I Fell in Love With a Man I Didn’t Know Was Married, Now I Want to Ruin His Family

Our reader, a 33-year-old woman named Jessica, has recently penned us a very emotional letter that sounded like a real cry for help. Against her will, she became involved into a love affair that has p


Our reader, a 33-year-old woman named Jessica, has recently penned us a very emotional letter that sounded like a real cry for help. Against her will, she became involved into a love affair that has put a stain on her reputation and caused her many unhappy moments. Now, the desperate woman wants only one thing: revenge and satisfaction, because she feels totally broken and torn.

Jessica fell in love with a man of her dreams, and it was a real fairy tale.



Jessica, 33, has written a very emotional letter to our editorial, where she shared her story. We could feel her pain through the lines, and the woman confessed that this situation has ruined her life completely. Jessica wants to hear the opinions of our readers about the tricky and painful conflict that she's been involved into, against her own will.

Jessica started her letter, saying, "I fell in love with Bryan, my significant other, from the first sight. And so did he. Our love story was nothing but boring, we met in a supermarket and there was an instant spark that never faded. Bryan and I had been dating for over 2 years since then, and everything in our relationship seemed like a fairy tale, up until one day that turned so many lives upside down in an instant."

Jessica wrote, "There were no red flags in our relationship from the very start. Or I was so in love that I just didn't notice them. But, looking back, I realize that I should've been more careful with some moments and inconsistencies that took place during our romance."


The romance was developing so swiftly, but there were some tiny things that shouted for attention.



Jessica wrote, "I noticed that Bryan was very secretive when I brought up the topic of meeting his parents and his family. He seemed to feel extremely uncomfortable with the very perspective of me meeting his nearest and dearest, and he would just brush it off whenever I mentioned a visit to his parents' house.
But, being blindsided by my feelings for him, I just kept finding excuses for his weird behavior, explaining it to myself in so many ways. I believed that Bryan had a sort of toxic relationship with his family. I supposed that he might have had some painful past that was the reason for him keeping me a secret from the dearest people in his life."

"I happily ignored the fact that Bryan wouldn't add me as a friend in any of his social networks, and all his profiles were 'friends-only', so I just could see his userpic and some general details about his work, hobbies, etc. I didn't pay that much attention to it, because Bryan professionally manipulated my feelings and caused an illusion that we were in a serious and long-lasting relationship."


Bryan had serious intentions towards Jessica, or so she thought.



Jessica shared, "Recently, Bryan started mentioning that he wants a family with me. He said that he wants us to have a baby, and we were even jokingly choosing the names for our future daughter or son. I was living in a total confidence that I'll be married to the man of my dreams soon. I was
on cloud nine, I was looking forward to him proposing to me soon with some nice ring. When all of a sudden, my world exploded and collapsed."

The woman wrote, "Recently, I was invited to my distant friend's wedding. I had been no contact with the bride for quite some time, all because of the distance and the absence of common interests, but she still invited me to attend her special day and I thought I would pay my respects and be present.
I didn't tell Bryan anything about my plans, as right on the date of the friend's wedding, he was supposed to be away from the country. He said he would go visit his great-grandma, who was eager to see him and to talk to him. So, I decided to not even mention my plans about attending the friend's special day, because I clearly realized that my SO won't be able to join me, and I didn't want him to feel sad about this."

Jessica was shocked to reveal the truth about Bryan right at her friend's wedding ceremony.



Jessica wrote, "So, I went to a friend's wedding ceremony all alone, and I was sitting there, enjoying the nice atmosphere and chatting with random people, when I suddenly saw Bryan entering the hall. I froze in shock when I noticed that he was accompanied by a beautiful woman, and she was kissing him and laughing at some nice things he was whispering into her ear.
At that moment I was chatting with a man named Alex, we were sharing pleasantries and discussing some neutral topics, and then Alex suddenly exclaimed that his friend Bryan has come, with his lovely wife. At that moment, something inside me died. I stood up and left the premises unnoticed. Bryan didn't see me, and some time after I left, he texted me and told me that he was meeting his great-grandma and that she was very sick."

Jessica revealed, "I plotted a revenge and 2 days after that I found out who Bryan's wife was, and I contacted her. I told her everything about our affair and also sent her all our texts, and pics we’d taken together. But instead of being grateful, she started harassing me and calling me names. She warned me that I’d better watch my back if I value my life or health.
I know that Bryan has moved out from their place, and he's living at his parents' house now. So, their marriage seems to be doomed and I believe they'll divorce. But this woman is blaming me for her husband cheating on her, when I didn’t even know that he was married. I can't understand why she blames the other woman instead of her cheating husband? What should I do with all this situation?"

And here’s a story about one more accidental revelation that made a person’s life turn upside down. A woman followed a TikTok account for housewives and accidentally discovered that her husband was cheating on her. Read more to find out how she managed to come to this revelation in such an extraordinary way.