3 Stories of the Most Unexpected Meetings between Wives and Mistresses

Thrills, chills, and unexpected alliances unfold in these three gripping stories where wives meet their husbands’ mistresses in unexpected circumstances. From the bright aisles of a grocery store to

Thrills, chills, and unexpected alliances unfold in these three gripping stories where wives meet their husbands’ mistresses in unexpected circumstances. From the bright aisles of a grocery store to the surprise of a secret birthday party, prepare for a journey from deception to empowerment.

Witness the world turn upside down for three women who stumble upon their partners' infidelity. Lana's mundane grocery shopping spirals into a confrontation with her husband’s pregnant fiancée, catapulting her into a quest for self-worth.

Lawyer Lisa plans to aid her fiancé financially, only to uncover a web of lies with his wife’s unexpected greeting, leading to a cunning battle of wits. Meanwhile, Martha, the cleaning lady, faces the ultimate betrayal when she finds her husband in a photo with a glamorous influencer. Let's discover more!

1. I Met My Husband’s Pregnant Fiancée and My Entire Life Changed

The fluorescent lights hummed overhead as I moved aimlessly through the grocery store, my mind clouded. I absentmindedly placed items in my cart, feeling disconnected from everything around me.

Turning a corner, my eyes caught the bold headline of a magazine: "The Silent Battle: Recognizing Depression." My heart quickened as I picked it up, scanning the symptoms. It was like reading my own struggles on paper.

Putting back, I continued roaming the store. The hum of conversation and clinking of shopping carts felt like a distant hum. I couldn’t shake off the feeling that my life was slipping through my fingers.

In the checkout line, I piled groceries onto the conveyor belt, the weight of the items mirroring the burden on my shoulders. I selected a chocolate bar, my only indulgence, then hesitated, guilt creeping in. Do I even deserve this?

I placed it back and took my things outside. Approaching the road, hoping to hail a cab quickly, I realized I had spent more time wandering the store than intended. I sighed, wondering when time had become such a slippery adversary.


A sudden jolt interrupted my thoughts as I stumbled against someone, dropping my groceries onto the pavement. A gasp escaped me as I looked up to see Zane, my husband, standing with another woman—a woman with a telltale glow and a sizable engagement ring.

Zane's eyes widened. "Lana? What are you doing here?"

With a condescending smile, the other woman added, "Maybe she's finally realized she can't give you what I can."

I felt the weight of intuition pressing on my chest. "What's happening, Zane?"

He scoffed, "I'm not explaining anything to you. Go home and make dinner or something useful."

"She's pregnant!" I exclaimed, pointing at the woman at his side.

"Just pick up the groceries, go home, and make me dinner, okay?" he snapped.

My eyes stung. "This is over, Zane. I won't be treated like this."

As I walked away, the other woman's parting words lingered, "You should learn your place, Lana."

The roar of an approaching car caught my attention. A cab pulled up beside me, and the window rolled down, revealing a seemingly friendly cab driver—his expression softening at my distress. "Need a ride, miss?"

I hesitated, glancing back at the store. "I don't know where I'm going."

He offered a reassuring smile. "Sometimes the best journeys start without a destination."

Swallowing my trepidation, I entered the taxi, my pulse racing. Unexpectedly, the driver took a different route, the cityscape soon giving way to wooded trails, but I didn’t see anything until the buildings were gone.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked after a long time.

"To a place where I found solace in the darkest times," he responded cryptically yet comfortingly.

The taxi traversed deeper into the woods, my unease growing with every passing mile. "I need to call someone."

I reached for my phone, but there was no signal. Panic surged within me. "Why are we here? What do you want?"

He pulled over near a secluded cabin. "I want nothing from you," he shook his head. "Out there, that's where my life changed. Maybe it's where you find what you need, too."

Fear mingled with curiosity as I got out of the car and followed him. We reached a tree stump with a pretty heavy axe.

"Listen, I've got a ring; it's genuine gold with a real diamond. It's worth a lot of money," I began, finally realizing that getting into a cab and letting a stranger drive me somewhere strange was the stupidest idea ever. "I can call my husband. He also has a lot of money."

