Rich Young Man Humiliates Poor Housemaid, She Teaches Him an Important Lesson – Story of the Day

Beverly was falsely accused of theft from Mr. Van Hoff's safe after she rejected his son's advances. She decided to prove her innocence while simultaneously achieving her ulterior motives...

Beverly was falsely accused of stealing from Mr. Van Hoff's safe after she rejected his son's advances. She decided to prove her innocence while simultaneously achieving her ulterior motives.


"That's the sexiest thing I've ever seen," the leering voice said to Beverly. She had been cleaning the coffee table but straightened and turned, startled.

The voice had come from Franz — her employer, Mr. and Mrs. Hoff's son.

Beverly knew his intentions were nothing but evil, and her heart shuddered as she recalled the pregnancy test she'd taken in her apartment that morning. She was expecting, and the last thing she wanted was to be touched by Franz.

"I love the sound of 'sir' on your lips," Franz interrupted her thoughts. "I would like to see what else you can do with your lips."

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Youtube/DramatizeMe

"Franz, I'm not interested in that," Beverly replied. "I need to get back to work."


"I don't think so," Franz retorted, grabbing her arm. "I'm not a man that takes rejection well."

"Let me go," Beverly insisted. Right then, Mrs. Hoff called her to make arrangements for a special dinner, and while Beverly would've hated it any other day, she was relieved. But Franz followed her into the kitchen.

"When are you going to stop playing hard to get?" he asked unexpectedly, startling her and making her drop the pot she had been scrubbing vigorously over the sink.

"Wha-what do you want?" she cried.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Youtube/DramatizeMe

"Ahh, finally. A nice little reaction," Franz drawled as he stood too close to her.


His nose ran through her jaw, making her skin crawl. "See? All women are drawn to me. Now, give in and let me put you across this counter like I've wanted since you arrived."

"No, I don't want that!" she hissed, shoving him away.

"I said I was tired of your games!" Franz growled as he stared into her face. His eyes were blazing with lust and anger. Beverly really contemplated if she should tell him she was pregnant. Maybe he would back off then. But men like him wouldn't stop even at that.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Youtube/DramatizeMe

Thankfully, Franz hurled a slur at her and stomped out of the kitchen when she kept resisting him.

She could only hold on to the counter as her breaths came rapidly. A few tears escaped, but she had to compose herself.


"Is everything alright, Beverly?" Mrs. Hoff appeared.

"Yes, of course, Augustine," she responded, standing straighter and fixing her hair. Her employers didn't mind her addressing them by their names.

"Are you sure?" Mrs. Hoff asked, noticing her condition.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Youtube/DramatizeMe

"Well," Beverly thought for a second. "Ma'am, I'm so sorry to say this, but I think Franz has a crush on me."

She said it. Yes, she did. She couldn't hold it any longer. But she couldn't reveal her pregnancy directly. It would ruin her plans — she had decided to teach Franz a lesson while duping the Hoffs.


"Oh!" Mrs. Hoff laughed, distracting her. "My son has many girlfriends, but he would get with the he—I mean, you must've misunderstood his intentions."

Beverly just nodded, but deep down, she was terrified. She had to take slow steps.

As she set the dinner table a few days later, Beverly maintained her composure.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Youtube/DramatizeMe

The unspoken tension lingered as Mrs. Hoff complimented her.

Beverly continued her duties, concealing the truth about Franz's harassment.

Suddenly, Mr. Hoff rushed his wife.

"Augustine! Did you touch the safe?"


Beverly could see them from the kitchen.

"What? Of course not," Mrs. Hoff replied.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Youtube/DramatizeMe

"Franz?" Mr. Hoff turned to his son, who dismissed the accusation.

"The money's gone!" Mr. Hoff exclaimed. "Franz, are you sure you didn't touch anything?"

"I don't even know the password!" Franz shrugged.

"Someone must have broken in. We need to call the cops!" Mrs. Hoff suggested, reaching for the phone.

