My MIL Gifted Me a Scale for My Birthday - But My Husband Soon Gave Her a Taste of Her Own Medicine

When Nina's mother-in-law gifted her a bathroom scale for her birthday and whispered, "You’ll need this if you don’t want my son to run away from you," her heart shattered. But her hu


When Nina's mother-in-law gifted her a bathroom scale for her birthday and whispered, "You'll need this if you don’t want my son to run away from you," her heart shattered. But her husband’s sweet revenge on Mother’s Day was a priceless lesson in handling toxic behavior with cleverness and grace.


Four months ago, I gave birth to our third child. It has been a wonderful but exhausting journey. Holding my baby for the first time filled me with indescribable joy. Every smile and coo makes my heart swell with love. I spend hours just watching the baby sleep, marveling at the tiny miracle we created.

Nina holds her baby | Source: Midjourney

Nina holds her baby | Source: Midjourney

Our days are a mix of diaper changes, feedings, and endless cuddles. I love taking the baby for walks in the stroller, soaking up the fresh air and sunshine. The baby’s laughter is infectious, and it brightens even my most challenging days.

Despite the love and support from my family, I find it challenging to accept these changes. I know it’s a process, but it’s tough not to feel like I’ve lost a part of myself.


I haven't managed to return to my pre-pregnancy weight, and it’s been tough on my self-esteem. Every day, I look in the mirror and see a body that feels unfamiliar. My clothes don't fit the same, and I struggle with feeling self-conscious.

Nancy looks at the dresses that don't fit | Source: Midjourney

Nancy looks at the dresses that don't fit | Source: Midjourney

I've tried to focus on the joy of our new baby, but it's hard. My confidence has taken a hit, and I can’t help but feel down sometimes.

Three weeks ago, it was my birthday. We had a small celebration at home. My husband, Mark, and our kids were there. It was a cozy, happy setting with balloons, a homemade cake, and the kids' laughter filling the room. I was looking forward to a simple, pleasant day with my family.

Mother-in-law and her gift | Source: Midjourney

Mother-in-law and her gift | Source: Midjourney


Then, my mother-in-law arrived. She walked in with a big gift box and an unusually excited look on her face. I was curious and hopeful. Maybe she had brought something nice to lift my spirits. Everyone gathered around as I started to unwrap the gift. The room was filled with anticipation.

I peeled back the wrapping paper and opened the box, and my heart sank. Inside was a bathroom scale. I felt a lump in my throat and tried to hide my disappointment. My mind raced with hurt and confusion. But then she leaned in and whispered, "You'll need this if you don't want my son to run away from you."

Bathroom scales | Source: Pexels

Bathroom scales | Source: Pexels

Her words hit me like a ton of bricks. I was devastated. Tears welled up in my eyes, and I couldn't hold them back. My self-esteem, already fragile, shattered completely. I felt humiliated and crushed. The room, which moments before had been filled with joy, now felt cold and harsh.


Mark noticed me crying and came over immediately. He asked me what was wrong, concern written all over his face. I told him what his mother had said. His jaw dropped in shock. He knew she could be harsh, but this was a new low. He hugged me tightly, trying to comfort me.

Mark comforts Nina | Source: Midjourney

Mark comforts Nina | Source: Midjourney

Mark took a deep breath and said, "Dear, don't mind her. Mother's Day is coming. I have an idea of how to teach my mom a lesson." His calm and determined tone gave me a glimmer of hope. I trusted him and decided to wait and see what he had planned.

For the rest of the day, I tried to enjoy my birthday, but the hurt lingered. I couldn’t shake off the sting of her words. Every time I glanced at the scale, I felt a fresh wave of pain. Mark's promise of revenge kept me going. I couldn’t wait to see how he would handle his toxic mother.

Mark with his mother's gift | Source: Midjourney

Mark with his mother's gift | Source: Midjourney

Mother’s Day arrived, and we went to my mother-in-law's house for a family lunch. Her home was cozy, with the smell of home-cooked food filling the air. The whole family was there, chatting and laughing. Mark carried a beautifully wrapped gift box, looking calm and collected.

We sat down in the living room, and Mark placed the gift on the table. "Mom, we got you something really special this year," he said, his voice dripping with sweetness. His mother’s eyes lit up with excitement. She looked eager, clearly expecting something grand.