"Does he?" the taxi driver asked. "I thought he was leaving you for that pregnant lady."

"What? You heard that?" I asked, confused.

"Yes," he confirmed, with a slight grin. "Here, take this axe. Chop some wood. It'll make you feel better."

I struggled with disbelief, but in my state of vulnerability, I complied. As I swung the axe, the sound echoed through the quiet woods. I felt more than saw birds taking flight from their trees, which was more liberating than expected.

"Come with me," the cab driver said, his smile more evident.

"Why did you bring me here?" my voice trembled.

He led me to the cabin's railing, pointing at a lone pine tree. "That tree, right there, was where I contemplated ending everything. I was… in a similar position to yours. My wife cheated with my old boss. We had been together since we were little."

My breath caught in my throat. "Why are you telling me this?"

"Because," his voice softened, "I understand the darkness you're feeling. I'm not saying you're suicidal like I was. But I chose to live, move on, and see the beauty beyond my pain."

My defenses softened. "I'm sorry for your pain. Why do people hurt the ones that love them the most?" I wondered, breathing in the delicious, wood-scented air.

He shared more of his story, the betrayal, the despair, and the eventual embrace of hope. I listened, feeling an unexpected connection through our shared pain.

"You like the forest?"

"I didn't think I would," I confessed. "But there's something amazing about getting away from the city."

He nodded sagely. "Let's take a walk."

A peculiar calm settled over me as I walked through the woods with the stranger. I noticed the gentle rustle of leaves, the soft hum of the forest, and the play of sunlight filtering through the trees. Nature seemed to envelop us in its embrace, offering solace I hadn't felt in ages.

"Thank you for bringing me here," I said, breaking the silence.

He glanced at me, a soft smile playing on his lips. "You needed something different. And I needed to show you something."

We ventured deeper into the forest, him pointing out the wonders around us. His voice held a quiet reverence as he explained the significance of various plants and trees, drawing my attention to the beauty hidden within nature's simplicity.

I stopped to admire a cluster of wildflowers along a winding trail. "It's breathtaking." But I shouldn't be here. I needed to go home. Fix my marriage. Get divorced. Whatever.

He nodded, his eyes reflecting a deep appreciation for the beauty of the forest. "Nature has a way of healing us, showing us that life endures despite hardships."

We continued our stroll. A bird's cheerful melody echoed through the trees, lifting my spirits in its sweet chorus. I didn't want to go back home and face whatever was coming.

The sun began its slow descent, casting an ethereal glow across the forest. Shafts of light danced through the foliage, painting the landscape in hues of gold and amber.

"It's stunning," I murmured, captivated.

He nodded, his gaze fixed on the changing scenery. "This is my world. It's not grand, but it's filled with marvels."

We reached a serene, picturesque clearing where sunlight filtered through the trees, casting dappled patterns on the forest floor. I stood beside him, taking in the tranquil vista.

"It's like stepping into a different realm," I whispered, awed.

He gave me a knowing smile, gesturing toward a rotting log near us. "Come, see."

I approached the log, my eyes widening at the sight of young saplings sprouting. I marveled at the resilience of life, and new growth emerging from decay.

"It's a symbol," he said softly. "Of life finding its way, even in the darkest places."

My lips curved into a smile, a glimmer of hope kindling within me. "Maybe there's hope for me too."

As we made our way back to the cabin, things changed. A charge ran through my skin the closer we got to the cozy embrace of the rustic tiny house. We started talking again, and our tones turned flirtier...more intense. This shouldn't be happening. I'm married. Well, Zane didn't care.

When we reached the door, the cab driver looked into my eyes, and silently, I gave him permission to do anything. He chuckled and closed the gap between us, his body pressing against mine as he kissed me.

We slowly entered the house, our bodies never separating. The bed was nearby, fortunately, or I feared we wouldn't have walked much further before our electricity got too potent.

