the claim from. Ramsay also shared a top regarding getting the best wine bottle for the lowest price. He said customers should inquire about the “bin end” list. This list includes vintage wines with poor sales or scratched label bottles. He also advised customers to ask for the best-recommended bottle that is at most $30. He says this can get the person an underrated drink without a hefty price tag.

However, all of that pales with the best tip from Gordon Ramsay in the interview. He explicitly warns his readers not to order anything from the board of specials. He says that specials are meant to disappear as the evening goes on. Moreover, when the board has ten dishes listed as specials, they do not really remain “special.” In other words, most of the time, the specials are a trick to charge a higher price for normal dishes.

Earlier on, Gordon Ramsay had taken offense at some restaurants that made “soup of the day.” Ramsay had advised customers to first ask the server about yesterday’s soup before ordering that day. If it turns out to be the same, then the restaurant has probably been serving that “soup of the day” for a week, or even a month, every day. His final advice was for those who are planning a romantic dinner. According to Ramsay, reserving a table for three people can get you a table much faster than if it were for three.