16 Stories That Show The Power Of Sympathy

Have you ever felt like nobody understood what you were going through? In a world where sympathy can be in short supply, it’s heartwarming to hear stories of compassion and understanding. These 16 stories will uplift your spirits and remind you of the goodness that exists in the world.


1. A Lost Purse and Unexpected Generosity

One day, while working at a fast food joint, a woman left her Louis Vuitton bag on a table. The narrator of this story, an employee at the restaurant, found the bag and kept it in the lost and found. A month later, the narrator was given the bag and discovered a note inside. It read, “To the girl who needed a new purse during the holidays.” The bag contained a receipt showing its worth, but what mattered most was the act of kindness behind it. This experience taught the narrator the importance of giving back to others.

2. A Simple Gesture in a Grocery Line

During a time when money was tight, a young couple found themselves in a grocery store, struggling to afford even the most basic items. When their debit card was declined multiple times, the embarrassment felt overwhelming. As they left the store, a little girl approached them with a bag filled with the items they had to put back. She explained, “It’s okay, we bought this for you.” This small act of kindness restored their faith in humanity and inspired them to help others when they could.


3. A Kind Stranger on an Airplane

A teenager on a long flight realized they had forgotten to dress warmly. Shivering throughout the journey, they tried to sleep in discomfort. To their surprise, a fellow passenger, an older woman, placed a hand-knitted shawl around their shoulders to keep them warm. The kind gesture made the flight more bearable and left a lasting impression on the recipient.

4. A Random Act of Support

As a young and pregnant girl, this person often faced judgment and criticism from others. However, one day, an elderly lady approached them and handed over $20, saying, “Here’s to help with diapers, they get pretty expensive. Best of luck to you.” This simple act of kindness touched their heart and served as a reminder that there are still compassionate people in the world.


5. Rejection Turned into Confidence

In college, a person struggled with shyness and self-doubt when it came to talking to new people. One night, after being publicly rejected by someone they approached, another girl, who was incredibly beautiful, came to their side. She revealed that the rejection had been part of a game, and she wanted to help restore their confidence. This act of kindness transformed their college experience and taught them the power of supporting others.


6. Co-workers’ Support in Times of Need

Working as a student waitress, money was tight for this person. When they experienced excruciating tooth pain during a shift, their co-workers surprised them with an envelope containing all the tips from that night. Overwhelmed with gratitude, they were moved to tears by this act of kindness.


7. A Random Gift of Joy

A stranger’s simple gesture can brighten someone’s day. One person was given a pink rose by an older gentleman, who offered no explanation or words. The simplicity of the act brought immeasurable joy and left a lasting impact.

8. A Song in a Difficult Time

During a period of deep sadness and depression, a summer job as a housekeeper allowed this person to work through their emotions. One particularly tough day, when they were exhausted and filthy, two singers staying at the inn sang a beautiful acapella song for them. The beauty and kindness in that moment carried them through their toughest times.

9. A Helping Hand in a Vulnerable Moment

A single father, dining with friends and his infant son, found himself in need of a diaper change. He approached a lady leaving the restroom and asked if it was empty. Not only did she confirm, but she also insisted on changing his son’s diaper herself. In that moment, her kindness lifted a weight off his shoulders and gave him renewed strength.

10. A Precious Gift from a Stranger

Dreaming of having an antique sugar and creamer set like their grandmother’s, this person searched high and low to no avail. Posting a description of the set on an antiquing forum, they received a response from a stranger offering to sell theirs. However, instead of payment, the stranger sent the set as a gift, wishing them luck in their new marriage. This act of generosity created a cherished connection between two unknown individuals.

11. Encouragement from an Unexpected Source

On the day of their wedding, a groom encountered a stranger in an elevator. The stranger noticed his calm demeanor and assured him that he was doing the right thing. This simple comment provided the reassurance he needed to start his special day on a positive note.

12. A Turning Point in High School

Feeling like an outcast in high school, one person experienced rejection from friends and struggled in physical education class. One day, an athletic popular girl complimented their shirt, shattering the perception they had of her. This act of kindness sparked a friendship that lasted through their high school years and taught them the significance of small acts of kindness.

13. Strangers Unite to Save a Beloved Pet

When a beloved pet was injured, a group of strangers came together to ensure its safety. From a couple who witnessed the accident and tried to save the pet, to another person who offered their hunting dog to track its scent, the kindness of strangers brought comfort and relief during a heartbreaking time.

14. A Nana Hug and Support

While working as a waitress, one person faced a humiliating incident with their manager. Feeling devastated, an elderly woman came to their defense, admonishing the manager and offering a comforting hug. This act of compassion helped restore their confidence and reminded them that kindness can come from unexpected sources.

15. An Anonymous Gift of Care

Caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s, this person witnessed a touching act of kindness. In a dentist’s office, their mother overheard a woman who couldn’t afford the dental bill. Without hesitation, their mother offered to pay for it, easing the burden for a stranger and illuminating the goodness of humanity.

16. A Good Samaritan’s Selfless Act

When a cat was hit by a truck and left on the road, a kind-hearted stranger stopped to help. Throughout his workday, he carried the injured cat with him, keeping it warm and offering comfort. After completing his shift, he went door to door to find the cat’s owner. This act of selflessness reunited the cat with its grateful owner and restored their hope in the kindness of strangers.

These stories serve as a reminder that acts of sympathy and kindness have the power to uplift spirits and restore faith in humanity. In a world where compassion can sometimes feel scarce, it’s comforting to know that there are still people who are willing to show empathy and lend a helping hand.