"How about you come with me to Brazil?" the cab driver, Jared, asked. We were outside enjoying the sunrise while drinking coffee. I had finally asked his name after we lay in bed panting, but we got distracted quickly afterward.

It was the craziest night of my life – being with a stranger – but also the best. However, going to Brazil with him seemed like too much. What will my parents say?

"I'll have to think about it."

"Of course," Jared smiled. "I'll make us some breakfast." I watched his body return to the house while his invitation lingered in my mind like an elusive melody, tempting yet unnerving. But the thought of leaving everything behind was daunting.

It was time to go back and face my real life. My hand trembled as I reached for the phone, Zane's number at my fingertips. With a deep breath, I dialed, my heart pounding in my chest. His gruff voice crackled through the line. "What is it?"

"It's me," I began. "I need you to pick me up. I'm at a cabin in the woods." I rattled off my strange location, which wasn't that far from the city. Jared had explained the area late into the night. I had just been too worried, too hurt to notice much during the drive here.

I went inside to change into my clothes. Jared watched, not saying a word as he concentrated on breakfast. We remained silent, and he started eating, inviting me over. But I shook my head. When the distant sound of Zane's car finally approached, my pulse quickened.

I didn't look at my new lover as I stepped outside, meeting Zane's contemptuous glare. "What's with this drama, Lana?"

"I thought..." I faltered.

"Thought what?" Zane scoffed. "That you'd come to this far place and get me to beg you to come back? I came here because I need you to go home and act like everything is normal. My parents and your parents can't find out about this."

"Excuse me?"

"Just get in the car!" he demanded.

A flash of anger ignited within me. I held out my hand, the glint of my wedding ring catching Zane's eye. "I'm done with this, Zane."

A sneer curled his lip. "Like you have better options."

My breath hitched, and something shifted inside me.

"Actually, I do." My voice held a firmness I didn't know I possessed. I took a step closer, my hand trembling as I raised it.

With determination burning in my eyes, I flung the ring toward Zane, the metallic piece bouncing off his cheek. "I'm done playing this game."

Turning away from my cheating husband's sputtering, I marched back into the cabin, my heart pounding with adrenaline. I'm free.

Jared stood there, waiting, his eyes filled with a silent understanding. I met his gaze, my heart fluttering for the first time in many years.

"Ready for a new adventure?" Jared asked softly as if he knew I couldn't talk about anything else.

I hesitated for a moment, my old life receding behind me, and then, with a resolute nod, I stepped toward him. "Yes. Let's go." Our mouths met in a searing kiss. Rio de Janeiro, here I come!

2. I Visited My Fiancé as a Surprise and Met the Wife He Never Told Me About

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden glow over the city, I, a 28-year-old lawyer named Lisa, stepped out of my office. To my surprise, Max, my fiancé, was waiting by his car, a bouquet in hand.

Our relationship was just three months old, but we were deeply in love and already planning to marry soon. He greeted me with a smile, offering the flowers. "These are for you."

"Thank you! They're beautiful," I said, my heart warming at the gesture.

Settling into his car, Max turned to me, his eyes shining with pride and affection. "Let me see the engagement ring again," he teased.

As I showed him my hand, he noticed another ring. "What's this other ring?" he inquired.

"It's a family heirloom," I explained, feeling a sense of pride.

"Looks very expensive," he observed as we drove off.

I nodded, acknowledging its value and sentimental importance. He nodded, but after a while, Max shared that his father was hospitalized, needing costly surgery. His financial resources were tied in a startup, making it difficult for him to afford the surgery. He was a businessman, always keen on innovative ventures.

"How much do you need? Maybe I can help?" I offered, concerned.

"Everything included... $50,000."

I hesitated, the amount daunting. "I... don't have that kind of money."

He hinted at my savings for a house, promising to repay me once his startup paid off. Torn, I pondered, "I'll think about it. I'm sure we can find a way to manage the sum."

Max thanked me, genuinely grateful. His phone unexpectedly interrupted our conversation; his housekeeper informed him of a flood at his place. Apologetically, he explained he couldn't join dinner with my parents.

"I understand, but it's disappointing," I admitted. "Can we plan something for tomorrow?"

