5 Stories of When the Rich People Decide to Bully the Poor & Get Instant Karma

Having money doesn’t give anyone the right to act entitled or rude to those who have less! On the bright side, the universe has a way of hitting these people back, and karma can be… a huge reality


Having money doesn’t give anyone the right to act entitled or rude to those who have less! On the bright side, the universe has a way of hitting these people back, and karma can be… a huge reality check!


The people below saw someone in their life acting terribly, and they either helped to show them the right way, or they watched as these wealthy brats got what they deserved. But wait to see what happened when Tennessee’s boss yelled at a homeless man in the 5th story!

1. I Gave My Daughter Some Tough Love, but Did I Go Too Far?

This is my first time sharing such a story online, and I don’t know if I want advice or just to vent a bit. I’m Jack, and my daughter, Danie, is super talented and has everything she could wish for in terms of money and opportunities (thanks to my hard work).

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

Unfortunately, she's also incredibly spoiled and usually gets away with just about anything by flashing her smile and sweet-talking. I know that’s partly my fault, but recently, she truly crossed the line, and I had to step in.


Here's what happened: Danie was all set for a two-week luxury vacation in the Caribbean. Before her trip, she wanted to go on a shopping spree, which I usually allow. We even make a day out of such shopping sprees, going someplace nice for lunch and coffee after it.

But this time, I got tied up with urgent work issues and had to skip our planned lunch.

She ended up grabbing some fast food and, after eating, left all her trash on a bench right outside my office building.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

An elderly janitor, Mr. Terence, who’s been with my company for over two decades, saw this and politely asked her to clean up after herself. I had just come out to greet my baby girl.


But Danie’s response shocked me. She flatly refused and told him, “I don’t clean up! People clean up for ME. People like you, the servants—isn’t that your job? So do it—clean it up!”

I was frozen solid, and obviously, Danie didn’t see me.

Mr. Terence politely tried to explain that it was disrespectful to leave trash around, but she rudely interrupted and threatened his job, saying that since he worked for me, he effectively worked for her.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

And she could make him do whatever she wanted, including unreasonable demands like licking her shoes.

I can’t express how livid I was. I called out to her, and when she turned around, I confronted her about her behavior.

Not only that, but I demanded that she apologize to Mr. Terence right then and there. She did apologize, but it was clear she didn’t mean a word of it—it was all just an act.

So, I knew I had to do something significant to teach her a real lesson about humility and the value of hard work. I immediately decided to give Mr. Terence a well-deserved break.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

I offered him and his wife an all-expenses-paid trip to the Bahamas for two weeks—the vacation that was originally meant for Danie.

To cover for him while he was away, I told Danie she would take over his duties as a janitor.

Danie was in disbelief. She yelled and screamed, insisting she was supposed to be on vacation, not cleaning toilets, sweeping floors, and picking up trash.


I held firm, telling her if she refused, she would lose her allowance and her convertible, reminding her that technically, everything she had was mine since I paid for it all.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

Reluctantly, she started her duties the next Monday. It was tough for her; she was not used to physical work at all. Cleaning is simply not an easy job!

Her nails were ruined, and her hands were sore, but other janitorial staff reported back to me, that she was doing a solid job.

By the time Mr. Terence returned from that vacation, my daughter had changed. She apologized to him for acting out. I don’t know if the threat of being cut off was the catalyst, though.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

Still, this experience seems to have changed her perspective a bit. She now seems to respect the hard work people do every day, something she had never appreciated before.

So, what do you all think? Did I handle this the right way? Could I have done something differently? Has anyone else faced similar issues with their kids?

Jack managed to get his spoiled daughter to see right from wrong in this case, but Jacob was about to discover this bratty son wasn’t only making fun, but bullying a poor kid.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney


2. I Heard My Son Was Actively Bullying a Classmate and Had to Step In

It’s hard to raise a kid without spoiling them when you have privilege, especially when you worked hard and earned it with your own bare hands.

You want to give them the world and everything you didn’t have at their age, but I think my wife and I didn’t realize how much those advantages could shape our child’s personality if it went unchecked.

I’ll explain a little more. My name is Jacob, and I’m a doctor. Not going to lie. I earn well over six figures. So, my son, Sam, has grown up with everything.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

Still, we placed him in a local public school. It’s where his mom and I met, but that’s another story. Just like any parent, I thought my child was a good kid.


But one day, I learned that wasn’t the case. It all started when we were shopping at the mall a few days ago.

Sam noticed his classmate, Kelly, talking to her mom outside the restroom area. Curious, he eavesdropped on their conversation and was surprised to learn that Kelly's mom was a janitor at the mall.

This seemed to amuse him in a not-so-great way, and he came up with an idea to tease her at school.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

According to what I heard from a friend later on, Sam started ridiculing Kelly right when she entered the classroom.

He went as far as telling her that she didn’t belong with them because of her mom's job and told others to join in the mocking. Sam was well-liked, so the kids followed suit.


They threw stuff at her, and despite her pleading for them to stop, Sam just kept pushing harder. But the kicker is that I found all this out because of a patient.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

My son’s classmate, Chris, came to my private clinic one day. I’ve been their family doctor for a while, so he felt comfortable. Obviously, he knew I was Sam’s father.

Chris told me everything, and he was really concerned. But more importantly, he told me that this wasn’t just a one-time thing — Sam had been bullying kids from less affluent backgrounds for a while.

Hearing this about my son was like a slap in the face; I had no idea things were this bad.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

Determined to see it for myself, I decided to surprise him at school the next day. I caught him at just the right moment — he and his buddies were laughing over a mean poster they'd put up about Kelly being a future toilet cleaner.

That was it for me. I still remember how I yelled, "That's ENOUGH!!!" I demanded that Sam apologize to Kelly immediately.

The whole place went silent, and I could see the embarrassment on my son’s face. But apologizing wasn’t enough. You could say I cut him off at his privilege. No more pocket money.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney


If he wanted something, he would have to earn it by helping clean the school after classes. I even spoke to the principal about it, and he was on board for the plan.

Of course, Sam didn’t believe me at first, but when he realized I was serious, he started cleaning. On his first day back home, I decided to tease him.

He sat on the sofa with me, and I asked him to move a little because he smelled like a toilet. It was a bit much, but he was telling Kelly those things. I wanted him to know how much that hurts.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

He was visibly upset, but I could tell it made him think about his actions. And finally, I can say he made me proud.


The following day, Sam took it upon himself to apologize to Kelly again in front of everyone in his class. I heard that it was much more heartfelt than when I made him do it.

He admitted his mistakes and promised to change his behavior. Since then, he really hasn't mocked anyone or acted mean like before.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

I'm torn about whether I handled this the right way. Part of me worries I might have been too harsh on him, but then again, I wanted him to learn that respect is crucial, no matter someone’s job or background.

Thanks for letting me share. It feels a bit better just getting this off my chest.

Jacob managed to make Sam turn his attitude around, but Chloe was about to meet her old classmate, Sofia, and discover that the green is not greener on the other side.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

3. I Met up with an Old Classmate and Ended up Getting Her Husband Arrested

When his investor left, Alexander pulled me aside, suggesting that my newfound connection with Patterson could be beneficial for both of us.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

Conclusion: he'd help with my student loans if I helped secure the investment.

I was disgusted by his opportunism. I made it clear I wasn’t going to compromise my principles for his gain. I saw that he was about to go off on me with horrible words, like at his house.


But Patterson interrupted us. He had forgotten his wallet and overheard everything. He decided then and there that Alexander wasn't the kind of person he wanted to do business with.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

That wasn’t all. Patterson offered to help me secure a scholarship through his company to support my education as a thank you for the Heimlich, but also for my integrity.

Alexander stormed off, huffing and puffing. I never saw him again, but I read about him. His world started to crumble after that day.

His dodgy business practices caught up with him, his reputation tanked, and he eventually faced legal issues.

Through all of this, I learned that integrity and honesty lead to respect and genuine support.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

And despite everything, I found that family isn't just about blood—it's about the values you uphold and the choices you make.

Clara discovered that having a rich father isn’t really that great, and coming up next, Tennessee was about to witness the most insane transformation of an angry boss.

5. My Boss Changed Overnight...because He Was Cursed!

Hello, everyone! My name is Tennessee, and I’m about to spill some tea about my boss, Mr. Stanton, who always considered himself the biggest tool in the shed. I was his assistant.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney


He was what everyone would call a nepo-baby. Always in fancy, expensive clothes. Sports cars, brand accessories...the whole shebang.

Mr. Stanton got his position when his dad died and left him the family business. But no one hated that company more than him. He also despised people, in general.

So, you can probably imagine how he felt about the less fortunate. One day, he was walking into the office, head buried in his phone, and wham! He knocked over a beggar's box of coins right by the building entrance.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

I was just arriving at work, too, and saw the whole thing. The poor man was trying to be nice, saying he’d pick it all up, but Mr. Stanton just flipped out.


He started ranting about his expensive shoes getting dirty because of the beggar. It was honestly so cringy to see how a grown, over-privileged baby belittled that poor.


But the homeless man suddenly straightened and very seriously said, "Tomorrow, you won't recognize yourself. Everything will change."

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

I didn’t think anything about that, and Mr. Stanton walked away, still shouting, "Do you even know how much they cost?" and "I don't want to see you here next time!"

With one last look at the homeless man, I followed my boss but took another elevator. His lift must have stopped somewhere because I arrived before him, so I could witness another display of his entitlement.


He took out his anger on everyone!

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

Lucretia, one of our best employees, tried to show him this project she’d been slaving over. But she barely got a word out before Mr. Stanton barked, “Aren't you too old to want a pat on the back for doing your job? Just get out of my office!”

Savage, right?

So, I kept my head low, trying to complete my secretary duties. I also told him about the office running out of coffee and how the water filters are empty because he won’t pay the bills.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney


His brilliant solution? "If everybody wants to drink water, they must bring some from home."

Seriously? And don't get me started on the coffee. According to him, a recent study shows we lose two hours of productivity at the coffee machine. Yeah, right.

This kind of behavior wasn't new, though. What surprised me was him...the very next day. Mr. Stanton walked in all smiles and sunshine.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

He even approved my vacation request faster than I can say 'paid leave.' He had tried to deny it just a few days earlier! "Vacation? Now? Tennessee, we're in the middle of crucial projects!" he had said.

But he changed to Mr. Nice Guy all of a sudden?


I then remembered the homeless man’s words. How did he know? Spooky!

But it was too late for Mr. Nice Guy. Several people had handed in their immediate resignations after yesterday’s tantrums. The office was a ghost town, except for me and a few others.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

I couldn’t quit. I had bills and student loans to pay.

Anyway, Mr. Stanton went into panic mode, promising bonuses and apologies, trying to get everyone back. He even asked me for help. Like, the nerve, right?

But I laid it out straight for him. "You'll go to every one of them and apologize personally," I said. But the shocker is that Mr. Stanton agreed.


He even handed them paychecks as evidence of his goodwill.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

Weeks roll by, and guess what? It kinda worked. People started trickling back because he was actually trying to make a change. He even started these cool team meetings with snacks and everything.

Totally not the Mr. Stanton we knew. He gave Lucretia a huge promotion, which made her his second in command. Who would've thought?

And funnily enough, my boss is convinced that the beggar was some oracle with magical powers. I mean, from zero to hero, just like that.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney


"I wonder where he is now. I would take him out for a meal if I see him again," he has said from time to time.

It's curious. I've never seen that homeless man again, but that doesn't mean I believe this whole thing.

But what do you think? Was my boss cursed into being nice? Or he is sick? Either way, my life at the office got better, so I’m not complaining.

Not many people learn when karma hits them with a lesson, but those who do get a chance to make things right and live better lives.

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

But wait! If you enjoyed reading these, you might also like these five stories, where people expecting a big inheritance got a huge shock instead.