A lady moves her car to avoid a garbage bag on the road, then checks it out and feels scared.

You might have experienced this before. Suddenly, you decide to do something a bit different from your usual routine. Maybe you change when you...


You might have experienced this before. Suddenly, you decide to do something a bit different from your usual routine. Maybe you change when you have your coffee or leave work a bit earlier. Even small changes in your daily routine can make a big difference. You might run into an old friend unexpectedly, or find out something upsetting about your partner soon after leaving work.

Sometimes, changes are tiny, and other times, they’re huge. Just like what happened to Malissa Sergent Lewis one summer day when she decided to take a different way to work.

Facebook/Malissa Sergent Lewis

One summer morning in 2016, Malissa Sergent Lewis was running behind schedule for her job at a school in Kentucky.

Malissa decided to take a smaller road instead of the busy highway because she wanted to get to her destination faster.

She’ll always be thankful for making that choice.

Facebook/Malissa Sergent Lewis

That day on the road, there was something unusual: a moving trash bag.

When Malissa saw it, she wondered if it was really moving.

As she got closer, she realized it was indeed moving.

Facebook/Malissa Sergent Lewis

Malissa really wanted to see what was in the bag, so she stopped her car and walked over to it carefully, not sure what she would find inside.

Malissa understood that since the bag was tied, whatever was inside wasn’t there by accident.

She carefully ripped open a corner of the bag to look inside.

Even more surprising was what was inside.

“It was a young dog. He was really happy to see me, too. When I opened the bag and he saw light, he immediately started wagging his tail. I couldn’t believe it,” Malissa told The Dodo.

The puppy was found in the road, inside a trash bag. It seemed like the dog hadn’t been in there for too long, even though even a short time would have been too much for the little guy.

Even though the puppy had a collar, there were no tags on it.

Malissa took the dog to school with her because she couldn’t stand to leave him behind.

Facebook/Malissa Sergent Lewis

Finally, Malissa’s son took the dog back home. Then, both of them took the puppy to the vet for a check-up and shots.

It’s a mystery how the puppy ended up in a bag by the roadside.

Malissa was afraid someone might take or leave the puppy, so she called animal control.

But nobody said the dog belonged to them, and nobody reported losing it.

Luckily, Malissa and her family have adopted the dog, so he’ll have a loving home. Malissa can’t understand why someone would do something so cruel.

Who would hurt an animal like that? Everyone loves puppies. Malissa said to The Dodo, “Putting any animal in a trash bag and leaving it on the road is really cruel.”

To watch a video about the event, click this link: