My MIL Took Desperate Measures To Make Us Have Children – She Was Shocked With The Result Of Her Actions

Morgan and Elijah have long resisted the pressure from their mother-in-law to continue the family line, causing constant tension. However, a forgotten investment made by Elijah's father pays off, c


As Morgan and Elijah navigate their mother-in-law's manipulative estate plans, an unexpected inheritance turns the tables, offering them a chance to redefine family on their own terms. But will their newfound independence bring peace, or will it deepen existing divides?

A woman sitting in her room | Source: Getty Images

A woman sitting in her room | Source: Getty Images

Hey, everyone, Morgan here, diving into a tale that's got a little bit of family drama, a pinch of shock value, and a smidge of justice. So, buckle up, here we go.

You know, for the longest time, my MIL (mother-in-law) has been pretty obsessed with the idea of my husband, Elijah and me having kids. But here's the thing, we've made our peace with the decision not to have any.

A couple laughing while having dinner | Source: Getty Images

A couple laughing while having dinner | Source: Getty Images


We didn't rush into this decision; after many discussions and thoughtful nights, Elijah even went ahead and got a vasectomy. We thought that would be the end of it, but oh, how we were wrong!

So, yesterday, out of the blue, MIL invited us over for dinner. It was all casual until she decided to drop a bombshell during dessert.

A close-up photo of stacked brownies | Source: Pexels

A close-up photo of stacked brownies | Source: Pexels

Out of nowhere, she starts talking about how she and my FIL (father-in-law) have begun planning their funerals. Yeah, you heard that right—funerals! My FIL, bless his soul, tried his best to change the topic, but MIL was on a mission.

Now, here's the kicker. With this smug grin plastered across her face, MIL launched into her plans for dividing their estate.

A grayscale photo of people attending a funeral | Source: Pexels

A grayscale photo of people attending a funeral | Source: Pexels

She made it crystal clear that because Elijah and I don't have children, we would not receive much. The reason? She wants their money to "support their family line." Basically, it was her way of punishing us for our choice.

Now here's the part where it gets good. Instead of the reaction she expected—maybe she thought we'd beg or throw a fit—Elijah and I just nodded.

A couple having dinner with their parents | Source: Getty Images

A couple having dinner with their parents | Source: Getty Images


"That sounds like a smart plan," I said. You should have seen her face drop! It was priceless, like watching someone deflate a balloon in slow motion.

And oh, we can't forget about my sister-in-law, Ella. The moment funerals and not being around anymore came up, she started making this huge scene, sobbing about how she "loves them so much." It was a whole drama on its own.

A woman wiping her tears | Source: Shutterstock

A woman wiping her tears | Source: Shutterstock

Moving on, things took another twist later that evening. My MIL, the master puppeteer, has always had a way of using her money to keep a tight leash on two of her kids, but guess what? Not us. No siree. That's been a thorn in her side for a while now, and I reckon it just drives her crazy.

A digital device showing application icons, including Mail | Source: Pexels

A digital device showing application icons, including Mail | Source: Pexels


So what does she do? Last night, Elijah got this email from her, dripping with what she probably thought was subtlety. She was "apologizing" for how she decided to split her estate.

An unrecognizable man using a smartphone | Source: Getty Images

An unrecognizable man using a smartphone | Source: Getty Images

The email was slick, guys. She added a little olive branch, suggesting a "method of communication" to discuss the estate further—just him, without me. Classic MIL move, right? She was obviously fishing for him to plead or maybe try to sway her.

A man showing something on his phone to his wife | Source: Getty Images

A man showing something on his phone to his wife | Source: Getty Images


But here's how my brilliant husband handled it. He didn’t just shrug it off. Nope. He looped me into the email chain (because, teamwork, right?) and shot back a reply that was nothing short of a chef's kiss.

An angry senior woman | Source: Getty Images

An angry senior woman | Source: Getty Images

He wrote, "Mom, Morgan and I want you to enjoy your money and have a happy and secure retirement. This is your money; you can do whatever you want with it, and we'll never criticize you for your decision about this." Mic drop.

Family members arguing | Source: Getty Images

Family members arguing | Source: Getty Images


And just like that, we sidestepped all the family drama. While the rest of her kids are already clawing over what they think they deserve, Elijah and I are out here, using good manners like some sort of genteel insult.

A father-son duo sharing a sweet moment | Source: Getty Images

A father-son duo sharing a sweet moment | Source: Getty Images

Years back, long before all this drama about wills and inheritances started, my FIL, a man of quiet gestures and deep bonds, pulled my husband aside for a little father-son project.

A father and son discussing something with their laptop open | Source: Getty Images

A father and son discussing something with their laptop open | Source: Getty Images


He got Elijah involved in what seemed like a modest investment at the time—nothing fancy, just a small start-up or a piece of real estate. It was their thing, a special secret just between them, and he never breathed a word of it to anyone else in the family, especially not his wife.

A man talking on the phone | Source: Shutterstock

A man talking on the phone | Source: Shutterstock