Mother-in-law sees the face cream | Source: Midjourney

"Really, Mark? You shouldn't have!" she exclaimed, her voice full of anticipation. She eagerly unwrapped the gift, her hands moving quickly. As the paper fell away, her expression shifted from excitement to confusion, and then to horror.

Inside the box was a high-end wrinkle cream, the kind marketed to older women. The room went silent, and all eyes were on her.

Mark didn’t miss a beat. "You know, Mom," he said loudly enough for everyone to hear, "I thought this would help. After all, you wouldn't want people to think you’re not taking care of yourself, right?" His words hung in the air, sharp and precise.

Her face turned beet red. She tried to muster a smile, but it looked forced. "Oh, Mark, you shouldn't have," she stammered, clearly flustered. The room remained silent, the awkwardness palpable.

"But Mom, you're always so concerned about appearances," Mark continued, his tone still sweet. "I figured you'd appreciate something to keep those wrinkles at bay."

She laughed nervously, "Well, I suppose it's... thoughtful." But her eyes betrayed her embarrassment.

Mark supports Nina | Source: Pexels

Mark supports Nina | Source: Pexels


Mark pulled out a card and handed it to her. "I wrote you a note, Mom," he said. "Thank you for always being so honest and direct with us. I hope you take this gift as a gesture of love and concern." His tone was sincere, but the message was clear.

She opened the card and read it, her hands trembling slightly. Her eyes darted around the room, realizing that everyone understood the subtle revenge. She was speechless, her usual confidence shattered. The gears were turning in her head as she grasped the situation.

Sad mother-in-law | Source: Midjourney

Sad mother-in-law | Source: Midjourney

The rest of the lunch was noticeably quieter. My mother-in-law was more reserved, her usual sharp comments absent. At one point, she tried to engage in small talk, "So, how's the baby doing?"


I smiled, feeling a bit more confident. "The baby's doing great, thank you for asking."

She nodded, clearly trying to keep the conversation light. "That's good to hear."

Mark leaned over and whispered in my ear, "How are you holding up?"

I squeezed his hand. "Better now. Thank you."

Nina talks to her mother-in-law | Source: Midjourney

Nina talks to her mother-in-law | Source: Midjourney

The family dynamics shifted subtly. Everyone seemed to understand the lesson Mark had delivered. It was a clear message about respect and boundaries.

After that day, my mother-in-law's behavior changed. She thought twice before making any toxic comments. Mark's revenge had worked perfectly. He managed to humiliate her without raising his voice or being overtly harsh. It was a calculated move that left a lasting impact.

Nina and Mark walk towards their car | Source: Midjourney

Nina and Mark walk towards their car | Source: Midjourney

Later, as we were leaving, she hugged Mark tightly. "Thank you for the gift, Mark. I... I appreciate the thought."

Mark smiled warmly, "Of course, Mom. We love you."

As we walked to the car, I felt a sense of relief and gratitude. Mark had shown me, in the most creative way, how much he cared. He stood up for me and put his mother in her place. Sometimes, the best way to handle a toxic person is to give them a taste of their own medicine. And the look on her face? Priceless.

Happy Nina and Mark with their baby | Source: Midjourney

Happy Nina and Mark with their baby | Source: Midjourney


I Overheard My Future MIL Saying Disgusting Things about Me – She Didn’t Know She Would Regret It on Our Wedding Day

I thought my future mother-in-law was loving and supportive of my union with her son. But she detested me and had been pretending from the day we met! My tale is of deceit, lies, and ultimately revenge! With my new husband's support, we put her in her place!

A woman seen through the crack of an open door | Source: Freepik

A woman seen through the crack of an open door | Source: Freepik

I, Joana, 34, was looking forward to finally marrying the man of my dreams, my fiancé Leo, 35. But I didn't expect that his family would try to come between us.

Here's some background before I get into how we got here. Leo and I have been together for two blissful years. We are finally getting ready for our big day, which is coming soon. But what I didn't expect was to overhear my fiancé's family making ulterior plans against me.

A woman lying in bed reading a book | Source: Pexels

A woman lying in bed reading a book | Source: Pexels

So this is what happened. I woke up the other day feeling unwell and decided to call in sick to work. The plan was for me to just stay home nursing myself back to health. Since Leo had already left the apartment for his job, I decided to text him, saying:

"Hi babe, I hope you're having a good morning. I woke up feeling under the weather and decided to stay home for the day. I already called in sick, so please bring me lunch if you can. I love you!"