She’s had visions of heaven since age 4 and paints exactly what she sees, the paintings are unreal

Akiane Kramarik was only four years old when she began drawing depictions of paradise and Jesus. She paints what she sees. But what makes this such an unbelievable story is that her mother’s religio

Akiane Kramarik was only four years old when she began drawing depictions of paradise and Jesus. She paints what she sees. But what makes this such an unbelievable story is that her mother’s religious beliefs are that God does not exist. The notion of God was never discussed in their home.


Soon Akiane’s mother couldn’t deny what was in front of her and began to have faith in Jesus. When you see Akiane’s paintings you’ll know why her mom is now a believer.


She’s regarded as one of the top 20 living artists in the world. Just wait to see her artwork!

“Wow. This chick is incredible. “What a God-given talent she shares with the world.” Source: YouTube/Only Human.

Watch this talented girl in the video below and share it with your friends and family!