Little Boy Believes His Mom Di*d in Car Crash, Years Later He Accidentally Meets Her – Story of the Day

"OMG! that really you?" Aaron tears up after recognizing a woman's tattoo while stopping her from robbing a hotel guest. Aaron is unable to believe his 'dead' mother, who h

"OMG! that really you?" Aaron tears up after recognizing a woman's tattoo while stopping her from robbing a hotel guest. Aaron is unable to believe his 'dead' mother, who had passed away in a car crash when he was little, was standing alive before his eyes.


"Perfect!" Lisa wickedly grinned, applying another velvety coat of ruby red lipstick. She looked perfect enough to lure her next target.

"I hate noisy places!" She approached 42-year-old Henry at the bar counter. "We should find a quieter place," she seductively ran her fingers on his shoulder.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

"I know one, gorgeous!" Henry said, his breath stinking of alcohol. "Babe, I can't promise to remain quiet once we get there!"

Henry's chuckle annoyed Lisa. But she forced a smile and ordered another Whiskey-Coke for Henry while keeping herself sober. Lisa was a regular at the bar, and the bartender knew she avoided alcohol whenever she was with a 'gentleman.'


As time wore on and as Henry downed the third glass, he could barely stand. Lisa wrapped her arms around him and helped him to his room.

Once they were in Henry's hotel room, Lisa made him another drink spiked with sleeping pills.

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"I'm going for a quick shower, babe. Be right back!" she told him. And moments later, when he returned, Henry was sound asleep.

Seizing the opportunity, Lisa rummaged through Henry's pockets.

"What the hell? He has only $70??" she was alarmed when she only found a handful of dollar bills and coins.

Lisa pulled out Henry's suitcase from under the bed, and as she opened it and landed her hand on a thick wad of cash, the room suddenly burst open.


"What the hell?" a young man charged at her. "How did you get in here? Who are you?"

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

"Leave me's none of your business, boy," Lisa motioned for the youngster to back off.

"Wait! your name Elizabeth?" he stuttered.

"So...why do you care? And how do you know my name?" Lisa snapped.

"OMG! that really you? You're alive!" the boy cried, his eyes fixed on the tattoo on Lisa's neck.

"Mom...what??" Lisa's face twisted with shock. "This can't can't be my son."

She looked at the boy again, and this time, she couldn't lie to herself or him. Her heart started to pound as her past flashed before her teary eyes.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

20 years ago...

"How could you not tell me you were performing in those cheap pubs and bars, Lisa?" Lisa's husband, Steve, was mad at her for taking up small singing gigs without informing him.

"Our son Aaron's only six....what's he gonna think of his mother if he comes to know you're doing THIS?"

However, Steve's concerns and pleas were brushed aside as Lisa was dead set on pursuing her dreams.

"So what's next, Lisa? Trading your body off to someone?" Steve fumed.

"Watch your words, Steve. You can't order me around if you can't support my dreams," Lisa argued.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

"Oh really? And you expect me to allow my wife to perform in a bar full of drunk men? Are you out of your mind, Lisa?" Steve barked.

"So what? I didn't marry you to do dirty dishes...cook...and die a crone, okay? I'm going to Miami this weekend!" Lisa snapped. "I got this huge gig...and the tickets are booked. Don't you dare stop me from going!"

Steve was taken aback as Lisa stormed to their bedroom to pack her bags.

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That weekend, Lisa arrived at the airport when suddenly, Steve caught up with her. She was shocked as she wasn't expecting him over there.

"Liz, I'm so sorry," he said. "Please don't go. I don't feel good about this. Please listen to me."

Lisa's heart softened a little. However, she was hellbent on going. "Look, honey...this is my life. I had to put my dreams on hold when we got married. But now, I don't want to give up when such a big opportunity has presented itself, okay?"

Despite Steve's pleas, Lisa kissed him and left, promising to return home soon.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Unsplash

Having left her family behind, Lisa soon landed in Miami. However, neither she nor Steve guessed what lay ahead of them.


Basking in the city's beauty, Lisa dropped Steve a message that she had landed and booked an Uber to the hotel to meet her talent manager, Greg.

"This is freaking me out!" Lisa told Greg in the dressing room while fixing her makeup as Greg briefed her on her upcoming performance.

"Nothing to worry about! You look gorgeous! So...are you ready to set the stage on fire?" Greg grinned as he led Lisa backstage.

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After giving it her best shot on stage that night and grabbing her first paycheck, Lisa and Greg celebrated at the hotel's 5-star restaurant.

"This is so unbelievable! Cheers to us...and this wonderful night!" Lisa raised a toast. "'s all thanks to you, Greg. Without your help, I would've never been able to do it!"


"Ah, c'mon're so talented!" Greg sipped his wine. "There's a bigger opportunity coming your way!"

"What...OMG...really?!" Lisa's eyes lit up.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

"Yep! Last week, I met a producer. He's the main guy behind the upcoming music gala," Greg said, passing an envelope to Lisa.

She opened the envelope and pulled out an invitation addressed to her. "What? This is...OMG! Am I performing?" she squealed.

"Yes...they want to have you. And I already said yes!" Greg grinned.

Lisa was over the moon and toasted her bright career as a singer.

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Later, when she delivered the good news to Steve, he was genuinely happy for Lisa. However, he told her to be home soon and that he and Aaron were missing her.