"ARE YOU INSANE?" Mr. Hoff objected, taking her away from Beverly's sight. He had been evading taxes, and calling the cops would only worsen matters.


Beverly intervened. "Excuse me. Dinner's ready, Augustine. I'll retire to my room for now. Just call when you're done."

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Youtube/DramatizeMe

Mrs. Hoff acknowledged her, and Beverly left the room. She feared they were suspecting her.

Beverly entered her room and noticed a bag on her bed. Perplexed, she opened it and found wads of cash inside.

Beverly immediately realized this was the missing money. She could've stolen it and disappeared, but that would be risky now that the Hoffs were alert. So she rushed to the kitchen where Mr. and Mrs. Hoff were, knowing this was Franz's doing and would land him in hot water.

"I found this in my room," she explained, showing the bags to the Hoffs. "I think Fr—"


"YOU STOLE FROM US?" Mr. Hoff accused her.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Youtube/DramatizeMe

"She's been with us for weeks, and nothing has ever gone missing, Johann!" Mrs. Hoff said, but Mr. Hoff insisted on Beverly's departure, calling her a thief.

"Leave! You're fired!"

"No, please! I'm PREGNANT," she declared tremblingly.

Mrs. Hoff's hands went to her mouth in shock, and Beverly noticed something in the older woman's eyes — Yes, she thought. You're right, Mrs. Hoff. You should start suspecting that the child's father is your son. I know you; you'll feel bad for me, and pay me for my silence! I want that money before I leave!


But Beverly's pleas fell on deaf ears. She returned to her room and had just removed her top, thinking that she had to find a way to convince the Hoffs of her innocence when a voice distracted her.

"Finally, some skin!"

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Youtube/DramatizeMe

Franz entered and locked her room door.

"Get out!" she demanded.

"See what happens when you aren't smart?" He smirked.

"Smart?" Beverly asked.

"I offered you much better than being a maid, and you rejected me," Franz shrugged, stalking toward her. "So, I had to teach you a little lesson."


"Great," Beverly said, clearing throat. "You won. Now, let me leave."

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Youtube/DramatizeMe

"Uh-huh," he said, shaking his finger. "Don't you want to beg for your job back? Or…I could offer you a solution. After what has happened, nobody will hire you. You can be mine, and I can pay you. It wouldn't be much different than being a maid, except it'll be way more pleasurable and sweaty and mind-blowing," he crowned, closing his eyes and putting his face on her neck.

Although her hands itched to slap him as they always did, Beverly contained herself. This could get her what she wanted. So she reached for his shoulders and caressed up to his neck. "Well, since you put it so nicely," she said, hoping it was believable.



"I rejected you before to avoid trouble with your mother, but she's not my concern anymore," Beverly continued. "You're right. I probably won't get another job. So, I accept your offer."

"Excellent," Franz pulled back, smiling like he had won a poker game by cheating. "Tomorrow, we'll meet in the city, and I'll give you a taste of what saying yes to me means."

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Youtube/DramatizeMe

"Tomorrow?" Beverly interrupted. "What am I going to do until then? I have no home and no money. I need an advance."

"No," Franz shook his head and stepped further back. "No advance. Tomorrow."


"Then, I'm sorry. I'll have to find another rich man to help me," she shrugged and returned to dressing. And he fell for her trap.

"Wait," Franz said, grabbing her arm. "Okay. Finish packing, and I'll get you something before you leave."

"You are so sweet," Beverly said. "I don't know why I resisted for so long."

Franz grinned. "I'm not sweet at all, babe," he drawled. "I'll show you that tomorrow."

With those words hanging in the air, Franz left her room. He's disgusting! her mind screamed. Before anything else went wrong, she had to expose Franz and find a way to leave this messy house!

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Youtube/DramatizeMe


The hallway to the kitchen was empty, so Beverly tiptoed and saw Mrs. Hoff holding her head up as she leaned on the countertop.

"Augustine," Beverly said.