Max wasn't sure he would be able to make it. So, the rest of our drive was filled with his worries and my disappointment over the canceled plans. At a red light, I decided to leave, needing space to think. "I think I'll get out here."

Confused, Max protested, but I insisted, stepping out into the night.

I walked quickly, my mind clouded and confused, and chose to visit my parents. There, I shared the night's troubling events, seeking their advice.

My father suggested a surprise visit to Max, offering to find his address with his police connections. Reluctantly, I agreed, and soon he handed me Max's address. I wanted to get back to the romantic lovebirds I knew we were together.

Taking a deep breath, I rang Max's doorbell, hoping that the flood issue wouldn't ruin the rest of our night. But I was greeted by a woman at the door.

"Hello! Are you Max's housekeeper? Is he home?" I inquired.

"No, I'm his wife, Kate. And you are?" the woman retorted.

I stuttered, "Wh-What? I'm Lisa... his fiancée," shock seizing me.

"Fiancée? Is this some kind of joke? He's married," Kate said, showing me her wedding band.

Confusion and hurt collided within me as I showed her my engagement ring. "He never mentioned being married," I managed to say.

Kate, fueled by anger, accused me of seducing her husband and hurled objects my way. "Leave now, and stay away from my husband!" she yelled, her face flushed with fury.

Before I could respond, the door slammed shut, leaving me outside, alone and bewildered. I sat on their porch, crying into my knees, feeling utterly betrayed.

Unexpectedly, Kate joined me a few minutes later, offering wine and an apology for her outburst. "It seems...we've both been deceived by that jerk," she bitterly stated, sharing that their marriage spanned seven years. We drank in silence.

I apologized for my ignorance and for coming here. She listened intently as I recounted my relationship with Max, and he had recently asked me for $50,000 for his father's treatment, how that led to an awkward moment, and how I had looked for his address to surprise him.

"God! His father passed away five years ago," Kate disclosed, appalled by the lie. "It's time we faced that scoundrel!"

Kate called Max, who claimed he was at his office after hours working on a new project. That only confirmed that the flooding had never been real.

So, Kate and I went to his office. She was familiar with the place, so we got inside without any problems. But it was empty. Still, we snooped and uncovered loan documents in Kate's name, mortgage papers, and fake passports with various names for Max.

"His real name isn't even Max," Kate realized, her jaw dropping.

"He could have been plotting to defraud you," I suggested. This felt like a movie!

Thinking hard, Kate mentioned a trip to Chicago for an auction where Max urged her to sell a cherished painting. She halted, seemingly regretting the disclosure.

I probed about the auction, but Kate dismissed it, focusing on the more pressing issue. Examining the fake passports, I proposed turning him over to the authorities.

"That's too easy, plus he'll have time to escape. I want to see his face when he realizes he's lost everything," Kate said, her voice hard. "Transfer the $50,000 to him and we'll track where he withdraws it with the police."

"I'm saving for a house, and I don't want to lose everything," I hesitated.

But eventually, she convinced me.

I arranged a meeting with Max the next day, feigning normalcy. "Hey, Max, fancy meeting for lunch today?"

"Sure, Lisa. I'll pick you up in an hour," he replied, nonchalant.

During lunch, I initiated the money transfer, concealing my torment. "Max, I've decided to lend you the money for your father's treatment."

"Really? Lisa, that's... thank you," he beamed happily. I tried to act excited, but I worried about my money.

After lunch, Max and I drove back to my house. He asked to use the bathroom before leaving, and I, feeling uneasy, consented. Minutes later he was gone, and I tried calling Kate but got no response. My anxiety went into overdrive, so I rushed to my car.

I drove to Kate and Max's house, only to find it disturbingly empty. The truth hit me like a freight train. They had planned this together. In a state of panic, I called my father.

"Dad, I've been scammed. Max and his wife, Kate, took all my savings and ran away," I told him, voice trembling.

"Oh, Lisa, I'm so sorry to hear that. Do you have any idea where they might have gone?" my dad asked.

