Rainbow Eucalyptus: The Most Beautiful Tree in the World

When Nature feels like painting.



Eucalyptus deglupta is commonly known as the Rainbow Eucalyptus because of its unique way of shedding its bark. Once shed, the inner bark that is revealed is bright green, but eventually matures to blue, purple, orange, and eventually maroon. The rainbow eucalyptus does not shed its bark all at once, but in sections throughout the year, allowing for the amazing rainbow effect.

Also known as ‘Mindanao gum’, or ‘rainbow gum’, this beautiful tree is native to the Philippines, Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. It is the only Eucalyptus species that usually lives in rain forest – with a natural range extending into the northern hemisphere – and one of only four Eucalyptus species out of more than 700 that do not occur in Australia.

Sheer beauty.

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Bark of E. deglupta in a grove of trees on Maui, Hawaii by Paxson Woelber
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A grove of Rainbow Eucalyptus Eucalyptus deglupta trees, planted along the hana highway, Hawaii by Amelia
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Rainbow Eucalyptus by Chad Podoski
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rainbow eucalyptus bark