"It's all going to be worth it, honey," Lisa told Steve. "After my next show, I'll take a break and head home, alright?"

Two days later, Lisa's performance at the music fest made the audience fall in love with her. Although she sang alongside other artists, she looked like a star, and all eyes were on her.

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Basking in applause and her newfound fame, Lisa returned to the dressing room as Greg welcomed her with open arms. She noticed a stranger beside him.

"I owe it to Greg! Thank you!" Lisa said, her curious gaze fixed on the stranger.

"It's too early to thank me, Lisa!" Greg said. "Meet Mike! The man behind your success tonight!"

"Oh my God!" Lisa gasped, approaching Mike. "Thanks for having me perform, Mike!"

"What a wonderful performance, darling!" Mike flashed his best smile as he gently kissed Lisa's hand.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

"That's really sweet of you, Mike," Lisa smiled. She was nervous, yet composed herself and told how grateful she was for the offer.


"Oh, no, no!" Mike nodded. "There's more, darling. So don't thank me yet!" Mike pulled out a brown envelope and gave it to Lisa.

"Oh my God! Really?!" Lisa cried in excitement. Mike had offered her a contract with his agency for huge compensation.

"Thank you so much, Mike! I'll do it," she happily told him.

"Don't hurry, darling," Mike interrupted. "Not until you've fully understood the applicable terms and conditions!"

"Terms and conditions?" Lisa gave Greg a surprised look as he shrugged.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

"If you sign the contract, consider yourself a star already," Mike promised. "But from now on, I'll be your new talent manager. Not you, Greg!"


Lisa was shocked. "But...I owe my success to Greg," she gasped. "He helped me reach where I am today. Look, Mike, we can't do this..."

"I'm not done yet," Mike interrupted, sliding his arm around her waist. "I've not had a beauty by my side in a long about you give me some company in the dressing room?

...Nothing comes free, darling. If you want something, you gotta pay for it!"

"Back off!" Greg pushed Lisa away from Mike. "She's not doing it!"

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Greg grabbed Lisa's hand and stormed out of the dressing room. She tossed Mike's contract as Mike yelled, "If you turn me down, I'll ruin your career, Lisa!"


Lisa stopped in her tracks. Mike's words sent shivers down her spine as she realized he was capable of doing what he had just told her.

"I have influence and connections in this industry," Mike added. "If you don't sign this contract, your career ends tonight. You sleep with me and become a star. OR YOU GO HOME to be a pathetic housewife!"

Lisa's world was jolted. She couldn't give up on her dreams after coming this far. Time was ticking away, and she had to make a quick decision.

"Fine...I'll do it!" she turned to Mike, her eyes welled up with tears.

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"Lisa, don't do this," Greg pleaded. "We'll figure out something else. Trust me...don't do this!"


Despite Greg's pleas, Lisa had made up her mind. "Leave the dressing room now, Greg," she said.

Mike grabbed Lisa closer and called out to his security guards. "Isn't he a disturbance? Boys, throw him outta here!" he said as the men grabbed Greg and ousted him.

Lisa slept with Mike that night. She was disgusted but pulled herself together to forget about it and move on.

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But just as Lisa grabbed her clothes, the dressing room door burst open. "SURPRISE!" Steve shouted, holding up the bouquet of roses that slipped from his grasp as he stared at his naked wife.

"What the hell?" he fumed. Is this how you're making your dreams come sleeping with men??"


"Steve...I...I can explain," Lisa cried.

"I was right when I said you'd sell your body!" Steve hissed. "And you...what do you think you were doing with my wife?" He punched Mike in the face.

"Steve, stop!" Lisa pushed Steve away before he could hurt Mike again. "Guards, take him out!"

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels


"When our son grows up, I'm gonna tell him you died in a car accident, Lisa. Don't you dare return to our lives," Steve barked as the guards kicked him out.

Lisa cried herself to sleep that night, knowing she had signed Mike's contract and there was no going back.

A few days later, Lisa was performing her first-ever solo at a nightclub. While immersed in her performance, Lisa failed to notice Greg standing in the front row in disguise.


As Lisa's performance drew to a dramatic end, Greg pulled out an empty whiskey bottle and hurled it toward Lisa.

The glass bottle struck Lisa right in the face, causing a deep cut as she collapsed on the stage in pain.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

Someone called 911, but Lisa blacked out before the paramedics arrived on the scene.

When she opened her eyes a few hours later in the hospital, she realized Mike and her team were not there by her side. She was alone, bearing a big, ugly scar from her right eye to her right ear.

A few days later, Lisa was discharged and faced the biggest blow of her career. Mike had terminated his contract because nobody in the music industry needed a singer with an ugly scar.


It all felt like a big, bad dream to Lisa. She could not return home to her husband and son, so she stayed back in Miami.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

"...and I had no choice. I drug tourists and rob survive," Lisa sobbed, recounting her past to Aaron back in the hotel room.

"Dad passed away eight years ago, Mom," Aaron said.

"I'm sorry. I was a terrible mother. A terrible wife!" Lisa wept bitterly.

"Mom, it's okay!" Aaron wrapped his arms around his mother. "You kinda did a good job putting this man to sleep! He's my band's drummer...and we searched for him all night!"


"You have a band?" Lisa exclaimed.

"Yup! Come with me..." Aaron then led Lisa to the next room.

"Guys! We got a backup singer for our band! Meet Mom!"

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Unsplash

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