"I'm clueless, Dad. It's like they've just disappeared," I said, on the verge of sobbing.

My father sighed and revealed that tracking the money would be challenging, acknowledging the cunning nature of these con artists.

Feeling utterly betrayed, I returned home. Then, a dreadful realization struck me—I wasn't wearing my family heirloom ring. I raced to the bathroom, a place where I often left my rings before showering, but it wasn't there.

A thorough search of my home turned up nothing, leading me to the sickening conclusion that Max had stolen it under the guise of using my bathroom.

The ring now seemed lost, likely to be sold to the highest bidder by Max. Lightbulb! Recalling Kate's mention of an auction, I considered the possibility of my ring being there and immediately started an online search for any upcoming auctions.

Despite my efforts, no public listings matched, suggesting the auction was underground. Desperate, I reached out to a client knowledgeable about such things, who guided me to a secret event in Chicago.

I was in disguise in a dark room, surrounded by strange people, all waiting for this auction. My heart sank as I saw Kate getting onstage and presenting my ring. Despite my claims to a nearby attendee that the ring was mine, I was ignored. Driven by desperation, I entered the bidding war, ultimately reclaiming the ring for $300,000.

When Kate asked for payment, I stood, confronting her publicly, announcing, "Max will pay for everything." The room erupted into chaos as police officers arrived, arresting Kate. Watching her being led away in handcuffs, I felt a surge of triumph and disappointment.

Later, at the police station, I observed Kate's interrogation from behind a one-way mirror. She seemed defeated, negotiating for a lighter sentence in exchange for revealing Max's hideout.

When Max was apprehended and brought in, his once confident facade crumbled. Facing serious charges, he was confronted by the reality of his actions.

Walking away from the station, I felt a complex blend of pain and satisfaction. Max was being held accountable for his deceit. With this chapter closed, I was ready to move forward, but I had no idea how I would ever trust someone again.

3. My Husband Had an Affair with a Famous Influencer

After knocking, I stood patiently before a penthouse door, waiting for it to open. "Hello, Miss Ella, my name is Martha. I'm from the cleaning company," I quickly introduced myself.

"Hurry up, do you know how long I've been waiting? You have a lot to do!" she told me with a deep frown. "This whole place needs cleaning. Be careful with the furniture, and the carpets too. It's expensive."

Ella was a famous influencer and the wealthy owner of this penthouse. She kept talking, pointing at different parts of the house that I had to clean, but I was a little distracted.

"Hello! Pay attention!" Ella snapped loudly at me.

"I'm sorry," I quickly apologized.

"To the left is the kitchen. I need you to do all the dishes and wash the dishwasher and the stove. I need you to scrub every inch of it," Ella commanded. "You'll scrub all the toilets and bathrooms and make sure not to touch any of my sculptures."

I followed behind her until we reached the bedroom.

"Clean and wash the sheets, and don't forget to water my flowers," she again began to give new instructions, pointing in different directions.

At first, I paid full attention to every word she said, but the moment I saw the pictures on her nightstand, I froze. "Excuse me. Who is this?" I asked, picking up one of the pictures.

"What do you mean? Why are you touching that?" Ella asked, looking outraged that I had interrupted her commands.

"I mean, who is the man in this picture?" I asked again, my hands trembling as I held onto the picture.

"He's my boyfriend, but how is that any of your business?" Ella snapped at me, giving me a condescending look. "Are you here to snoop around in my house or to clean it?"

I slowly put down the picture as my eyes glazed over with tears that I managed to hold in. "You're right. I'm sorry," I bowed my head. "I was just curious."

"Is this how you act when cleaning other apartments, Martha?" Ella yelled at me, walking back to the living room. "I'll be back soon, and by then, I expect you to be done."

After she left, I dropped the cleaning equipment and dashed back to the bedroom. The pictures were there, and like before, standing beside Ella was my darling husband of five years.

I couldn't believe Jack was cheating on me. I'd been nothing but a loving wife. I sniffed, not realizing I had started crying. But there was no time for that. I dropped the pictures, resisting the urge to smash them as I turned around and got started.

