17 People Who Were Caught Flat-Footed by These Hilarious Plot Twists

The most ordinary day can hit you with a curveball out of the blue, whether it’s a pleasant surprise or a kick in the pants. These moments are too wild not to share, and that’s exactly what

The most ordinary day can hit you with a curveball out of the blue, whether it’s a pleasant surprise or a kick in the pants. These moments are too wild not to share, and that’s exactly what the people of this article did, spilling the beans online for all to enjoy.

1. “I found this today. I need an explanation.”

2. “My ear was bugging me...”

3. “I bought another smart car — I can park them both in the same space.”

4. “I dug up an iPad in my yard.”

5. “My car got ’cheesed’ Friday night.”

6. “Left the lid off my deodorant.”

7. “An environmentally friendly cup with a built-in lid”

8. “The mother of all McDonald’s pickles has been found.”

9. “They called it soup.”

10. “My loaded breakfast cost $5.85 (149.000 VND) in Da Nang, Vietnam.”

11. “My friend’s cat got shaved at the vet.”

12. “This restaurant called ’Thai Food Near Me’.”

13. “My professor and I accidentally wore inverted outfits.”

14. “A blue jay before its wings kicked in”

15. “My local Pizza Hut hasn’t changed since the ’80s.”

16. “Wasps made a nest on my wasp spray bottle.”

17. “This frog (toad) jumped in my campfire and got carbonized overnight.”

Before you head out, take a look at another interesting article we’ve got. It’s all about 10 cool riddles that’ll make you think. Enjoy some brain-teasers before you go — you might find a new favorite puzzle.