15 Stories About First Love That Had an Unexpected Twist Years Later

Memories of first love remain with us for a lifetime. However, it can happen that a person you loved can appear in your life, and meeting them can have an unexpected twist.


Memories of first love remain with us for a lifetime. However, it can happen that a person you loved can appear in your life, and meeting them can have an unexpected twist.

  • When I was young, my parents and I lived in South America because of their work. I met a boy there. We were friends only for about 3 or 4 weeks. I thought he was very handsome, and my mum even made fun of me because of it. You could say he was my first love.
    I recently saw him on a TV show. Turns out he’s a pretty famous actor now! I wonder if he remembers me too. © Overheard / Ideer
  • Since the moment I broke up with my first love, I’ve only fallen for the same type of men — handsome. And then a guy started courting me at work. He wasn’t really good-looking, but I gave in. After a while, he started looking much better, and we’ve been living for 6 happy years now.
    And recently I met my first love on the street and was shocked: nothing was left from his former beauty, except for his blue eyes. And next to me walked a slim, well-groomed, the most beautiful and loving man in the world. © Overheard / Ideer
  • When I was 18, my first love dumped me. It was a terrible blow for me. It hurt so much that I was depressed not for a couple of weeks or months, it took years. After the breakup, I decided that I needed to focus on myself, find a job that I liked, start earning a lot of money.
    In the end, I’ve driven myself so far that at 26, I haven’t had any other boyfriends. And I don’t want to. I recently met my ex, bragged about my successes, and in my head I just thought that it was good that everything turned out the way it did. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have been where I am today. Boyfriends can be really useful, especially ex-boyfriends. © Caramel / VK
  • My high school boyfriend was gorgeous — tall, blond, clean-shaven, classically handsome bone structure. He modeled a bit after high school, and then I lost touch with mutual friends. I tried to find him online (bored, curious) and he has zero online presence and a relatively common name.
    I went down a rabbit hole and found his mom and brother on Facebook, and mom had a pic with my high school boyfriend in the background. He’s a big biker dude with tons of facial hair. If mom hadn’t captioned the photo, I’d never in a million years known it was him. © Different_Knee6201 / Reddit
  • I had a childhood friend — we were friends since diapers. We went to the daycare together, to school together, went to the same college, lived in a dormitory together. And she betrayed me — she stole my first love. We had a fight. I dropped out of university and moved to another city.
    It’s been 10 years. I recently found her social media page. She is still with that guy, they have 2 children, they both work, a normal good family, everything worked out. I have a husband I love, my own business, we don’t plan to have children, and we live for ourselves.
    I found an old photo album where I had saved one single photo of us together, looked at it and silently thanked her. I guess it was meant to be this way. © Caramel / VK
  • I was 14. At the beginning of the new school year, I was running late to my new English class. The class was too full to accommodate me/a few others, so at the last minute I was switched to another English class with different people/teacher, etc.
    I walked into class, I sat down, and I saw “him.” I remember just feeling this intense admiration and awe because he was just so handsome. He was quiet, kept to himself, almost mysterious.
    9 years later, we are still together, and very glad that I was running late that day and therefore got moved into his English class or else we would have never met. © paddyton / Reddit
  • My first love happened when I was 16 with a guy my age. We were both inexperienced, so we couldn’t build a proper relationship. We fought, broke up, then tearfully got back together. We were on these emotional swings for 3 years, and then I dumped him. I consider that experience not really healthy. And he, as it turned out, had different feelings about it.
    10 years later, we met in a coffee shop by chance. He told me that he still couldn’t forget me. And then he shocked me by saying that he had named his daughter after me. I hope his wife doesn’t know. © Caramel / VK
  • Sat across from her in first period class. Barely said 2 words to her the entire time — was far too intimated. Off the charts pretty and was dating older guys. I was heavy and immature — so no shot. Although she did poorly in high school and her family was kind of a mess — she got herself through a Masters program and a few bad relationships. Runs her own practice now.
    Hadn’t seen her for 15 years — but looked the same when I saw her on an online app. After my own string of breakups and growing up a bit, I messaged her online and married her 2 years later. © Tmrt2020 / Reddit
  • I married her, and divorced her. It was amicable, we had different aspirations in life, wanted different lifestyles. She loved the city (I hate it) but had changed jobs to cut her commute when we bought a house. Could tell she wasn’t happy.