"What? Oh, are you ready? I'll call you a cab," Mrs. Hoff stood, looking tired.

"Augustine, you know I didn't do it. That's why you're being so nice to me," Beverly started.

"I don't know anything. But my husband wants you to leave. Please, don't make things difficult."

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Youtube/DramatizeMe

"It was Franz," Beverly blurted. "He did it because I rejected his advances. Augustine, you have to believe me. He had been touching me and harassing me for a while, but I thought I made myself clear. He backed up for a while and admitted he did it."


Mrs. Hoff shook her head sadly. "Beverly, let it go."

"No! He's going to steal again from Mr. Hoff. Please, Augustine. Please. I'm not a thief."

"He's stealing from his father?" Mrs. Hoff asked, confused.

"Yes. I don't know if he's done it before, but he did it this time."

"What is she still doing here?" Mr. Hoff demanded, returning to the kitchen.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Youtube/DramatizeMe

"One second, Johann!"

Mrs. Hoff took her husband aside and spoke in whispers. Mr. Hoff shook his head several times before squinting his eyes. He looked at Beverly briefly but then grabbed his wife's hand.


"Let's go see."

They ran up the stairs, and Beverly followed but remained several paces behind them.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Mr. Hoff screamed suddenly.

Beverly hurried upstairs and saw her employers standing at the entrance of Mr. Hoff's office.

"Honey, wait. Calm down," Mrs. Hoff pleaded, trying to hold her husband back, but her husband was intent on something. They both walked further into the room, and Beverly was slightly satisfied seeing Franz knelt before the safe with a stack of money.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Youtube/DramatizeMe

"Dad! Wait. It's not what you think!" the spoiled brat stood, and his eyes blazed at Beverly before turning fearful as they stared at his dad again.


"Not what I think, huh? You just told me you didn't know my password!" Mr. Hoff continued yelling and looked behind him. "Did you try to frame Beverly?"


"Tell me that isn't true, Franz! How could you?" Mrs. Hoff added, desperate.

"It wasn't like that," their son said and hesitated.

Mr. Hoff shook his head. "I just fired her for nothing!"

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Youtube/DramatizeMe

Mrs. Hoff began to weep into her hands. Beverly thought being vindicated would feel better, but she remained fearful.

"Dad! It's a misunderstanding, I swear."


"Get out of my house," Mr. Hoff stated after a long pause. His voice was normal now, but that only made everything seem much scarier.

Franz scoffed and shook his head. "You're not serious."

"Get out before I decide to call the police," his dad continued.

"You wouldn't. You're too scared."

"Try me," Mr. Hoff said. Beverly couldn't see from her vantage point, but Franz recoiled at the expression on his father's face.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Youtube/DramatizeMe

With a trembling hand, he returned the stack of money and stalked out of the room. Mrs. Hoff's weeping only got louder. Her husband knelt, put the money into the safe, and shut it. It made an electronic sound.


Then Mr. Hoff approached her. "Beverly, is there any way you can stay with us? After all that? I apologize for my outburst and what my son did," the rich man asked, tired. All the energy had left his body.

This was her moment. "I'm sorry I can't work for you any longer," Beverly said apologetically, touching her belly. "My pride wouldn't allow that. But..there's something I need you to do for me. Please."

"Sure, honey. Anything," Mrs. Hoff said, embarrassed by her son's actions.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Youtube/DramatizeMe

Beverly walked out of the Hoffs' mansion with wads of cash in her bag. She glanced back at the opulent structure, scoffing at the ease with which she manipulated them. Another stupid client of hers who fell for her innocence! They'd been so sorry when they learned she was pregnant. They'd paid her so much!


Little did the Hoffs know, their precious son wasn't the father, a secret Mrs. Hoff had suspected, paying Beverly more money discreetly to ensure their reputation remained untarnished.

Beverly walked away, imagining Franz living on the streets and a beautiful new apartment with a cozy little nursery for her baby. "Two birds with one stone," she muttered and smiled to herself.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Youtube/DramatizeMe

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