10 People Who Had Enough at Work and Said, «I’m Done With This»

Feeling stuck in a job you don’t like is suffocating, like being trapped in a hamster wheel going nowhere. These 10 stories are about people whose frustration boiled over so much that they de

Feeling stuck in a job you don’t like is suffocating, like being trapped in a hamster wheel going nowhere. These 10 stories are about people whose frustration boiled over so much that they decided to break free. No matter how stuck you may feel, it’s never too late to pursue your dreams and look for something else.


There was a nice old man that would come in every Sunday and order a triple extra cheese pizza. While they charged him for the 3x cheese, they would forbid us from ever actually putting that much cheese on a pizza. He would really be getting what the instructions would qualify as barely enough for a regular cheese pizza.

On the day my 2 weeks notice ended, the old guy was my last order, so I grabbed an entire box of cheese and dumped the entire thing onto his pizza and tossed it into the oven. It couldn’t even fit into the oven and half of it was scraped off. The look on the guy’s face when he saw me do this made it all worth it.


I used to work for my father. He paid me very poorly and made me work 70+ hours a week. I was young, just out of high school, and complained about my predicament quite a lot. His response was always, «If you don’t like it, there’s the door.»

I got another job and went to my father’s office with a list of demands. He responded with his usual reply, so I said, «Alright, I’ve gotten a job offer somewhere else, I quit.» The look on his face was priceless. He truly believed that because I had amazing job security that I’d be willing to put up with anything.

The icing on the cake was the fact that the job that I left him for is at the company that manufactures machinery and software for his business. So any time something goes wrong in his factory, he has to call me to fix it for him.

Your_Lower_Back / Reddit


I was working for a delivery company while studying. After a while it was becoming too much as I had to stay in work until deliveries were unpacked. One night it was a particularly large delivery, and it was getting very late with no end in sight. I decided I’d had enough and told the supervisor I was finished, didn’t want to do the job anymore, and wanted to go home.

He said I was going nowhere until the delivery was unpacked. I repeated that I quit, therefore I don’t care about the delivery, completing my studies was more important to me than earning a bit of extra cash. He refused to unlock the door to let me out.

I decided to take matters in to my own hands. I ran out the fire escape door and down the street, never to return. I’ll always remember the sound of the fire escape door making a big DOOONG as it hit the metal railings.

Unknown author / Reddit


I wrote my two weeks notice on a condolence card that said, «I can’t comprehend the depth of your loss.» Saw someone else do it online, ordered my own and held onto it until a better job offer came along. It went over well.

Prettygoodpizza / Reddit


When I was in high school, I worked as a cashier. I wasn’t respected as an employee, and found a better opportunity at another company. So I went to work in my pajamas and my boss looked at me in shock and said, «You need to change. You can’t come to work looking like this.»

I told her I only came to get my pay check. I wish I can express the look on her face and everyone else that was working that day. It was such a feeling of relief. It also was funny, showing up in my pajamas.

TheGreekitaliano / Reddit


One guy I worked with hired a mariachi band to follow him into our boss’s office. Unfortunately for him, the boss was on vacation, so he ended up quitting over the phone and was so pissed he had spent the $300 on the band.

Unknown author / Reddit


I ordered a super burrito with no tomatoes or black olives, to go. I’m standing near the counter watching them put items together, and I see they’ve started on my burrito. The cook loads it up with everything and wraps it up. He has it in his right hand and reaches up with his left to clear out the order on the monitor.

He stops for a moment when he realizes that he messed up by putting everything on the burrito. He turns around and fires a 100 mph fast-ball burrito against the back wall. He walks into the back room, takes off his shirt and heads out the back door.

LiesureSuitLarry / Reddit


Wrote a letter of resignation, got into the office and was straight ignored by management. Fast-forward 3 days, they pull me into a conference room to ask what it would take to keep me. I say nothing but don’t want to ruin them (sole IT manager for a staff of 70) and would be willing to consult part-time.

They liked that idea and said they’d be willing to pay me my current hourly as a consultant. I said that I’d consult, and my consulting rate was $200/hr. They were flabbergasted and insulted (I was making about $18/hr salary). They thought it was insane, even though they’d pay a consulting firm $600/hr when I was on vacation.

Cypher1710 / Reddit


I was looking for work and took anything I could find, unfortunately the job I found was telemarketing. I hated it, I always took no for an answer and that got me in lots of trouble. They kept putting me in a room with this old VHS tape on pressure tactics and never taking no for an answer. The tape went for an hour, so I just had a nap instead.

I was also looking for work on the side and found a job at the local supermarket, so I knew I had a backup plan. The next time they put me in that room with that tape, I had a nap again and then when I came out they said, «If you have to go in there again your position will be terminated.» I just said, «I’ll save you the trouble, I quit.» That really pissed them off because they were already understaffed.

TheRealReapz / Reddit


My boss was never in the office and wasn’t even there for me to turn in my resignation. So I took a video of me dancing on his desk and singing about how he’s never there and sent it to his boss.

AnotherCleverGuy / Reddit

Having a wedding can be as difficult as work. Sometimes, despite the careful planning, things can take a wild turn. You never know when a wedding can go hilariously or tragically off-script. In this article, 10 people proved it with their stories.