Husband locks wife out over cheating suspicion – She proves him wrong

Husband locks wife out over cheating suspicion - She proves him wrong.

relationship to flourish and for both partners to feel fulfilled and happy next to the person they chose to be with, there has to be trust, understanding, commitment, and support. If any of these elements lacks, the relationship may begin to falter.

A woman took to Reddit to share how her bond with her partner of five years weakened after he accused her of cheating without having any evidence.

She started her story questioning how someone she has been with for wife years, and married for two weeks, could hurt her in such a manner and ruin her reputation over a smell he noticed in their apartment that resembled a cologne.

It all started when her husband was asked to stay with his mother for a couple of days because she broke her hip and needed surgery after her husband accidentally hit her with the car while backing up the driveway.

The woman was busy working, so she stayed home while her husband was at his parents’ place.

After a couple of days, he returned home and asked the woman why the apartment smelled of cologne, especially the bedroom. She said she had no idea and didn’t discuss the matter any further because she was late for work. However, when she returned home from work later that day, the locks were changed and she couldn’t enter the house.


Not knowing what to do, she went to her mom’s place, where she had spent the next couple of days. Her husband wouldn’t pick up his phone, but his mother did speak to the woman, telling her all sort of accusations and asking from her to return the wedding ring, which cost $18K, back.

What’s most, her husband and mother-in-law told everyone in the family that the woman was a cheater, threatening to start annulment process. As everyone close to the woman was told “what she had done,” her phone was never silent.

Devastated, she tried reaching her husband, but he only responded to her text messages and refused to talk to her.

Eventually, she figured out where that “cologne” smell came from.

Writing on Reddit, she explained that her husband hates fish, particularly the smell, so while he was away, she prepared some for her and in order to get rid of the smell of fish, she used scented wipes and attached them on the back of the fan in her bedroom that is on most of the time. As she got used to the smell, she didn’t think it would be the smell of the wipes that her husband would confuse with cologne.

Once she figured this out, she texted her husband asking from him to look in the bathroom trashcan for the packages and on the back of the fan for the wipes. 

The following day, he was at her mom’s door, begging her to forgive him. His excuse for his suppositions that she was cheating on him was that “I’ve always thought you’re too good to be with someone like me,” which wasn’t much of a consolation.

She did return home, but nothing felt right after that horrible incident that showed her his lack of trust in her. She wrote she planned to spend some time at her mom’s before she figured out what to do next.


The fellow Redditors were quick to comment under her post, sharing similar experiences about their partners, and offering support and advice.

“I’m hurt and angry for you! Reading this made me feel rage! I couldn’t go back. You are a stronger than me. That right there is so immature of your husband. How could he not talk to you before changing the locks. Given you a chance to talk it out first before jumping to conclusions. I’d leave. My trust and my heart would be broke. Sure therapy if you really want to save the marriage. But things will never be the same. Best wishes,” one person wrote.

“He showed you not only who he is, but what he truly thinks about you. What you do with that information, only you can decide,” another added.

“He locked you out of your own home. Had he not changed his mind, you’d have nothing. Get rid of him and his family. Fast,” a third added.