Man Asks Group of Older People About Their Biggest Regrets, and They Had Similar Answers

A TikTok channel has gone viral for shedding some insight on life's hardest questions such as what people's biggest regret is.


People who’ve lived a long and full life often have great wisdom to share with younger generations. Yet few today take the time to consider the wisdom of those who’ve lived longer than the rest. However, a TikTok creator named Yair Brachiyahu has made it his mission to interact with these older generations. Shedding some light on the answers to life’s hardest questions. A handful of his videos including one in which he addresses what people feel is their biggest regret, have surfaced on other social media platforms. Amazingly, most people had the same answer while viewers unanimously agreed with the sentiments and wisdom shared.


A Common Biggest Regret

All of the individuals featured on the channel are between the ages of 70-100 years old. Nearly all advised against greed and materialism. “As a younger person, I think we tend to want to make a lot of money and gather a bunch of stuff, like a big house, fancy car, and all that.” One man shared. “And, I realized, that’s not what life is all about. It’s actually about your relationships, love, and truly understanding what abundance is and knowing when you have enough.”

Side by side pictures of a man and a woman.
Photo Credit: yairbrachiyahu | TikTok

Meanwhile, a couple living on a boat echoed a similar sentiment. “We live on a boat now and let go of almost everything we owned. We thought we’d miss it or regret it, but no, [we] don’t,” the woman explained. While her partner added, “We spent our younger days chasing after bigger houses and fancier cars, and now, it all seems pointless.”

Most interviewed people disclosed that their biggest regret was not valuing things like relationships, their health, or life’s experiences over money and “material” objects.

Also sharing the couple’s sentiments is a 93-year-old man who says his biggest regret is not keeping up with his friendships. “I go places, do things, and then I haven’t got anybody to tell about it,” he explained.

Another gentleman explained that his biggest regret was not staying home more while his kids were growing up.

A Different Perspective

Although these are great things to keep in mind, another woman had a more uplifting message for the viewers. She explained that her biggest lesson, if not her biggest regret, is choosing to be negative. Instead, she explains that she’s a positive person who doesn’t “worry about tomorrow” but instead considers it “a present.”

Essentially, in most cases, those who greedily chased money, having more money than one needs to live became their biggest regret. It’s not surprising that so many would feel this way. After all, there are moments of joy and serenity, like dipping your toes in a stream, catching up with childhood friends over a meal, or listening to your kids laugh from the other room. These instances cost little to nothing and somehow bring more joy than the latest in fashion or technology.

Planning Instead of Stressing

Saving money for the future is a great idea because it will allow families to live more comfortably through times of emergency or uncertainty. However, making memories together and living a life that is free of stress and full of bliss is the only sure way to enjoy and appreciate the one life you’re given. There’s a balance between enjoying a frivolous life, one with occasional treats and luxuries, and piling some money into savings for the future, steadily, to avoid stressing or panicking about making ends meet.

On the other hand, chasing monetary success and materialistic possessions has unsurprisingly become a “biggest regret” moment for many people.

Other tough questions that he’s asked is what advice people would give to their younger selves, and answers ranged from not taking life so seriously to loving their younger selves without inhibitions. He also asked people what their secret was for looking so great at their age. Many responded with a positive attitude, limited stress in life, and a healthy home and work-life balance before retirement.

This TikToker and all willing to be interviewed by him are offering the world some sound advice, a new perspective, and a better understanding of what our priorities should be both in life and as we age. Hopefully, this will prevent many of us from having similar regrets.