Arnold Schwarzenegger Is An Absolute Hero For Helping A Depressed Reddit User

What a great man.

Arnold Schwarzenegger, Governor of California, Hollywood star and former Mr. Universe is getting back into shape and he is helping people along the way. He has become somewhat of a superhero, because of the way he motivates and kindly speaks to people to help them.

Arnie is now a fixture on Reddit, where he posts in forums about movies, politics and many more. But it is his knowledge, wisdom, and love for fitness that people adore the most. I mean people see him as the God of fitness and imagine what it will feel like to get advice from the legend himself.

Ali from Canada was one such lucky guy when he spontaneously reached out to Arnie for advice when he was feeling down and depressed. "I had been wanting to go to the gym for quite a while and had not been as I could not get any motivation going," Ali said. "I figured that I wouldn’t have anything to lose just asking. Worst case scenario, no one notices and it gets ignored. Best case scenario... Well, you know!"

Ali got a huge boost when Arnie got back to him and he immediately sprung into a regular routine. "If ever I feel like not going, I just imagine him saying "do it" in his accent," he laughed.

"When I saw Arnold’s first message I was immediately uplifted. And I mean immediately! By the time I came back from the gym people were already so happy in the comments and sharing their own experiences. The story wasn’t about me anymore, it was about the explosion of inspiration that Arnold’s words caused in his post."

"I went to sleep that night feeling like a million bucks, knowing I had had an amazing day. Waking up the next day to see Arnold checking in on me still gives me goosebumps just thinking about it! Saying he was proud of me for having gone to the gym and asking how it went, it definitely felt unreal once again."

The Reddit thread just blasted up and took off with loads of stories, motivation, and positive vibes. Exercise is a great way for people with depression to feel better and this has been proven over and over again, but for them to take that first step is very difficult and sometimes they just need a bit of a push.

"Working out is absolute witchcraft when it comes to feeling better," Ali said. "Obviously there is the immediate endorphin boost, but beyond that, it gives you a sense of having done something worthwhile with your time. If you keep it up, you look better, have more energy, sleep better and even eat better just because your body craves good nutrients after working out."

Ali says he is a nice guy in general, but after the messages with Arnold, he has been feeling extra positive and good. "It’s hard to put a damper on my mood these days." 

Of course, Ali went and watched one of the Schwarzenegger movies, "In the evening I watched Last Action Hero."

Have a look down below at the awesome exchange! 

Arnold is known as this tough guy, but he also has such a good heart.

Arnold is known as this tough guy, but he also has such a good heart.

This Reddit user wasn't feeling so good lately and reached out to Arnold for advice.

This Reddit user wasn't feeling so good lately and reached out to Arnold for advice.