Stepmother Tries to Kick Her Stepson Out, Unaware She Would Soon Be on the Streets Herself

Marcus arrived home from his part-time job exhausted. He was 19 years old and still in college, working at a local video game store in the evenings while attending studies during the day. All he wante

Marcus arrived home from his part-time job exhausted. He was 19 years old and still in college, working at a local video game store in the evenings while attending studies during the day. All he wanted to do was relax on his bed and play a few rounds of his favorite game before studying.

However, the moment he opened the door to his family’s humble home, he realized something was wrong.

Karen, his stepmother, stood in the doorway with her arms crossed and a harsh expression. “Marcus, we need to talk,” she stated, her tone leaving no space for disagreement.

Marcus sighed, dropping his backpack by the door. “What is it, Karen? It’s been a long day.”


Karen took a deep breath, as if preparing for a dramatic revelation. “You’re going to need to move out. You have three days.”

Marcus blinked, stunned. “What? Why?”

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“We’re having a baby,” Karen announced, placing a hand on her barely noticeable baby bump. “We need your room for the nursery.”

Anger and fear surged through Marcus. “You can’t just kick me out! I have nowhere to go. I’m still in college, for God’s sake!”

Karen’s expression remained cold. “You’ll figure it out. You’re an adult now.”

Marcus rushed passed her, straight to his father’s study. He discovered his father, Richard, sitting over his desk, appearing weary and older than his age. “Dad, did you know about this?” Marcus demanded.

Richard looked up, remorse etched in his eyes. “Hi Marcus, I did not agree to this. But Karen is adamant. She says it’s better for the baby.

“What’s best for the baby?” Marcus spat incredulously. “What about me?” “How about your son?”


Richard massaged his temples. “I do not know, Marcus. I honestly don’t know.”

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Feeling utterly betrayed, Marcus turned to leave. As he walked out of the study, he overheard a hushed conversation between Karen and someone on the phone. Curiosity got the better of him, and he quietly approached the door to the living room, listening in.

“I don’t care how much it costs, just get it done,” Karen hissed into the phone. “Once the baby is born, everything will change. Richard won’t know what hit him.”

Marcus felt a chill run down his spine. What was Karen planning? He decided to confront her, knowing he needed answers.

“Who were you talking to?” Marcus demanded, entering the living room.

Karen jumped, and her face turned pale. “That’s none of your business.”

“It’s as if you’re trying to force me out of my own home,” Marcus responded.

Karen’s façade crumbled, showing a flash of panic. “Get out, Marcus. “This is for the best.”

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Fueled by anger and suspicion, Marcus decided to dig deeper. Over the next few days, he quietly gathered information, reaching out to old family friends and piecing together a troubling puzzle. What he discovered surprised him to his core.

Karen had a history of manipulation and deceit. She had married Richard for his money, hoping to secure her future through the new baby. She had already siphoned off significant amounts from Richard’s accounts without his knowledge.

Marcus addressed his father again, armed with this information. “Dad, you need to see this,” he said, handing Richard a folder containing proof.

Richard’s hands trembled as he scanned through the paperwork, and his face paled. “How could I have been so blind?”

They worked together to design a plan. Richard confronted Karen and presented her with overwhelming evidence of her deception. Her expression twisted in wrath and dread as she realized her plan had been discovered.

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“You can’t do this!” She yelled. “I’m carrying your child!”

Richard stayed firm. “Karen, get out.” We’re finished. And I intend to pursue full custody of the baby.”

Karen’s threats and pleads were ignored as she was led out by police. Marcus looked with a strange mixture of relief and melancholy. The lady who had attempted to destroy his life was no longer present, but the family he had known was irrevocably altered.

Richard and Marcus spent the next few weeks rebuilding their lives. The ordeal brought them closer together, strengthening their friendship. Marcus resumed his studies, no longer under the influence of Karen’s manipulation.

Image for illustrative purpose only. (Freepik)

Karen found herself on the streets, her hopes for a comfortable future dashed. Karma, it appeared, had a way of catching up with those who thought they could avoid it.

Finally, Marcus realized that family meant more than simply blood. It was about trust, loyalty, and fighting for what was right. And as he looked ahead to the future, he believed he could tackle anything with his father’s help.