5 Stories That Prove the Saying “The Road to Hell Is Paved With Good Intentions”

It’s improbable that any of us can perfectly predict the outcomes of our actions. Although our intentions appear to be noble, everything eventually goes wrong. Of course, we can try to make things r

It’s improbable that any of us can perfectly predict the outcomes of our actions. Although our intentions appear to be noble, everything eventually goes wrong. Of course, we can try to make things right with the person or turn it into a comedy, but sometimes the conclusion is unavoidable.


1. I had a friend. She was raised by her great-aunt and lived there. Her life was difficult, and she was consistently depressed. I felt bad for her. I wanted to make her happy.
I was abroad on her birthday, so I got her a present in advance and asked my husband to deliver it to her. He delivered it; I was online at the time and witnessed everything. My spouse handed her the item and quickly departed.
A month later, she told me saying she had fallen in love with my husband and that to make her happy, I should leave him for her. And then she began threatening me. I will never deal with folks like her again!


2. My uncle took me and my brother in because he wanted us to receive a proper education. My parents consented since they believed my uncle would be able to help us succeed.
My uncle had noble intentions. However, my uncle’s wife made our lives miserable. She practically mistreated us, and my uncle could do nothing about it. So his inaction rendered him complicit.
Despite the trials, my brother and I were able to complete our education, but my uncle’s reputation suffered. Family members do not see him in the same light, and his wife is deeply hated. It began with good intentions, but it did not end well for my uncle.

For illustrative purpose only. (Freepik)

3. Once, I found a wallet on the beach. I’ve lost mine own several times and have yet to have it back, so I understand how stressful it is. So my first idea was how to immediately return it.
Looking over the contents, I discovered that the owner was from out of state, and there was no contact information beyond the driver’s license. Aside from that, there are a couple credit cards and some cash. Not knowing how long the owner had left, I reasoned, “Let’s just sit here for a while, and maybe he’ll return looking for it,” which was the first thing I would do. After a few hours of fun and sun, we needed to move on; my next best option was to take it to the local police station, which was conveniently located just down the street. What I expected to be a quick in and out developed into a full-fledged questioning, during which I was accu:sed of theft/robbery. It was a weird experience, to say the least, and wasted an hour of our day.

4. After an extended leave at work, knowing that HR managers dislike it, I prepared a k*ller response in advance: “There were serious personal circumstances, so I had to take a break.” Now that all of the issues have been resolved, I am ready to work.” I believed I had broken the system.
But no. “What type of personal circumstances? Why the secrecy? You’re terrifying us. Are you troubled? Where is the guarantee that these conditions will not reoccur? So, why haven’t you worked? “You didn’t want to?” This is the story of how I was outplayed and destroyed at a recent job interview.


5. I was ill, and my spouse was nursing me. It was dark, and he was trying to give me a sip of ice water while I lay in bed. Instead, he began waterboarding me with ice water and didn’t realize it because he is hard of hearing, and all I could do was gurgle pathetically, “Please stop.” He didn’t aware he’d spilled it all over me until I tried to get away.