Millennials Are Calling Ace Ventura: Pet Detective Super Offensive

Let’s be honest here, there are many movies and television shows that we watched when we were kids would not be allowed today. Many old movies and TV programs are full of racists, misogynistic, and

Let’s be honest here, there are many movies and television shows that we watched when we were kids would not be allowed today. Many old movies and TV programs are full of racists, misogynistic, and homophobic themes and stereotypes that would cause an absolute uproar today. The most recent of these to come under fire is comedian Jim Carrey’s Ace Ventura: Pet Detective. Millennials are calling out the 1994 hit for its trans and homophobic scenes, and for body shaming, to say the least.

Ace Ventura: Pet Detective is Trans- and Homophobic
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective was an instant hit when it was released in 1994. Many consider it to be actor Jim Carrey big break. After that film, Carry’s career really seemed to skyrocket. His performance in Ace Ventura was, undoubtedly, incredible. What wasn’t so incredible, as we are seeing now, is how offensive some of the material is. (1)

Now that the movie has returned to Netflix, many millennials are watching the movie again. This time, however, they are watching it as adults and with a bit of a different lens. They have realized that, sadly, one of their favorite childhood movies is actually grossly homophobic and transphobic.

The Primary Scene In Question
If you haven’t watched the movie (and want to), we will warn you now that the scene that has caused the most alarm is the climax – the big reveal at the end of the film. That is to say that if you are concerned about spoilers, consider this your spoiler alert: We are about to reveal the movie’s big surprise.

The big reveal at the end of the film is that Detective Einhorn (Sean Young) is actually the bad guy Ray Finkle in disguise. Finkle had been disguised as a woman the entire time and had some relations with Ace. When Ace figures it out, he spends a whole scene reacting in horror because he had kissed a man. He then strips Detective Einhorn down to her underwear and reveals that she is actually Finkle, a man, to the police. The police then react in the same manner that Ace did.

Why It’s Problematic
There is so much wrong with this scene, it’s hard to know where to begin. For starters, it is slut-shaming and objectifies Sean Young’s body. Obviously the even bigger themes there are how incredibly trans- and homophobic the scene is.

This movie was made in the early 90s, when jokes about being gay or trans were rampant. While the conversations surrounding being part of the LGBTQ+ community were starting to change, in Hollywood they were much further behind. At best, homosexual characters were made to be stereotypes and side characters only. At worst, being gay, lesbian, or trans was made to be a joke or, even worse, a danger to society. Something terribly bad that people should try and stay away from.

Joe Rogan regrets watching the ‘classic’ movie with his children.

It Was Just As Offensive Then As It Is Now

Many of us were only children when the movie came out and didn’t necessarily have the capacity to understand why Ace Ventura: Pet Detective is offensive. That doesn’t mean that everyone was sitting around saying “well, it’s just a sign of the times!”. Quite the opposite, actually. In fact, people actually protested the film because of it’s trans- and homophobic themes. Some even wrote this open letter to the LA Times explaining why the film was so offensive. (2)