The Amazing Story of Tru Beare, Born Weighing Just One Pound

Tru Beare was born in January of 2016, 14 weeks premature. She's now a proud big sister, in school, and happily thriving with her family.

Usually, when we hear happy and uplifting stories, they feed our souls. This is particularly true when babies beat every obstacle and finally come home from the hospital. Tru Beare was born 14 weeks early and weighed just one pound. Today, the sweet girl is a big sister and thriving!

Pregnancies and the birthing process come with a whole series of new challenges. From eating healthy and taking vitamins to staving off morning sickness, there’s no question a woman’s body undergoes a massive transformation. More challenging, though, is often the birthing process—inexplicable pain and sometimes severe health-related complications. In the case of Tru Beare, born severely premature, her first few months of life came with a slew of hardships.

Tru Beare’s Incredible Struggles

Born in January 2016, she spent her first four months of life in the hospital and in an incubator. During her time there, she suffered from blood clots, chronic lung disease, MRSA, retinopathy, a congenital heart defect, Necrotizing Enterocolitis (twice), and two blood infections.



Heartbroken to Hugs

The little fighter powered through everything and underwent seven blood transfusions. A gentle and inspiring reminder that people are, in fact, incredibly resilient and anyone can overcome anything. Tru Beare is an amazing little girl whose parents were heartbreakingly unable to hold her until long after her birth. In fact, her doting father had to wait a whole 54 days before he could finally hold his sweet baby girl. Her mother, Chantal, was able to hold her at 11 days old, which is still painfully long for a new mother to wait.


Tru Beare Takes on the World

The Royal Columbian Hospital in New Westminster, British Colombia, Canada, worked nonstop to help the little girl become healthy and succeed. By day 71, Tru Beare was able to move from the incubator into a crib. On day 90, doctors were able to switch her to low-flow oxygen. Things were looking up, and finally, after 4 months, her parents were able to bring their new love home. Tru Beare is now a proud big sister ready to take on the same milestones as other kids her age.


Knowledge is Power

For parents, it’s incredibly disheartening to watch their baby struggle. Particularly so when the baby is newly born and hasn’t even opened their eyes or had their first meal in the real world. Fortunately, there are a number of resources for new parents whose babies are struggling as Tru Beare did. One important resource is knowledge. Sometimes just understanding what’s happening can help to ease a worried mind.

Tru Beare Faces Complications

Tru Beare was born 14 weeks early, meaning her mom didn’t quite get to the 3rd trimester. At the time of her birth, she was missing some vital organ development, including her lungs. Which is why she suffered from chronic lung disease. The condition impacted Tru Beare’s little airways and lung tissue.


Complications from Premature Birth

While some babies are lucky enough to have no complications, some may face heart problems, like Tru Beare, and issues with healthy brain development. Other common symptoms of premature birth include difficulty eating, low body temperature at birth, and decreased fat-cell storage. Meaning the baby may have sharp, rather than rounded, facial features. Several risk factors are known, such as not waiting long enough between pregnancies (at least 18-24 months is recommended), a previous premature birth, or pregnancy with twins or triplets. However, it’s important to note that premature birth can occur even without any known risk factors.


Tru Beare and her family have had lots of magical adventures together in a home cultivated with love and gratitude. Sometimes, with enough tenacity and determination, people can overcome even the most difficult obstacles. In this sweet girl’s case, her obstacles were more than most adults could stand to face, and yet, she’s happy, healthy, and thriving!