15 People Stumble Upon Something So Cool, It’s Like Brain Freeze Without the Ice Cream

Life’s full of surprises. You might stumble upon missing items in the most unexpected places, and even share a restroom moment with a wild bird. The trick is being quick with your phone to cap


Life’s full of surprises. You might stumble upon missing items in the most unexpected places, and even share a restroom moment with a wild bird. The trick is being quick with your phone to capture those quirky finds.

1. “Noticed my pupils are two different sizes.”

2. “Found my sister at the Met.”

3. “This engagement ring I found attached to a statue at the park.”

4. “Lightning struck my home gym and left this artifact inside the mirror.”

5. “Every letter on this sign faded in the sun, except for the letter ’N’.”

6. “There’s a wild turkey in the restroom.”

7. “I found the exact street that is in my painting.”

8. “Vial of liquid I found on the beach.”

  • “Nurse here. While that vial looks standard issue for many, many drugs, my best guess is that this is Humalog R. Insulin, which is a biologic substance (hormone) that would rot and start to look like this relatively quickly. It’s supposed to remain refrigerated for long term storage for this reason.” CrashTestWolf / Reddit

9. “I found an identical, unused version of our 30-year-old cutting board at a thrift shop.”

10. “My dad’s Aero bar lacked air.”

11. “I found a baby bunny in my closet.”

12. “A grocery store near me sells both regular KitKat bars and the imported European version.”

13. “This GIANT dandelion I found on my walk today.”

14. “This moth I found on my porch. It’s called a rosy maple moth.”

15. “Today I saw the clearest natural expression of the visible light spectrum that I’ve ever seen.”