The Priest Offers To Light A Candle For Her – 5 Years Later Someone Taps On The Door

Incorporating laughter and humor into your daily routine is more than just a way to have fun; it’s a vital component of mental health. From reducing stress and enhancing cognitive functions to stren

Incorporating laughter and humor into your daily routine is more than just a way to have fun; it’s a vital component of mental health.

From reducing stress and enhancing cognitive functions to strengthening social connections and providing emotional relief, the benefits of laughter are profound and far-reaching.


So, make it a point to enjoy a good laugh every day—it’s a simple yet powerful way to nurture your mind and improve your overall well-being.

The priest offers to light a candle for her

While traveling to Rome, a Roman Catholic priest runs into an old childhood friend. “Mary, my goodness!” he said. “How are you doing?” She acknowledges that it could be better. “My spouse Robert and I have been attempting to conceive for fifteen years, but we are unable to become parents.” “I apologize deeply,” the priest replies. “I will light a candle for you in the great cathedral while I’m in Rome on a pilgrimage.”


Mary gives him her appreciation, and after a lengthy conversation, they part ways. After five years, the priest is having dinner when someone taps on the door.

To his surprise, when he opens it, it’s Robert, Mary’s husband. “I’m so happy I found you,” he exclaims. “Do you still recall the light you once shone for Mary? In addition to the two sets of twins and the pair of triplets Mary and I currently have, I recently found out she is expecting quadruplets!”

The priest is then granted a trip to Rome, with expenses covered, by Robert. The priest exclaims, “Oh my, Robert!” Your happiness makes me happy. I didn’t need a thank-you gift from you. Robert replies, “Oh no, it’s not a thank you. It’s so you can blow out that damn candle.”