    Wasn’t surprised that the first thing she did post divorce was to move to the city. (First thing I did was get a cat). Haven’t spoken in many years but from randomly googling out of curiosity seems she is remarried to someone of the same ethnicity (she had a huge extended family and social expectations in her culture that were really demanding of my time, and it was a strain on the relationship, so I’m glad she’s with someone who is on the same page with that).
    She lives in a nice suburb outside the city now. She has a very successful and no doubt lucrative career. Happy for her, especially as she never would have had the life she wanted if we’d stayed together. © SomeoneFetchAPriest / Reddit
  • She was lovely. We were in a small, close-knit group of friends. I remember going out one Friday evening and she held my hand. I was ecstatic. I know today that she didn’t fancy me or even see me in that light, as we have discussed it. She knows she was my school crush.
    I moved away when I was 16. Saw her once, briefly, when I visited when I was 18 and always looked for her when I returned to my home village. Friends Reunited was a website where you signed up, put in your details, and it connected you with people from your school. She hadn’t joined and I was gutted. Then she did.
    I paid immediately for full membership, so I could email her through the site... She didn’t respond for 2 years. I know now that it was because she’s not really bothered with social media. Back then, there was no Facebook or anything. She used the Internet for research and study only. She did well for herself. Got a BA Hons and a law degree.
    Things went downhill for her after she chose to meet up with me. She’s got terrible taste in men... Because we’ve been married for 18 years this year and have 2 daughters. She’s now a mental health nurse. Still got terrible taste in men, haha. © FreekyDeep / Reddit
  • I came to the town where I grew up on business one day. Hadn’t been there for about 10 years. Met up with my first love. And we remembered that we buried a “time capsule” when we were young.
    So we went there and dug it up. We found a box of things we valued, stickers and a cassette tape. Turns out it had our dreams recorded on it. They were about us being together forever. But in real life, he’s married with 3 kids and I have a career. © Overheard / Ideer
  • When I was 18, I fell in love with a young artist. From the first minute we met, I knew this feeling would last. He became my first love. I was crazy over him for a long time, made a lot of mistakes in our relationship, was first to confess my love, but was rejected.
    The last time we talked, he told me to forget him and go my own way. I obeyed. I soon got married. I gave birth. Now 11 years have passed since our first meeting with that artist.
    I recently found out where he is, saw his photo. He’s changed a lot. There’s no trace of that sweet face. He’s aged and is bald now, but I still cried — I haven’t forgotten him. My heart’s still aching. I still love him. And he must have forgotten about me. © Overheard / Ideer
  • Me and my first love were once sitting in the kitchen in the evening. We imagined that if we suddenly parted, we would meet by chance on a train many years later. I would be on tour with the orchestra, he would be with his band on tour. We’ll talk and start all over again. We even acted out the upcoming dialogue.
    It’s been 15 years, I’m married, happily married, I’m working in an orchestra like I dreamed, he’s in another city, he has his own band. So why the hell am I still remembering this? And why do I feel so sad? © Overheard / Ideer
  • I had to travel by train to my hometown for a few days. After 2 days, I was having lunch in the restaurant carriage, and a guy sat down next to me. He was acting very suspiciously, talking about strange things, however, seemed very familiar.
    The day after I arrived home, someone knocked on my door — it was that guy. He was standing there with a small, tattered teddy bear in his hands. I immediately recognized that teddy bear, and with it, I recognized my first love in the daycare, who has now become my true love. © Caramel / VK
  • Breaking up with my first love was very hard. I loved him so much! He was so handsome with blue eyes, master of sports in MMA, cheerful and bright. I was planning to go to university in another city, but he was graduating from a local college and didn’t want me to leave. He insisted that I go to a local provincial university, not even to the specialty I had chosen.
    I believed that our love would survive a year of separation, but he did not. In fact, he left me, and I was young and inexperienced and couldn’t grasp it at once. I feel embarrassed when I recall how I clung to him, how I texted and called him, how I cried and didn’t pay attention to all red flags. When I came home on holiday a year later, I found out he was getting married. A shotgun wedding.
    Even after 25 years, it didn’t seem funny, and it still hurt. And then, like in a bad soap opera, a patient was delivered into my department in serious condition. It was him. I had to manage him after the operation, to communicate with his another girlfriend (he divorced with his first wife almost immediately), to keep the Hippocratic Oath.
    But, to be honest, I started feeling better when I saw what he had become: a loser, nervous, angry, and deeply unhappy. And at the same time, he’s boastful and arrogant — sort of a provincial pseudo-macho. It’s a good thing our relationship ended that way. The worst thing was that he even tried to flirt with me. © Caramel / VK

But any relationship usually starts with a first date, and some dates can become a disaster. These people shared stories about their first dates. Don’t miss a chance to read them.