Man Mocks Wife for Gaining Weight after Giving Birth, Finds Her Diary after She’s Hospitalized

Lisa Thompson has always been able to mix work and household effortlessly. Lisa worked as an accountant for one of Santa Clara, California’s most prestigious businesses, and despite her rigorous 9-t

Lisa Thompson has always been able to mix work and household effortlessly. Lisa worked as an accountant for one of Santa Clara, California’s most prestigious businesses, and despite her rigorous 9-to-5 schedule, no one could tell Lisa’s home had suffered as a result.

She’d get up at 5 a.m., prepare breakfast for her husband Chad and herself, get at work on time, and come home in time to start dinner preparations.

Chad had been as sympathetic, regularly lending a hand with chores. However, things began to alter once Lisa gave birth.

Chad and Lisa were happily married for three years, and after several years of trying for a child, Lisa’s pregnancy test revealed two lines. The pair was obviously ecstatic!


Lisa decided to take a vacation from work after the birth to spend time with her babies, so she took on the job of housewife. While she saw it as time to spend with her children, Chad called it “laziness.”


Don’t rush to pass judgment on someone.

“All you do is sit on the couch and relax, Lisa. At the very least, start working out! Just look at how much weight you’ve acquired since pregnancy! Losing a few pounds won’t damage you.” He’d frequently ridicule her.

Lisa was frequently disappointed and depressed over Chad’s lack of appreciation for her stay-at-home mom position, but she ignored it because she assumed he was too stressed with all of the troubles at work.

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Unfortunately, she began to believe that Chad was losing interest in her and their marriage. She noted that he didn’t appear to appreciate or help her with anything, and when she offered spending time together, he just skirted the topic and went to bed. Lisa thought she needed to face him before it was too late.


“Honey, I understand you’ve been preoccupied with work lately, but we agreed not to keep anything from each other,” she remarked gently. “I’ve noticed that something’s bothering you recently.”

Chad shrugged. “Nothing like that, Lisa. “It’s all good,” he said calmly, his gaze locked on his laptop.

“Are you sure, Chad? “I’ve noticed…”

“Noticed what, Lisa?” Chad yelled at her. “Could you please allow me to work peacefully?” Why do you have to stick your nose in everything? Make the most of your energies by grooming yourself. When was the last time you glanced in the mirror?

Lisa’s eyes almost welled up. “Chad!”

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“What? Are you going to weep now and make me seem bad? Okay, go for it! Anyway, I don’t see why we’re doing this! Look at your friends first, then at yourself. Why can’t you simply shed some weight? “Tell me one thing,” he replied, standing up. “Are you doing all of this on purpose so I’ll leave you? Are you seeing anyone else behind my back? Where do you usually disappear early in the morning, uh? And you won’t come back till I wake up.”

“Are you serious, Chad?” “Do you think I am che*ting on you?”

“How do I know, Lisa? Perhaps you’ve recognized we won’t last. You don’t want to work anymore, so you simply sit around your house. You claim you want to care for our children, but I feel it is just an excuse for you to stay at home and enjoy your life. We could have easily afforded a babysitter, but no! YOU JUST WANT TO STAY AT HOME AND HOG ON FOOD TO GAIN WEIGHT! “Fine, do that!” He snapped as he exited.


Lisa was speechless. She fell into tears as Chad walked away, without even listening to her. He left the room late. He was working on his laptop when he became distracted by a loud pounding noise.

He dashed out, believing it was coming from their twins’ room, only to see Lisa comatose on the floor. “Lisa! “What’s wrong?” he questioned, attempting to rile her up. When she didn’t wake up, he called 911 and transported her to the hospital.

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He requested their neighbor, Mrs. Clemments, to care for the twins while he was abroad and returned home late at night after admitting her. The doctors informed him that Lisa had collapsed because she was worried and weak.

Chad dropped into the bed, hands buried in his face, reflecting on how he had reacted to Lisa. Maybe I was being too severe this time! Ugh, I’m wondering why things are getting so out of control. And how could physicians claim she was weak? Hasn’t she been relaxing at home all this time?! Chad groaned as he rose up to start washing the bed.

As he removed the blanket, a journal slipped open on the floor. A couple phrases in there caught his interest. He snatched it up and discovered that it was Lisa’s personal journal. Reading other people’s work is wrong, Chad! he reasoned at first, but curiosity overtook him. He opened the first page, which described the birth of their twins Lucas and Charlie.

Hi there, PD!

It belongs just to you! What better day to begin a relationship with you than today? I can’t express how thrilled I am right now! I am finally a mother! Thank you very much, GOD! I can’t convey how wonderful it felt to hold my babies. I just wish to become a decent mother. Oh, and I saw Chad become upset after seeing the infants. I know he’d defeat me by becoming a better dad, but I’ll love my children so much that they’ll side with their mother, hehe!!!

Chad forgot about everything that was upsetting him as he flipped page after page, his lips twitching with a smile. Lisa had written down almost everything she’d done for their twins and how joyful she felt afterwards. But one page in particular captured his attention, and the joy on his face faded.

Hi PD!

I feel quite sad today. I’m not sure whether I did something wrong, but Chad seems detached these days. “I mean…” He’s still playing with the infants like he used to, but I feel like we’re becoming increasingly apart. Should I speak to Chad? Perhaps that is simply his work. He works for the entire family, and perhaps it’s simply the stress. I hope things improve shortly.

He wiped his eyes as he flipped the page.

Hello there, PD!

Sorry for not writing for a while. I’m so fatigued these days! Those gym members phone me early in the morning. They provided me pills and their diet is really ridiculous! I feel queasy after eating the raw food they advised, and Chad continues to taunt me. I’m so bored of this. I’m struggling to cope with the current situation.

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Chad couldn’t help feeling bad at this moment. Was I so blinded that I didn’t realize she was trying? And why the heck were you mocking her, Chad? She is your wife, the Lisa you adored with all your heart! Chad, you need to make it up to her. You’ll have to!

Chad followed through on his decision. When he visited Lisa in the hospital the next day, he surprised her with a bouquet of her favorite flowers and a letter that said, “Get well soon, honey! The children and I miss you! “It doesn’t feel like home with you…”


Lisa became tearful after getting the flowers and card, as Chad hadn’t done anything special for her in a long time. “Thank you, Chad,” she said softly, her tears welling up. “I – I…”

“You don’t have to say anything, Lisa.” I was harsh to you and said things I should not have. I apologize! You are gorgeous just the way you are, and everything I said about your appearance was rubbish! “I’m a jerk for saying all that!” He added, embracing her.

“Hey, Chad…” “It’s–it’s fine,” she mumbled, embracing him back.

“I will strive to be a better person, Lisa. “I promise,” he assured her.

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When Lisa was discharged and went home, Chad surprised her with a candlelit dinner date. The entire area was nicely adorned, and a love melody played gently in the background. He pulled out a chair for her and poured her wine.

Later, he dropped on his knees and asked, “So, Mrs. Lisa Thompson, would you like to dance with me?” Lisa nodded, and they kissed passionately, holding one other securely.

Chad had transformed into a completely different man since that day, and Lisa could not comprehend how one night could change everything. He assisted her with everything, brought her to the movies on weekends, and, most significantly, he always told her, “I love you for who you are, honey.”

Lisa still goes to the gym, but she no longer follows trendy diets to lose weight rapidly. Instead, she is working on being healthy.