14 People Who Uncovered the Disturbing True Face of Their Friend

We share our most joyful and tragic moments with our friends and confide in them our deepest secrets. Yet, even those closest to us might keep significant aspects of their lives and identities hidden.


We share our most joyful and tragic moments with our friends and confide in them our deepest secrets. Yet, even those closest to us might keep significant aspects of their lives and identities hidden. In this compilation, we present some truly jaw-dropping facts people have discovered about their friends, which they have decided to share with the internet.


  • I’ve worked with Alexa for seven years, and we became good friends. She’d been trying for a baby with her hubby. She finally got pregnant but miscarried at 8 months.
    One day, an old co-worker was visiting, and when I mentioned Alexa’s situation, she turned pale and said, “Is this a joke? Don’t you know that Alexa is actually a transgender woman? How could she be pregnant?”
    I was shocked. I’ve seen Alexa every day, and our desks are right next to each other. I felt betrayed that she would lie to me and even show me photos of her fake belly.
  • I had two people who I thought were really good friends. One day, I was hanging out with one of them, and we were about to go out, so she was fixing her makeup. Being too busy to text our other friend about our plans, she asked me to do it.
    While texting, I accidentally scrolled up into their previous messages and saw them talking absolute trash about me. They were making fun of things I had said, sharing my pictures and mocking them, and just all sorts of mean-spirited stuff. I never brought it up.
    Thankfully, we later had a falling out, and I don’t associate with them anymore. © margaret0619 / Reddit
  • A gym buddy of mine unexpectedly disappeared. When I inquired about him from one of his acquaintances, I discovered he had been arrested for a bank robbery in his hometown.


  • I found out that my friend kept his boogers in a jar and ate them as a secret addiction. It freaked me out, so I stopped hanging around him. © skinnnns / Reddit
  • A friend of mine, whom I hadn’t known for long at the time, told me to Google his name. When I did, a news article popped up detailing how he had stolen thousands of dollars worth of wiring from train tracks, caused nearly half a million dollars worth of damage, and disrupted the city’s entire public transport system. Very interesting dude. I found out a lot of surprising things about him. © discoier / Reddit
  • I recently found out from a friend that another friend has been spying on their ex for several years. They knew all the ex's passwords and the system for choosing passwords, and had been reading all emails and checking bank transactions. They have several children together, but this person has been systematically malicious. The person doing it has been told to stop, and the other was told to change their passwords. © Wheres_that_to / Reddit
  • I discovered that my friend had an affair with my boyfriend while I was on a trip. Fast-forward two years to my wedding to that same boyfriend, and she told me right before I walked down the aisle.
    © jenny82nc / Reddit
  • A former friend admitted to me that she had faked a pregnancy to stay with a wealthy guy she was seeing. Her plan was for her family to squeeze out some, if not a lot, of money from him before dumping him. © Advanced_Hat_3548 / Reddit
  • I had a friend whom I had known quite closely for years. She claimed to have a wide range of ailments, from Celiac disease to autism. I went out of my way to accommodate her needs, ensuring there was no gluten in her food, taking her to places that wouldn’t overwhelm her senses, and being understanding if she wanted to go home early or needed space. I was also a shoulder to cry on when she struggled with infertility due to her PCOS (or so she claimed), and I was patient with her ADHD.
    It turns out she was faking it all. To this day, I’m not sure why she would do this, but I suspect it was a form of attention-seeking and possibly a sign of narcissism. © CopperHead49 / Reddit
  • My best friend of 17 years became extremely jealous of my healthy romantic relationship and revealed herself to be narcissistic. She used my grandpa's death as an excuse to reach out and accuse me of being a horrible person. She’s no longer in my life. © BackgroundChard1 / Reddit
  • I had a friend who always talked about their best friend—the conversations they had, the things they did together. It turned out my friend's "best friend" was actually a split personality. My friend was schizophrenic and wasn't diagnosed until many years later. © PM_ME_THEM_CURVES / Reddit
  • My “best friend” of 20 years had a secret obsession with my ex throughout our marriage. I recently found out that they even had an affair. © eat_sleep_pee_poo / Reddit
  • After an eight-year friendship, I discovered that this person was only friends with me because she had few friends and wanted access to my work connections. © cawfytawk / Reddit
  • When my “best friend” died, I discovered that I had never really known her at all. She was a pathological liar. She had told me she was born in New Zealand and moved to the U.S. when she was two, but she was actually born and raised in New Jersey. She also claimed her middle name was different from the one listed in her obituary.
    The craziest lie was that she had a younger sister who was hit by a car and died as a toddler. She had a tattoo of roses that she insisted was for her sister, and would fall apart crying every November on what she said was her sister’s date of death. It turned out that sister never existed. © mrsmoffbricks / Reddit

We often believe we know our significant others better than anyone, yet they might be concealing a darker side from us. This compilation reveals some truly mind-blowing discoveries people have made about their partners, who turned out to have a twisted side.