When I was done, my eyes were blood red as I sat on the ground, waiting for Ella to return.

"You look like hell, which is good. I'm assuming you're done," Ella said when she entered and closed the door behind her.

I scurried off the ground. "I-I have something to tell you," I stuttered.

"What? Did you break anything?" Ella asked, her angry eyes staring around her penthouse.

"No, I didn’t break anything."

"What is it then? My boyfriend's birthday is tomorrow, and I don't want anything to go wrong," Ella informed me.

It took me a few seconds to process her words. I had spent weeks preparing for his birthday, one I was sure I'd spend with him, only to hear something different.

"Your bathroom is clogged, and I need to come over tomorrow to finish it," I explained. I didn’t have a complete plan in mind, but at the same time, I felt I needed to do something.

"Fine! Get out! Tomorrow, you'll fix it," Ella sighed as she sat on the sofa in her living room.

Once I was home, I realized I couldn't talk to Jack about my discovery because his boss, Mr. Holland, was coming to visit. So, I got to work, cleaning the house and making dinner, feeling smaller every minute that passed.

"Did you enjoy your steak, Mr. Holland?" I asked, about to say more when I heard Jack rebuke me.

"Who taught you to ask for compliments? If Mr. Holland likes it, he'll say so himself," my husband said angrily.

"Thank you, Martha. Everything's delicious," Mr. Holland’s words made me feel slightly better.

I didn’t have a college degree and couldn't finish high school after I got pregnant with our only child, Sam, so these dinners always made me feel like I had missed out on a career.

"Martha, don’t sit there; our guest's plate is almost empty. Fetch him some more of your fabulous cooking," Jack retorted, indirectly telling me to leave my seat.

"I’ve had enough already, thank you," Mr. Holland replied with a friendly smile directed at me.

"Then, pick up our plates, Martha, and make us some coffee," Jack demanded before speaking to Mr. Holland. "Don’t mind her. She didn’t attend school, so I must teach her many things."

I just followed along, too tired to complain.

As the dinner concluded, Mr. Holland thanked me before turning to Jack. "I’ll see you tomorrow in the office, and then we’ll discuss your promotion."

After his boss left, Jack finally gave in to his anger. "Martha! You’ve probably ruined my chances of getting that promotion, and you're not even sorry!"

"I’m sorry," a teary-eyed I mumbled.

"Yeah right! I'm off to bed. I have a busy day tomorrow, especially since I'm going on a business trip. I know it’s my birthday and all, but Mr. Holland needs me. It has to do with the promotion."

"What? Where…" I trailed off at Jack's frown.

"I don’t have time for your silly questions. Good night."

As I watched Jack sleep peacefully, I felt the urge to confront him but knew it would do no good.

"Happy birthday," I told Jack as we woke up the following day, moving closer to hug him. He was already dressed and ready for the day.

"I’ll be gone for three days," he replied, adjusting his necktie.

I felt awful as the knowledge of my husband going to another woman's house intensified my sense of inadequacy. I couldn't say a word about my discovery yet.

After sending Sam to school, I went to Ella's house. Jack wasn't there, although I spotted the luggage he had packed for his trip.

"Martha! My boyfriend just headed out and I'm also leaving. Please fix the bathroom before I return."

"Sure, Ma'am," I responded, prepared to wait until evening and confront them both.

As Ella left, I grabbed my phone, informing the people I had invited for Jack's surprise birthday that the party had been canceled. I was about to send the same message to Mr. Holland when I paused. Instead, I sent Ella's address to him and all of Jack's colleagues and friends.

The evening arrived, and I welcomed the guests, one after another. They didn't have to wait long as the main door unlocked, and Jack and Ella slowly walked inside.

"Surprise!" everyone shouted as the room instantly lit up, and birthday decorations were showered on my husband and his mistress, who were horrified.

Before anyone could say more, I walked toward them. "You can't deny it, Jack. I know you're cheating on me with her!" I screamed to the shock of everyone who had assumed they were there for a surprise party.

