My fiancé wants me to wear a red dress to our wedding because I’m not a V*****

A heartbroken bride-to-be has revealed her fiancé wants her to wear red to their wedding because she’s no longer a virgin. The anonymous woman, 27, from the US, shared her dilemma on Reddit’s Off

A heartbroken bride-to-be has revealed her fiancé wants her to wear red to their wedding because she’s no longer a virgin.

The anonymous woman, 27, from the US, shared her dilemma on Reddit’s Off My Chest forum at the end of last year.

In her post, the wife-to-be explained she met her future husband when she was 21 and the couple got engaged 10 months ago.

Giving him the fake name Ryan, the woman described how her partner has mostly left the wedding planning to her and given his input ‘here and there’.

However in November, the bride said he came home from work one day and told her that he didn’t think she should wear white on the day – later revealing that he felt it would be ‘deceiving’.

The anonymous bride-to-be has been left devastated after her future husband suggested she was ‘impure’ and shouldn’t wear a white dress on their wedding day (stock image)

‘I told him this and I could see that he was annoyed but he let it go.’

Two weeks later, the woman picked up her white wedding dress – which resulted in a huge argument.

Describing how he was ‘very annoyed’, she continued: ‘He asked to see the dress I picked, but I said no because I wanted it to be a surprise for our wedding day.

‘He asked me to at least tell him what color it was, and when I said white, he threw a fit.’

Unable to see what the problem was, she added: ‘I honestly do not see why this was a big deal, almost everyone wears white on their wedding day.’

After quizzing him further, the woman’s partner told her that he believed she should wear red to the wedding.

‘He told me that brides only wear white when they are pure,’ she added.

The anonymous bride-to-be, from the US, explained how her dating history has been an issue for her partner in the past

Explaining how this has been an issue for them in the past, the woman described how she had a long-term boyfriend in school while Ryan was a virgin when they met.

Although they were able to move past it, the bride-to-be wrote: ‘The first year of our relationship and we almost did not continue dating because of how insecure he felt.’

Following their disagreement, the man asked his mother to weigh in – and was surprised when she took his partner’s side in the argument.

She explained: ‘Two nights ago, Ryan, his mom and I stood in our living room and argued about my sex life being shown in a dress.

‘His mom stated that he is no longer a virgin either so maybe he should wear red too and he burst out crying.

‘Ryan is still stating that me wearing white would be deceiving all of the guests and that it is different for guys.’

As a result, the woman is now questioning whether she wants to go through the wedding – saying the conversation had left her feeling ‘disgusted’.

The post amassed over 1,400 comments – with the overwhelming majority of people urging the bride to cancel the wedding

She ended the post by writing: ‘He’s not even religious so I know this is just about him still thinking about me losing my virginity at 18 before I even knew him.’

The post – which was reshared on Reddit’s Wedding Shaming forum earlier this week – amassed over 1,400 comments, with the overwhelming majority of people urging her to cancel the wedding.

One replied: ‘Look, if he is this insecure after six years together, things are not going to improve. Is he going to mention your “impurity” in his wedding speech?

‘Is he going to try to leverage this in your marriage to get what he wants? Is he going to demand paternity tests for your children?

‘I’d seriously consider what you are signing up for. Dude sounds messed up [as f**k].’

Another added: ‘Girl, run! Disrespectful, petty, immature, to name a few red flags.’

‘Keep the mom, chuck the man,’ another added. ‘Why is it the guests’ business if she’s a virgin?’

‘Consider yourself dodging a bullet,’ a third said. ‘He is not mature enough to be married.’

Flipping the groom’s argument on its head, a fourth wrote: ‘I have a question: what color will your fiancé be wearing to indicate to the crowd about his sexual history?

‘Or, does he think only a woman should have to disclose hers while his is irrelevant or should stay hidden? What if you just go all the way and wear a giant sign around your neck?’