Mom Upset After Finding Teacher's 'Warning' Message On Her 7-Year-Old's Daughter's Homework

Note: we are republishing this story, which originally made the news in September 2015, in light of recent reports that suggest more and more students are experiencing bullying from teachers amid the challenges of the pandemic on student learning. 

7 year old Alyssa received her worksheet from the teacher, which had an angry note in red asking her to stop writing her name in cursive instead of print.

According to a Facebook post with a picture of the worksheet, the teacher simply wrote: “Stop writing your name in cursive. You have had several warnings.”

While it understandable that a teacher’s directions need to be followed, it hardly seems reasonable for a teacher to discourage young Alyssa from practicing the art of cursive. Her hard work needs to be praised rather than being met with an angry note.

Teaching children to write in cursive may not really be a priority in all schools, but it an art that needs to be fostered in the children who have taken it upon themselves to learn. Cursive requires focus, concentration and lots of practice to master, which means that Alyssa needs praise, not being shamed or made to stop.

It’s important that teachers and adults urge children to delve into new things. When children look for new chances to learn, the adults in their life become their source support and reassurance to help them see that the skill is worth pursuing. Therefore, it’s vital that teachers take the time to foster the love of learning rather than discouraging it.