"I saw the pictures! Is this your business trip?" I continued, a little satisfied to see the shocked expressions on both of their faces.

"Who are all these people?" Ella asked, baffled by the crowd.

"This man is my husband, and we even have a son together!" I announced with all the anger and pain I had been hiding since I found out.

"Martha! What's going on? How could you have called my colleagues and friends to my friend's house?" snapped Jack.

"Ella is your mistress!" I accused, wishing I had picked the pictures in the room to prove it.

"Ella? My mistress?"

Ella shook her head. "Jack is an old friend of mine. He asked me to help him promote the project he was working on," she began to explain. "I was surprised to hear that today was his birthday and quickly invited him back home after our meeting."

"But you told me that he's your boyfriend when I asked."

"You came here to clean, and we barely said a few words to each other. I guess you're paranoid," Ella responded, her lip curling.

"I promise I'm telling the truth, Mr. Holland. There are pictures I can show—" I said, looking at Jack's boss, who shook his head at me.

Before I could speak further, Jack grabbed my arm, pulling me away. "Don't even think about it. If you continue, I'll take full custody of Sam and divorce you! Now, be a good girl. You'll apologize and say you were wrong, ending this drama," Jack warned, raising my chin and fixing his gaze on my face.

I fought warm tears as he maneuvered me back to where everyone stood. "I apologize for the inconvenience I've caused. I was mistaken," I responded, my head hanging low as I didn't know what else to do. No one was on my side.

Throughout the drive back home, Jack didn't say a word to me. When we arrived, he grabbed my wrist, dragging me to the bedroom.

"For the duration of this marriage, I'll warn you. If this ever happens again, you'll never see our son," Jack threatened.

But that night, instead of going to sleep, I went to Ella's house.

"I know I mean nothing, but aren't you angry? He deceived both of us; don't you want revenge? I need help getting a divorce and protecting my son," I begged, kneeling on the ground, tears streaming down my face.

Ella initially appeared repulsed by me, but she eventually came around.

"I'm not an evil witch; my job is too sensitive for me to expose myself as a mistress. If you want to get back at him, I know a great way to do it," Ella sighed. We talked for a few more hours and came up with a plan.

Ella said she could contact a private investigator and hire the best divorce lawyer for my sake. She also offered to find me a good job.

"I have his boss's number," I remembered. "We can also send whatever we find to him. He's a good man, so he won't—"

"Hmm. If we frame it well, we can get the boss to fire him," Ella continued, thinking up more plans as she picked up my wrist unexpectedly and stared at it. "We should also add physical abuse to the charge."

She took a picture of the purple and pink bruise on my arm with her phone. "If we do it well, he can go to jail for a few months," she added.

"We shouldn't send him to jail," I pleaded, worried about our son. "That's not what I want."

"I see you've got the wrong idea. I'm doing this for me and not you! You'll get the divorce you wanted, and I'll get the revenge I need," Ella explained, leaving me a little stunned.

I left her house, feeling winded and worried about the future. That night, I slept fitfully. When I woke up the next morning, I saw Jack storming in with an angry expression.

"You hired a P.I. to find proof so you can divorce me! How dare you?" Jack yelled at me, planting a hot slap on my face.

Before he could interrogate me further, he heard heavy footsteps behind him. He turned and saw a group of policemen, ready to arrest him.

"You called the cops on me!" he screamed.

"No, it was me!" Ella announced, flashing a smile as she watched the cops drag him away. She then turned to look at me.

"Sorry about the sudden change of plans. My P.I. found everything we needed on him last night, so it was time to drop the act this morning. I'm sorry this looks like a stunt, but wouldn't it be better for you to divorce him while he's in jail?"

And for the first time in days, I smiled.

Beyond the initial shock, each woman in these stories carves a path of defiance, resilience, and sometimes, sweet revenge. In the face of deceit, they find strength and liberation, proving that the journey from betrayal to self-discovery can be as unpredictable as it is cathartic.

We're curious — do you have such a story, too? We'd love to hear it!

Tell us what you think about these stories, and share them with your friends.

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