We will sometimes hear that revenge is a dish that is best-served cold. In reality, revenge is a dish that is best served in the way that makes the most impact.
A woman shared the story about some rude coworkers and if anyone had some revenge coming, they did. On a regular basis, they would steal food from her and eat part of her lunch, and she knew that it was time to get even.
Her choice of how to get even is one that will bring a big smile to your face. Read about it below and feel good about how she got back at those thieves.
This is my sister's story.
Earlier last year I bought a puppy, some kind of walking mop. Cute as heck. The seller warned me that it had very specific dietary requirements.
Honestly, the last thing I wanted to do on my time off was to make dog food, so l approached a woman,
recommended by my local pet shop, to make two weeks worth of food. She uses very cheap cuts, grains, and supplements specifically formulated for dogs. I pick up the individually packaged bags every second Monday morning and keep them in a plastic container labelled with my name in the community fridge, then take it home after work. It doesn't take up much room.
Awhile ago I noticed that some of the bags began going missing, then found the empties in the waste bin. They are marked DF with the date in black
sharpie. I immediately knew what was going on and thought it was funny.
Luckily my mother is in love with doggo mop-face and when she dogsits, around three times a week, she feeds her, so puppers never goes hungry. So l let it go on, occasionally complaining to HR and colleagues about my
"specialty food" being stolen. Other than a sternly worded email nothing was ever done.
Finally, during our six month productivity meeting I loudly complained that my bags of dog food were still going missing on the regular, because now I actually was getting pissed at the blatant theft. Two young guys gave me horrified looks. Neither of them ever fessed up to the pilfering, but since that meeting my dog food has never gone missing.
My close office colleague thought it was funny, but said I was a real AH for allowing it to go on for so long. So, AITAH? At least I know it must taste alright. And maybe I'm imagining it, but their hair does seem shinier.
Update: I hope this is the correct way to do this. Wow, this kind of blew up.
Wasn't expecting it at all.
To answer some questions
This is a very small niche company, around 80 people total. Thirty are on the road going to sites, the rest stay in the office. The two guys suspected of pilfering make well over six figures. So those concerned about them having to steal to eat, it's very unlikely.
Dog food is prepared by a lady in her own home, she packages each portion in a freezer bag and marks each bag with DF and the date, ex, 01/11/24. All portions are placed in a see-thru plastic box and has my name on the lic and two sides. It's picked up at 5:30 am on my way to work, spends the day in the fridge, then taken home when I leave for the day. Typically four bags started to go missing on the regular. I do not leave it at work for two weeks.
Mop Face is allergic to liver, pork and corn. There are some spices in the food, turmeric and garlic (to name a couple) recommended by the vet.
There are also some oils and vitamins specific to doggo's needs.
I admit to being amused every second
Monday when I noticed the missing bags. Sorry for my petty immaturity. I also replay the meeting in my head and chuckle. It was worth the money l was out.
Update Number Two
For everyone freaking out about the garlic issue, Mop Face was
recommended garlic by a vet. In fact, since eating her special diet, which includes garlic, she is doing much, much, much better. The fact of the matter is that garlic is actually good for dogs. There is no scientific research showing adverse affects from consuming it.