Four men are in the hospital

Four men are now in the hospital...

Welcoming a bundle of joy into the family is one of the most beautiful things there are. While mothers are the ones who bring the little jewel into the world, the dads are as excited.

They experience a mix of emotions such as excitement, but also nervousness because of the uncertainty of how the labor would go. Although they may feel helpless during those moment, most dads-to-be are also very supportive of their partner.

Witnessing their loved one’s strength and determination can evoke a profound feeling of pride.

Four men were in the hospital, walking up and down the corridor in anticipation of being delivered the news of their babies being born.

After some time, a nurse comes out and approaches one of the dads. “Congratulations! It’s twins!” she says with a smile on her face. The dad is a bit shocked at first but he then chuckles and says, “That’s quite a coincidence. I work for the Minnesota Twins.”

When she approaches the second father, she exclaims “Triplets!” with excitement. The dad is overjoyed by the news, but rather puzzled because of the coincidence. “Incredible!” he says. “I’ve always been a fan of threes. I work for 3M, you know.”

The third father is told that his wife has given birth to four babies. Jumping from the chair, he yells, “No way! I’ve always wanted a big family. I work at the Four Seasons Hotel!”

Unlike the rest of the dads, the fourth man is not caught up in the joy. He’s nervously pacing and tugging at his hair. Seeing him feel anxious, the nurse asks, “Is everything okey?” to what the fourth man replies, “I’m doomed! I work for 7-Up!”

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